Euthymol Toothpaste

Medicines & Health > Teeth, Toothpaste


Euthymol Toothpaste
Euthymol Toothpaste
Year: 1938
Views: 21,757
Item #: 60
A Good Feature! Good Teeth! Sound teeth are essential to good health and good health is essential to Beauty. Brush your teeth with Euthymol and you help to guard your health, for Euthymol keeps clean your mouth, teeth and gums. It is an antiseptic tooth paste that dentists have been recommending for over 40 years. Buy a large 1s. 3d. tube from your chemist or you can send for a 7-day free sample...
Source: Picture Post. November 12, 1938

Comment by: Arina on 10th February 2017 at 09:35


Comment by: John Elkins, Devon, UK on 28th December 2013 at 12:01

I have been using Euthymol for 30 years and my older sister before me. I am devastated that J J have taken it off the market in the UK. Why, Why, Why??

Comment by: Pamela Solanke on 20th November 2013 at 00:59

I have been using this tooth paste from 1983 to 2006 whilst I was residing in London and purchased this from Boots chemist. My Gums were 100% healthy, no bad breathe, never experienced tooth ache, not a single holes in my teeth, never had to visit the dentist because there was not reason too. My friends envied my teeth so I introduced them to Euthymol tooth paste. Since 2007 I moved to Scandinavia and could not find where to purchase Euthymol tooth paste therefore I used other brands of tooth paste my experience was in 2009 July I had to visit the dentist for the 1st time in my life due to holes in my tooth, I began to suffer from tooth ache for the 1st time in my life after I had to stop using Euthymol only because it was not sold in Scandinavia. I travelled to London to purchase Euthymol from Boots as I usually did but to my surprise its not on any of the shelves at any Boots Chemist.

So I rang USA NJ Johnson & Johnson Main Office, today 19th Nov 2013 to enquire why they have discontinued the best Tooth Paste in the world Euthymol. I have used Euthymol for 23 years & both my teeth & gums were 100% healthy, over 7 Years I have switched to other Brands of Tooth past this has caused me to have Tooth Ache, Holes in my Teeth, Gum disease, visit the dentist and remove my tooth.

I guarantee anyone that uses this tooth paste from age 10 for the rest of your life, you will never have teeth or gum problems.

Johnson & Johnson should conduct a 10 year clinic trial of Euthymol Tooth Paste & Market this product with the Respect it Deserves, its an amazing Product, the best kept secret with regards to maintaining a healthy mouth for the rest of your life.

The Market Segment Euthymol Tooth Paste could take over, Customers with
1. Tooth Ache
2. Sensitive Teeth
3. Bad Gums
3. Holes in Tooth
4. Bad Breathe
5. Discerning requirements with regards to Teeth
6. Use Euthymol Tooth Paste from Age 10, as a preventive
measure against developing any problems with the teeth.
7. Smokers

Johnson & Johnson Please bring this Product back to the market and market Euthymol the same way you have marketed Listerin world wide.

I am a long term consumer of this Product 23 years so I am aware of the benefits from a Users Perspective. Until I can purchase this product I will not keep silent, I will fight for the Product, why would You deny Us the consumers this Product.

Why has J&J not made greater publicity of this product. Leave the Product 100% as it was, no packaging change, just market with the publicity it deserves world-wide, its a winner. Search for other consumers like myself on the internet whom will free of charge give our input based on our long term experience of using this product.

Please Help Us Consumers of Euthymol!!!