Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,515,641
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Julian E on 16th February 2020 at 19:59

Hi Mads, if l have the name right! You can get running shorts without inline - my boys (grandsons to be precise) like Gore - they're expensive though but damned good

Comment by: Paul on 16th February 2020 at 15:05

William - the morning routine was out of bed and straight into the (cold) showers. There was no time to think of putting anything on. There were showers off each dormitory along with wash basins and toilets shared with the dormitory next door so twenty four lads needing to get through the morning routine. There were no partitions, even on the toilets so no room to be shy or bothered about being naked.

Comment by: Graham on 16th February 2020 at 14:58

Rising bell at 7:30 am, get up, wash/shower, dress.
Breakfast at 8.00 am.
Make beds, tidy dormitory rooms etc.
Classes start 09:00 am.

Comment by: Julian on 16th February 2020 at 11:20

We went to the bathroom usually with undies on although some boys just took their towels with them. To be honest no one ever gave it much thought. What was your experience?

Comment by: William on 16th February 2020 at 10:46

Archie, Graham, Julian et al
So you slept in the nude at school. When you got up first thing in the morning did you put something on or not bother? What was your routine?

Comment by: Mr Dando on 15th February 2020 at 18:24

While we cannot change the past injustices of the 1970's and 1980's we should ensure that kids today are not exposed to the same abuses we were. This school still highlights the barbaric practice of forcing minors to PE in their underwear: http://thamesviewinfants.org/families/general-information/school-uniform/

Please inform school if your child has a verucca. He/she will need to wear plimsolls for all PE lessons, until the verucca has gone.

Children who forget their PE kit will be expected to do PE in pants and vest.

PE is part of the school curriculum and is important for your child’s healthy development; he/she will be expected to participate in all lessons.

During Year 2 swimming lessons, boys should wear trunks or shorts (which don’t go below the knee) and girls should wear one-piece swim suits (not bikinis).

Please stop bare foot pe and doing gymnastics in vest and pants!

Comment by: Frank C on 14th February 2020 at 14:52

Interesting about Dr. Kellogs theory. I will see my cornflakes in a whole new light!

Comment by: Paul on 13th February 2020 at 21:23

If you want shorts without a liner just buy rugby shorts! They are still made for real men ;-)

Comment by: Mads on 13th February 2020 at 14:10

James E, to answer your question - I don't like built-in liners in shorts. Now it is hard to find athletic shorts without a liner. When l was at school shorts didn't have lining. You just simply wore a jock. Life was so simple then.

Comment by: John on 12th February 2020 at 21:57

How did you feel when you were twelve and your Dad insisted that you start sleeping naked?.

Comment by: James on 12th February 2020 at 15:06

David H,I agree it was difficult forgetting about it once I had been circumcised and I didn't find it at all agreeable,but it it was something we had to get accustomed to.At school some boys found it intriguing as they had never seen a boy circumcised before.

Comment by: Archie on 12th February 2020 at 14:17

Fiona, my input to your survey! I went to what was essentially an independent day school, but there was a boarding house for folk who lived further away (only about 10-15% of pupils were full time boarders). Like many boys I did board for short periods, when exams were coming up or there was some other more social reason to do so - even just to get away from nagging parents for a few days! - so feel I can legitimately complete your survey.

1 - What was your usual sleepwear at home before you went away to boarding school? Pyjamas until around 12, then naked at my father's insistence.
2 - Was sleepwear specified for boarders, and if so, what? "Appropriate nightwear"
3 - What sleepwear was actually worn in your dormitory room? In my experience, all boys slept in the buff.
4 - Was this less than, the same as, or more than you were accustomed to wear at home? Same
5 - If the general sleepwear level in your dormitory room was less than that specified, what was the reason? They never defined "appropriate nightwear" and there was a sort of expectation that we'd sleep in the buff - I think it was seen as being more manly and grown up.
6 - If the general sleepwear level in your dormitory room differed from what you were accustomed to at home, was that a problem for you? I was expected to sleep nude at home too, so no.
7 - If you modified your sleepwear to conform with your dormitory mates, did you revert to your previous practice when you went home for holidays? If not, did your parents make any comments? Not applicable.
8 - Any other comments? After evening prep we had free time in the dorm common room and were expected to strip down to our briefs and socks before evening showers and bed.

Comment by: David H on 11th February 2020 at 00:25

Well say forgotten - dont forget it just get used to it and accept it

Comment by: Dave H on 10th February 2020 at 21:54

Josh H
I was 11 by brother 6, upset at time but healed fast and soon forgotten.

Comment by: Josh H on 10th February 2020 at 12:50

David H

How old were you when you were circumcised, and do you remember it being a traumatic experience?

Comment by: Paul on 10th February 2020 at 09:20

I buy unlined shorts but I always go commando - perhaps the memories of the slipper whacking my arse are still strong enough that I do trousers off, underpants off, shorts on on autopilot!

Comment by: David H on 10th February 2020 at 08:18

First I should apologise to the other David, as had not noted there was another one .. should have known, never worked at a place that did not have 4-5 David's !
My brother and I where circumcised at a doctors office in Aldershot, given injections to make us go to sleep.
Had to be about 40% roundheads at the grammar a lot more than I was aware of at my junior school, at least one fellow cavalier at junior school had joined the roundheads with me.
Once used to my new status I have to say never regretted it, and when it came time for my own son he was done soon after birth.
I remember my mother telling me the future king had had it done, little did she know some 70 years later he still would not be king !

Comment by: James E on 10th February 2020 at 07:06

Okay, does anyone actually like built-in liners in their shorts? Now it's almost impossible to find athletic shorts without a liner. I've never met a sewn-in mesh brief that was as comfortable or well-constructed. It's a pain to cut them out, and I dislike buying something brand-new and having to cut it out myself. But as said, l am circumcised and as Julian says the liner really hurts my penis. Circumcised lads are sensitive down there! So yeah the perfect solution for me is to cut out the liner and wear a jock.

Comment by: arby on 9th February 2020 at 20:02

Hi Dave
I totally agree. I too cut out the lining of shorts and wear a jockstrap. Still the best.

Comment by: Julian on 9th February 2020 at 19:56


Haha ... l do exactly the same, that is cut out the inline netting from shorts. Good to know I am not alone. I wonder if James and Chris G do the same ;)

Comment by: Dave on 9th February 2020 at 17:14

Hi, James,Chris and Julian, I am just the same as you as regards wearing a jockstrap for support over shorts with a liner. I would normally buy plain shorts but sometimes I have bought shorts with a lining because I liked the look of them and then carefully cut out the liner and worn my jock under them.

Comment by: Graham on 8th February 2020 at 20:19

Fiona - input to your survey.

Q1: During primary school years I progressed from full PJs, through topless in the summer, to year-round topless by the time I went away to school.

Q2: Pyjamas, 3 pairs

Q3: I joined an established dormitory group with seven other boys, all of whom had been wearing nothing at all to bed for at least a year.

Q4: Less than I had been accustomed to wear at home during the preceding years.

Q5: PJs were specified but the only enforced regulation was that for hygiene, we shouldn't go to bed in anything worn during the day. There was tacit acknowledgement throughout the school that this was best achieved by not wearing anything at all.

Q6: Not at all.

Q7: Mum and Dad were amused, but not surprised, when I went home for my first half-term break with three pairs of unworn PJs, but made no attempt to persuade me to mend my new-found ways.

Comment by: James E on 8th February 2020 at 07:47

Chris G, Julian, nice to meet like-minded guys! I hate those built inline shorts. The good old jockstrap, on the other hand, gives us men comfort, support and breathability. Best support going for physical activity. Don't understand why youngsters today wear all that heavy underarmour, and it must roast their privates something rotten!

Comment by: Chris G on 7th February 2020 at 22:17

Julian - I agree. I've never been a fan of shorts with built-in linings, principally due to the lack of support that they generally provide. Like you, I've always found a jockstrap much more practical underwear when wearing shorts.

Comment by: Julian on 7th February 2020 at 13:06

Often! lol but at least we have never had to worry about smegma!

Comment by: James on 7th February 2020 at 13:01

Mathew,I certainly would have preferred not to have been circumcised,I often wonder what it would be to be like other boys, who I considered to be more fortunate who were not circumcised.It was always considered to be the parents'decision,but I deeply regret that they made the decision to have me circumcised.

Comment by: Matthew on 7th February 2020 at 11:30

To Julian
I certainly wasn't "done" for religious reasons but whether it was for medical reasons or because it was "the thing to do", I don't know. But, have you never wondered how it would feel to have a foreskin?

Comment by: Julian on 6th February 2020 at 20:06

Why didn't you like be circumcised? The only irritating part for me was wearing shorts with in sewn support and the material always seemedto be nylon based fabric whivh hurt, but as l started wearing a jockstrap the problem was solved.

Comment by: James E on 6th February 2020 at 20:02

Julian, l remember the roundhead cavalier competition! I also was a roundhead and seem to remember that most roundheads were so because they were living overseas at the time of boarding. My parents lived in Rhodesia and l think all boys were automatically circumcised for health reasons. What about your circumstances?

Comment by: Chris G on 6th February 2020 at 18:48

Fiona - response to your survey:

1 - Nominally pyjamas, but increasingly topless in hot weather once I entered my teens.

2 - Pyjamas, three pairs.

3 - PJ bottoms only, by universal personal choice rather than school diktat, even in the depths of winter.

4 - Less.

5 - Back then (late 1950s), sleeping topless was becoming increasingly acceptable among teenage boys, and not just in hot weather. With dormitories maintained at a comfortable temperature, and a sympathetic boarding house-master, it was a no-brainer.

6 - N/A

7 - Mum knew I slept topless in hot weather, and although surprised to find me still topless when I came home for the Christmas holiday, was quite accepting of my choice.

8 - After a long summer of sleeping topless, I had gone to my new school not looking forward to wearing PJ tops again. Finding that topless sleeping was not just tolerated as an individual quirk, but accepted as mainstream practice, came as a great relief.