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Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
Childhood - Schools
The wonders of nature are probed during a lesson in flower-dissecting, under the guiding eye of Mr. Eric Pearson (Biology master).
Views: 29,845 Year: 1959 6 Comments
Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
Childhood - Schools
Led by Stuart Bennett (Captain), right, the cross-country team returns from a practice run around the nearby country-side.
Views: 499,793 Year: 1959 1487 Comments
Burnley Grammar School
Childhood - Schools
Engineers of tomorrow, under the eye of Mr. J. H. Morton (Metal Work instructor), use a micrometer on a lathe. From left, David Riley, David Yanik and Colin Chapman.
Views: 33,238 Year: 1959 13 Comments
Burnley Grammar School
Childhood - Schools
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Views: 1,716,623 Year: 1959 7347 Comments
Early Motoring
Childhood - Playing Out
A young David Pilkington test drives an old Austin.
Views: 17,338 Year: 1958 4 Comments
Using a Safety Harness
Transport - Road
Driver and passengers fitted with safety harness. Such harness can often protect a car's occupants from what would otherwise have been a fatal accident.
Views: 16,191 Year: 1958
Not everyone wants to watch...
Childhood - Playing Out
...jumping, even at a horse show. While the rest of the crowd were wasting their time applauding the entrants this youngster found much more important work filling all the empty mineral bottles and tea containers he could find.
Views: 16,676 Year: 1958 1 Comment
Car crash, Manchester
Transport - Road
Strangely enough, although five were injured, no one was killed in this 1957 pile-up which took place on Princess Parkway, Northenden, Manchester.
Views: 18,902 Year: 1958
Fulwood County Secondary School
Childhood - Schools
Instruction from the expert, Miss Hilary Peet, physical education mistress, who plays netball for Lancashire and who is also a member of the County swimming team.
Views: 133,063 Year: 1958 276 Comments
Fleetwood Grammar School
Childhood - Schools
In the bright and cheery domestic science room, the girls are taught the art of cooking and other kitchen "chores" by Miss P. Green (third from right).
Views: 28,150 Year: 1958 7 Comments
Railway Street, Brierfield, 1957
Streets, Buildings etc - Streets
Once a bustling thoroughfare packed with shoppers. Nowadays the traders find it tough going, but they feel the corner has been turned.
Views: 19,630 Year: 1957 2 Comments
Manchester Ship Canal
Transport - Canals
A view of No. 9 Dock, looking towards the city centre. The large building at the head of this dock is No. 2 Grain Elevator, which has a storage capacity of 40,000 tons. The dock is equipped with the most up-to-date cargo-handling facilities in the country.
Views: 20,666 Year: 1957 1 Comment
Manchester Ship Canal
Transport - Canals
The pride of the Manchester Ship Canal Co - the Queen Elizabeth II Dock, the largest oil dock in Britain. Opened by the Queen in January, 1954, it covers an area of nineteen acres, and is both longer and wider than Trafalgar Square.
Views: 16,323 Year: 1957 1 Comment
Women's Cricket
Sport - Cricket
No wonder they were smiling. This was the Bolton team after they had crushed a Preston women's eleven by a fine display of all-round cricket.
Views: 16,476 Year: 1956
Women's Cricket
Sport - Cricket
The Preston team had spent a busy time in the field as Bolton's opening pair rattled up a stand of eighty-six. But a cup of tea worked wonders and cheered them up.
Views: 13,701 Year: 1956
Women's Cricket
Sport - Cricket
Ninety-seven for five - and Bolton declare. Dorothy Pilling, who also plays for the county eleven, and Doreen Howarth return to the pavilion with the Preston fielders.
Views: 17,524 Year: 1956 3 Comments
'Grandmother Lancashire'
House & Home - Chores
Grandmother Eliza Ridgeway, 92 years old from the Bacup area, cleaning a rug in shawl and pinny.
Views: 18,991 Year: 1956 5 Comments
Test Match Victories
Childhood - Playing Out
Test Match Victories may be won on the 'playing fields' off the Caledonian Road in North London, but it would be better for the children if the stumps were set in green fields.
Views: 17,282 Year: 1954 4 Comments
Play Street
Childhood - Playing Out
Forbidding traffic to use the streets helps to save life and limb, but the provision of some forty play streets in London is no real solution to the problem.
Views: 18,370 Year: 1954 2 Comments
Childhood - Playing Out
Paving stones are a poor substitute for the green grass of real playing fields. Railings are useful for holding one end of the skipping rope, but passers-by interrupt the game.
Views: 17,956 Year: 1954
Orrell Blacksmith, 75 year old Sam Cadman
Work - Blacksmith
The last of the Orrell Blackmiths is seventy-five-year-old Sam Cadman, who is gamely carrying on the home industry in a small smithy behind his cottage in Church Street.
Views: 21,876 Year: 1954 1 Comment
Living Room
House & Home - Family Life
A typical living room of the early 1950s.
Views: 23,520 Year: 1951 6 Comments
The Quiet Game of 'Tig'
Childhood - Playing Out
"And O-U-T spells OUT". Counting-out rhymes are often relics of tribal mumbo-jumbo, magical rites like casting lots. Sometimes they imitate numerals of forgotten languages.
Views: 30,097 Year: 1950 1 Comment
'O Then She Was a Lady and This is the Way She Went...'
Childhood - Playing Out
The imitation game, performed by the rising talent of the play-streets. Half-a-dozen smashing impersonations of really smashing people, completed in as many minutes.
Views: 18,175 Year: 1950 1 Comment