Supper in a Hot Pie and Stewed Eel Saloon

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Supper in a Hot Pie and Stewed Eel Saloon
Supper in a Hot Pie and Stewed Eel Saloon
Year: 1938
Views: 14,384
Item #: 143
Distinguishing feature of the Lambeth Walk are the eel and pie saloons, where you can get hot soup, hot pies and parsley sauce, or stewed eels and mashed at a penny, twopence or threepence. Often the whole family is taken.
Source: Picture Post. December 31, 1938

Comment by: P J Baron on 29th April 2019 at 19:10

Strangely it reminds me of the chicken and Shweps eatery in Sofia

Comment by: Alan on 6th February 2017 at 18:08

Sadly those days seem long gone, pie, mash and liquor (parsley sauce for the un-initiated) or stewed or jellied ells was my favourite lunch instead of school dinners during the 1940's. All from a tiny Pie & Ell shop down Rathbone lane, Canning town, East London.