Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,515,259
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Frank C on 20th February 2019 at 09:54

Our P.E. Master was the first adult I saw with a tattoo when he removed his top joining in with gymnastic exercises.He was also ex military and always had his hair cropped short like a soldier.I think he was a good role model for the boys and was like Action Man come to life!

Comment by: John on 19th February 2019 at 14:50

Replying to Matthew, 17th February.

Yes, Our PE Teacher quite often stripped to the waist to take lessons, to demonstrate the muscle groups in the upper body, and would often join in any team games - if he was stripped to the waist he would join the "skins" team , and if he had his tracksuit top on, then he'd play for the "vests".

He was ex-army (PTI) and a former Police officer , so he was used to it , and a strict disciplinarian.

Comment by: Andy on 19th February 2019 at 07:29


How did boys react when they had got used to wearing a nice warm sweatshirt for cross country, then to be made to strip to the waist ?

Comment by: Angus on 18th February 2019 at 18:51

Andy and NickK, that's pretty much the way it was at my school (all boys) in the early 90s. First two years we wore the full PE kit as set out in the school handbook - vest or t-shirt, shorts, socks and trainers. In fact for cross country there was even the option of adding a sweatshirt! Well, it all changed the following year, when we did PE in sets rather than form groups. My set got a different teacher who was new to the school, so none of us lads knew what to expect. We soon discovered he was old-school and big on discipline. Our first PE lesson of the year was in the gym and straight away he made us strip to the waist and go barefoot. Initially vests (not T-shirts and certainly not sweatshirts!) were still permitted for cross country, as were socks and trainers. However, in the summer term, we had to take our vests off as well. This was the way it stayed right through until I did GCSEs and eventually I got used to it.

Comment by: Ross on 18th February 2019 at 17:29

Andy, I had two different teachers with different attitude towards footwear. In year 9 we had A more lenient teacher that didn't care what you had on your feet as lo g as they were white and clean. From year 10 onwards we had a stricter teacher that insisted on us being barefoot for all PE in or out.

Comment by: Jono on 18th February 2019 at 10:29

Our kit was supposed to be a vest, shorts, plimmies too. However we quickly discovered otherwise and were quickly told to strip off. If those lads in the photo had our teacher they'd start to sweat up early on in the session. Being at a mixed school it was a very common sight for girls to see lads stripped off and visibly sweating.

Comment by: Andy on 18th February 2019 at 07:19


Did you have the same situation with cross country - different teachers, different kit.

Did your classmates "worry" about stripping to only shorts having been used to full kit ?


Comment by: NickK on 17th February 2019 at 20:55

Andy. The PE teacher we had in first form insisted on shorts only in the gym even though socks, plimsolls and vest were on the kit list and bought by all our parents. A different PE teacher in second form expected us to wear the full kit. And when we had the same chap as in first form when we were in fifth form it was back to shorts only!

Comment by: John on 17th February 2019 at 17:40

Sometimes our male PE teachers did conduct lessons stripped to the waist.

Comment by: Matthew on 17th February 2019 at 09:06

I think Mr. Parry should have conducted his lessons stripped to the waist

Comment by: Andy on 17th February 2019 at 08:33

Did anyone have different kit rules depending on the PE teacher ?

So, were some more strict that others, and thus did different classes wear more kit for PE and cross country than others.

Comment by: Rob on 13th February 2019 at 17:41

NickK, The photo all looks very staged. Next time they had PE perhaps they would have been a lot more attentive to what Mr.Parry what was instructing them if they all had to sit on the floor as we did, in regular lines with our legs straight out in front and our arms resting behind us. In addition we would have felt the sweat running down. These boys don't look as if they have been worked as hard as we were.

Comment by: NickK on 11th February 2019 at 13:15

Rob. He does look happy enough doesn't he. Maybe nothing has happened yet as the photographer was expected and everyone needs to look happy and positive. Perhaps when the photographer left to visit other rooms in the school Mr Parry set about restoring normality and the lad was bent over that horse and given a good slippering. It would be interesting to see a picture of the next time that class had PE - I wonder if the shorts were all white!

Comment by: Rob on 11th February 2019 at 12:46

NickK, he looks happy enough and not crouched down like some of them; maybe he just got a detention.

Steve,I don't recall anyone at our state school being made to strip naked to be caned. At the end of our first PE lesson we were told to go back to the changing rooms and take our shorts off and get in the open communal showers. I stood and hesitated for a few seconds but seeing other boys already naked realised I had no option but to join them. As you say, Steve, that was how life was.

Comment by: Jamie R on 10th February 2019 at 11:07

"groans". @ Frank. I too wore those wired glasses at school and endured unending taunts such as "speccy four eyes" and sometimes much worse, so much so that I ditched them and I was 45 until I had another pair for reading only.

Comment by: Steve on 9th February 2019 at 09:27

Thanks for the comments - I'm just very shortsighted, but fine with glasses or contact lenses. If I had been made to take my glasses off for PE at school, everthing would have ben a blur !

At my school if we forget PE kit, we did it in just our pants - white y fronts for almost every boy - and got a detention (first time). If you forget kit again, it was still strip to briefs, but caned as well.

We were never made to strip naked, I'm sure no one was at state school, but if a teacher had told us to strip totally to be caned, there would immediately have been a line of naked boys all hands on heads, that was how life was.

Comment by: NickK on 9th February 2019 at 07:20

Rob. Well spotted that one of the boys sitting on the floor on the left is in black shorts. If these came out of the spare kit box I wonder if he is sitting on a rather sore bottom after a good slippering for not bring his kit.

Comment by: Frank C on 8th February 2019 at 18:20

Obviously the student with the NHS glasses wasn't afraid of making a spectacle of himself!

Comment by: Rob on 8th February 2019 at 16:43

Michael, when I was at school at the time of this photo, any boy who wore glasses had to take them off for safety when we did PE and put them on a table just inside the gym door until the end of the lesson. There is another boy on the left of the picture also wearing glasses and and next but one to him on his left a boy is wearing black shorts, Did he forget to bring his kit and did they come out of the spares box? You can't see whether or not he he has bare feet.
Steve, I remember the sort of glasses that you had to wear and I'm sorry that your eyesight was so bad. I hope that you have since been able to get help.

Comment by: Steve on 8th February 2019 at 10:10

I wore glasses at school, like the lad in the picture.

We wore simialr kit, but bare feet, thus all we were allowed was shorts - same applied to cross country, all year around.

It's true my glasses did slip sometimes, but they tended to have wire sides that went right around your ears, so were reasonably secure; anyway I couldn't see at all without them.

If you were lined up, waiting to be caned, hands on head, which we had to, you soon had other things on your mind other than glasses slipping, especially when you heard your surname and "6 strokes lad", get over the horse.

Comment by: Michael on 7th February 2019 at 11:21

In the header photo a boy wearing glasses can be seen at the back.

I hope he removed them before attempting activities such as the one shown.

He would have been well advised to do so, as back in the day, broken NHS glasses (sometimes unkindly referred to as 'clinic specs'), took quite some time to replace.

Any breakage could also have endangered his eyes and left pieces of broken glass on the floor; a hazard for bare feet.

Comment by: John on 5th February 2019 at 08:51

I think that the lads that got to swim naked at school were lucky. My cousin was made to swim naked at Senior School and enjoyed it and I know that I would have done too.

Comment by: Stuart on 4th February 2019 at 08:33

Paul et all re nude swim at prep school.

Our pool like others didnt relaly have a lot of room for spectators but at the annual swim gala some parnets usually mothers did attend, and i thik porbaby the most embarassing for the older boys was the diving competition as there was high and spring boards from which naked boys would perfrom, everythng on show.

At other tiems there were a few females members of staff who occasionally popped in and I always remember on saturday mornings when I was about 12 (year 8 today)our classwas the last one of the compulsory saturday mroning school.

The head was often showing rouund parents with their offspring who oftne included sisters of the boy who was a prospective pupil. No one batted an eyelid of th naked boys swimming (this was early - mid 1970s)

I remember specifically one instance when ofr soem reason I was standing out of thhe pool and this family of mum dad boy aged about 8 and a sister my age. The parnets wree talking to he Head and the chidlren walked further in and stood next to me and the girl said something like "youll be swimming nude" to her brother, a big grin on her face as she stared at me, he blushed. Im sure though once he started he got used to it.

Comment by: Jamie R on 22nd January 2019 at 12:41

Ben, How I agree with you, my 13 year old grandson comes to my house from school as its a 10 minute walk or so, until his dad picks him up after work, he is often in his football/rugby kit and thick in mud, I ask him why he doesn't shower after at school and he says he isn't bothered, I do suspect he is shy though about exposing his nude body in the showers to the other boys, and having my place near is a better alternative, though he does moan about having to clean out the shower after though.

Comment by: Ben on 21st January 2019 at 17:30

Jamie, you are right about the tracksuit bottoms. I can tell which days the kids in my neighbourhood have PE because I see them going to school in the morning and also coming back wearing tracksuit bottoms, so they don't even have to change at school for PE.
I think it is ridiculous making kids and teens wear tracksuit bottoms for PE, a far cry from when we were at school.
It is probably the result of our liberal 'diversity' society.

Comment by: Jamie R on 21st January 2019 at 10:47

Ben, We were supervised, the school had 3 PE teachers and 2 were accredited swimming instructors if my memory serves me right, doors were closed and locked so no-one else could get in, my son's old school had a swimming pool and they wore trunks and I remember telling them that I was nude at their age when doing swimming, I got rolled eyes and giggles in response.

So I guess the practice stopped maybe in the 70/80s as they were in junior/senior school early to mid 80s and their PE was done in tee shirt and shorts and now their children do it in tracksuit bottoms mainly, only shorts for football/rugby.

Comment by: Ben on 19th January 2019 at 12:24

Jamie, were you supervised by teachers during the swim lessons, or just a swim coach giving instructions?

I don't think this would happen today with boys taking swim classes in the nude in a public swimming bath, although this seems to have been not uncommon till the 60s.
I also presume that there are no schools left which mandate boys to be nude during swim classes even in schools that still have pools, or are there?

Comment by: Jamie R on 18th January 2019 at 21:42

Ben. It was a closed pool when we were there, like most municipal pools those days the windows were high up and the changing cubicles all around the pool in two tiers, where we stripped off. I was at that school until I was 15, then left to start work in 1963 and all that time the lessons were nude.

Comment by: Ben on 18th January 2019 at 06:42

Jamie R
Were your nude swimming classes at the local swimming baths reserved just for your classes or were there other people using the pool at the same time?

Also did you have to be naked for these swim classes throughout Secondary school or just in junior classes?

Comment by: Jamie R on 17th January 2019 at 18:46

Hi Guys, Reading the posts here about schooldays I thought I would weigh in with mine, I went to a village primary school never more than around 15 to 20 pupils mixed of course, PE was just basic in exercise, a run round the small playground and stretching and bending exercises and running on the spot type of stuff, we only had two teachers and both were women.

My dad was an estate manager, but when I was 11 he left the estate and got a job as a farm manager near Swindon, so we had to move, I went to an all boys C of E secondary school, now to me this was a culture shock from a small village school, I was an overweight boy, not obese but definitely had what my dad called a "tummy" this was pointed out at my first school medical not long after I started there, also having to queue up stripped to the waist waiting to be examined behind a curtained off area in the gym, scared me stiff.

We did PE Like some have said here dressed just in shorts and white plimsolls and showered after. The PE lesson was always the last of the day and I was given extra tuition on the advice of my parents to help me lose weight and instead of catching the bus to school I biked. Twice a month we were bussed to a local swimming baths and we had swimming lessons in the nude. Through all this at first I was mortified but soon got used to it and I think I really benefitted as a teenager with lots of confidence, I have encouraged my boys when they were young to not be ashamed of their bodies and they were always bare chested in the garden and around the house.