Coopers Y-Front Underwear

Fashion & Clothing > Menswear


Coopers Y-Front Underwear
Coopers Y-Front Underwear
Year: 1950
Views: 13,463
Item #: 458
The underwear for a man! Ask by name in any good Man's Shop for Coopers Y-front, the scientifically designed Underwear with these exclusive features: Lastex-yarn waist...
Source: Punch. November 15, 1950.

Comment by: Roberto Monteiro da Silva on 21st August 2022 at 03:10

Very interesting; for years the model of underwear has been basically the same; very few variations! In the 1970s there was an attempt to modify it, bringing it closer to women's panties, but it seems that it didn't last long...very interesting!

Comment by: john kinsella on 22nd December 2012 at 15:09

I love the 1950s news papers about men in coopers yfronts and saying "Be twice the man in coopers yfronts" They must of been proud feeling very manly. I wish I could go back to the 50s and see all the manly type. good luck gents in coopers yfronts.

Comment by: john kinsella on 21st December 2012 at 13:54

I think coopers yfronts makes me feel twice the man like you have adverted on a vintage news paper with a man flying feeling manly in his coopers yfront trunks and vest.

Please tell me the names of mens shops in england that deal with mens cooper underwear and if there is any fan club about coopers. there is a yfront fan website in which I got the attention of coopers

Thank you for your consideration