Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,515,030
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Gavin A on 5th November 2018 at 17:05

Why wouldn't you tell your parents about your wearing a jockstrap? Who washed your sports stuff?

Comment by: Andrea on 5th November 2018 at 11:06

I assume that it was the fact that you wore your jockstrap under your ordinary clothes that you didn't tell your parents? Presumably your mum knew you had one in the first place by the fact that it appeared in the washing basket?

Also, were either of your parents with you when you purchased it?

Comment by: James on 4th November 2018 at 19:49

In answer to ChrIS G, yes once our PE teacher had suggested that some of us would be ‘more comfortable’ if we wore jockstraps i got one. It was so comfortable and different that i would wear it for pe and games but also whenever i could, but i never told my parents.

Comment by: Andrea on 4th November 2018 at 13:44

In classrooms slippering was done over skirts, but in PE it was over gym knickers.
As it was an all girls school, we didn't have many male teachers. I can't recall any of them administering corporal punishment, but don't know whether that was because they weren't allowed to.

Comment by: TimH on 2nd November 2018 at 15:31

Likewise - Congratulations on reaching 2000 posts - and half a million views.
I'm not sure when I made my first post ... some years back, I know. This is always an interesting read ...

Comment by: Danny on 1st November 2018 at 11:17

1999 Posts!
So who is going to be the 2,000th poster?
Unless someone is waiting for his post to be approved I might be the one. :)

Andrea, how were you slippered or otherwise at secondary school, over skirt or some other way?
Were male teachers allowed to physically punish girls in your secondary school?

Comment by: Andrea on 30th October 2018 at 14:44

Yes we girls became adept at putting on our PE shorts before removing our skirts!
Mixed changing did start to become an issue for a few girls who started to wear bras rather than vests in our final year at primary. They were allowed to change separately in the toilets. Was this the same in your primary school, or did all your classmates remain in vests until the end of primary?
By the time my son was at primary, boys and girls changed in separate classrooms for the final two years.

Yes we had corporal punishment at secondary school too. Fortunately I was quite well behaved, so it only happened to me on a couple of occasions.

Comment by: Danny on 29th October 2018 at 22:25

Andrea, it was the same at our primary school, we all changed in class, both boys and girls, into PE shorts and T shirt under the supervision of our class teacher.
It was no big deal for any of us since this was the routine throughout primary school.
It was actually easier on the girls since they put their shorts on under their skirt before taking it off while we boys had to take our pants off to wear our PE shorts.

Slipperings and sometimes the ruler were also more or less common in class, depending on which teacher you had that year. But during PE the teachers would usually just smack your legs or thighs or shorts bottom with their hand for misbehaviour.
The older teachers usually used corporal punishment the most while the younger new ones rarely used it. I think they were already being taught in their teaching course to avoid physical punishment.
Except for the first year or two in Secondary it was subsequently banned. Were you also physically punished in secondary school?

Comment by: Andrea on 29th October 2018 at 14:53


When I was at secondary school in the early to mid 1970s, corporal punishment, was still reasonably commonplace. In PE it consisted of a plimsoll while wearing our PE kit (gym knickers and polo shirt).

At primary school we changed into pe kit (shorts or skirt and a T shirt) in class, but this meant stripping down to vest and pants before putting on our kit. Girls and boys did this in the same classroom; was this the case in your primary school?

Comment by: Andrea on 29th October 2018 at 14:47

Gavin A & Chis G,

I think there must have been a similar spike in sales at the sports shop near the school my Ex attended when their PE teacher advised them to buy a supporter at the start of their 3rd year.

I had to buy my son a supporter and 'box' when he started to play junior cricket for a local club. I suppose the sports shop was used to it as they had boys size boxes close by the till.

I guess the equivalent 'right of passage' for girls - getting our first bras- was more spread out throughout the year, although underwear buying generally formed part of our back to school shopping trip towards the end of the summer holidays.

Comment by: Danny on 29th October 2018 at 10:11

What about punishments during PE?
Were you slippered on your PE shorts or having to take them down?
Or was some other physical punishment given?
When I was in Primary school physical punishments were given by teachers in class, but by the time I got to Secondary school it was outlawed.
I assume that most posters here are talking about their school in the 60s and 70s at most which was a different time when physical punishment was normal in most schools.
I also read that some primary schools did PE in just underpants for both boys and girls. Was this the case at your school?
At our school we all changed into PE shorts and shirts in class.
Also I was not aware before reading about it on the internet that some schools required boys to be nude during swim classes. How common was this practice?

Comment by: Gavin A on 28th October 2018 at 18:03

We had a school clothes shop or rather outfitters that largely catered for all our clothing needs. I think the shop were rather amused when year after year 'first year senior' boys would troop in asking to buy their first jockstrap! Of course some boys' fathers looked after them. As I did with my own boys, in due course.

Comment by: Chris G on 28th October 2018 at 15:12

Andrea - forgot to mention that when I changed schools for 6th form, I was a boarder. There were no facilities for buying uniform items or sports equipmenet in-house, ad we were rather too far away from the nerest town for shopping to be practical, so everything had to be bought at home. I remember my Mum got me my first one at home and posted it to me.

Comment by: Andrea on 28th October 2018 at 11:46

Gavin A,
As it was a boarding school did they sell supporters at the school, or did you have to wait until the next holidays to purchase one?

Comment by: Frank C on 27th October 2018 at 21:13

Gavin/Andrea yes I think peer pressure and coming of age had a great influence on boys second year onwards particularly amongst the Rugby team.

Comment by: Gavin A on 26th October 2018 at 06:05

Most started to wear a jockstrap at the age of around 13 to 14 in my school. I would add that I was a boarder. I guess it was either older brother or possibly fathers that were the main influence for some, but for the rest like me it was peer pressure and wanting to follow the older boys in order to be seen as one and not left behind. Might even be put down to a 'coming of age' ritual!

Comment by: ChrIS G on 26th October 2018 at 00:37

Did any of you wear your jockstrap as underwear outside of PE? Towards the end of my time at school, my Dad had to work in Singapore for a couple of months, and he stocked up with several Litesome jocks for daily wear. When he got back, he didn't want them any more, so I started wearing them as regular underwear. Mum thought it a bit strange, but they were really quite comfortable.

Comment by: Bernard on 25th October 2018 at 21:17

Adrian, Stuart - like you I never heard anything about supporters at school - I didn't play cricket but I do remember hearing about "boxes" from those that did. I see that some people who wore jockstraps were very keen on them but I don't think any-one at my school ever suffered as a result of wearing nothing under their shorts, or nothing apart from their shorts for that matter.

Comment by: William on 25th October 2018 at 19:38

At a boys' grammar school in the '60s boxes were available for cricket but I never saw or heard of athletic supports. Up until the fifth form we wore shorts but no pants for gym, athletics, cross-country, rugby and hockey. We thought nothing of it because we knew no different.

Comment by: Arby on 25th October 2018 at 17:49

Frank and others

We were encouraged to wear a jockstrap supporter by PE staff from the age of about 16. Certainly by the time we got into the 6th Form most of us wore them for PE and sport. It made us feel very "manly". They were good to wear. It is a pity that they are no longer popular with young lads although sports briefs seem to have replaced them.

Comment by: Andrea on 25th October 2018 at 15:42

Gavin A,
If wearing a supporter wasn't mentioned by your PE teacher, then presumably the first boys in the class to wear them were influenced by older brothers or fathers?

Your comment about wanting one once your best friend had one reminds me of a few of my classmates wanting a bra when their friends had one!
How old were most of the boys when they started to wear supporters?

Comment by: Jeff on 24th October 2018 at 05:26

Frank/Adrian/Stuart, At our Sec.school in the 60s athletic supporters were never mentioned and don't know of anyone who wore them.
But we kept our underpants under our PE shorts so it would be different if they had to be taken off for PE as some mention here in their school.
We did not have cricket at our school either, only the occasional football game in the large school yard.

Comment by: Jeff on 24th October 2018 at 05:13

Paul, I assume that you were taken to the pool and supervised there by teachers. Were there ever female teachers or staff supervising the nude boys at the pool?

I recently read in a local paper of men complaining that they could not use the council pool changing and shower room during school lessons because there were female teachers supervising the boys in the male changing/shower room.
The school boys swam in suits but they were supervised by female teachers in the changing/shower room.
The teachers replied that they had strict instructions that they must not leave the boys out of their sight, including in the showers, for safety reasons.

Comment by: Gavin A on 24th October 2018 at 04:34

My experience too! Public school, late 60s early 70s. Boys in senior school not so much advised to wear a genital support but increasingly did so as they got older. I have to say that once my friend had one I wanted one as well. An almost 'becoming of age' ritual! Obviously we all wore a box for cricket but who wouldn't when batting!

Comment by: Stuart on 23rd October 2018 at 22:34

Adrian, I agree , never heard PE teachers make any mention of athletic supports growing up, but yes always wore a box when batting in cricket!

Comment by: Frank on 23rd October 2018 at 17:18


Strange! Just shows how schools can differ from each other despite our going to the same type of school and in the same time period.

Comment by: Adrian on 23rd October 2018 at 05:47

Frank - I don't remember anyone wearing a support; only so-called 'boxes' for cricket.

Comment by: Paul on 19th October 2018 at 06:22

Jeff, I don’t recall any lad feeling embarrassed from having to swim naked. We all had to do it and we just got on with it. In fact I feel that more boys were more ashamed about having to run around in bare feet!

This happened whoen I was about 12/13 and was at a pre set time which had already been arranged and we had exclusive use of the pool.

Comment by: Frank on 17th October 2018 at 21:17

Surely at the age of 16 you were allowed / if not encouraged to wear an athletic support! I went to public school in the 70s and we did.

Comment by: Adrian on 17th October 2018 at 11:14

I went to a public school in the 1970s. Our PE kit was white plimsols, white socks, white shorts, white T-shirts. No underwear for hygiene reasons. If you forgot any piece of kit, you had to do the lesson without it. I forgot my plimsols on one occasion when I was about 15 or 16 and therefore had to do the lesson barefoot (socks alone were not allowed because of the risk of slipping). I still remember how cold the gym floor was.

We also had shirts -v- skins in many lessons, including this one and I ended up a skin. At the end of the lesson we were sent for a run around the playing fields. It was actually very refreshing, but I recall the sixth form girls staring at me and felt self-conscious in front of them as the only one in our group wearing just one item of ccothing. Interestingly I still prefer to walk and run barefoot and shirtless to this day, and wonder if that experience had an influence on me.