Welcome to the new website
Published by Brian on Monday 22nd June 2020
History World has had a much needed and long overdue rewrite.
I've got lots of time on my hands at the moment due to lockdown so am spending it updating all my personal websites, hope you like the changes.
The website is now responsive which basically means it will now work on phones and tablets as well as on desktops.
I've also added an SSL (padlock) so your connection to History World is secure.
Check back regularly as I will be updating it far more often than I used to.

To help with hosting fees. I'm out of pocket each month to keep my sites running, so a little help is welcome.
I only happened upon your website yesterday and I was consumed with nostalgia. I used to stand in awe when i was a kid looking at the window displays of Watson Prickard's in Liverpool. A shop that sold top quality clothes at affordable prices; ditto Dunn @ Co. Not like now, where you have to spend ridiculous amounts of money just for some tacky 'designer' label. My question is: Are some of these old photo's available as posters? They would look great in framed in the lobby or kitchen of your house. I know you can get framed photo's of old railway stations and so forth, but I have never seen photo's of long gone shops such as these.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately, I don't have high enough quality scans available to produce posters. I only have what you see on the site but feel free to download/copy any of these.
Are you making teddy boy shoes again and if so where can I buy them
Brian, I don't know who is hosting your excellent site these days, but every time I log on I get notices about expired or invalid Certificates, coupled with warnings about bad people wanting to steal my data.
Hi Fiona, Thanks for the message.
I did change certificate provider several weeks ago an all appears well. It could be your browser caching the old certificate which is no longer valid. Have you tried a different browser or clearing cache?
Thank you for such a brilliant website , especially the advert museum. Ideal for some research that I am doing
Hi Brian I did try and contact you last year but not sure you received the message? I have two items of furniture from J Hesketh and Sons in Burnley and would love to be able to get more information about them and to identify them with a view to selling potentially - do you have any idea where I could begin? One is an old nursing chair and the other is a study desk in Walnut, or burr wood I believe. Many thanks in advance for your help!
One upon a time there was great guy called Brian who made a wonderful site where people could happily reminisce about their childhoods..... and see with fondness old pics and artefacts they may have not seen for years. Now, certain categories/boards have evolved into a huge MOAN fest for the (increasing) no. of woke people who want to sound off...... about things that may or may not have happened, but YEARS AGO! Why get worked up if things no longer happen?! Just be thankful and move on, people! Arguing. Name calling. Griping abut history that no-one can change. Zzzzz. I feel sorry for Brian. I really do!
Hello Brian.
I have a question.Do you have any information on a product from the 1960s,a toothbrush issued by Gibbs,which contained a 22ct gold plated charm.I am unable to find out anything about this,but wondered if you had ever come across an advert for it.Thank you very much .
Hi Guy,
Sorry, searched high and low and can't find any old ad with 'gold' or 'charm' associated.
Found old ads for a bone handled toothbrush and a pyramid brush but these were from the 1920s.
Hi I ave a display cabinet by JH Hesketh , is it worth keeping please
I've just found, at the back of a cupboard, a Berry's Warm Welcome box with a socket in it and a substantial lead with plug from it. On the back is marked 15 amps, 230/250 volts, AC only, 50~. Do you have any idea what it is and would it be of interest to anyone do you think? It looks as if it would hang on to a wall.
It's a long way back in the furthest recesses of my grey cells, but I think Berry's used to make electric heaters