Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,515,026
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Jeff on 16th October 2018 at 23:29

Paul, sounds interesting and unusual being taken to the local council pool to swim naked.
Did any of the boys find it embarrassing and who was there to watch you?

I presume that these were arranged times when no one else from the public was using the pool. At what ages were you made to do this and was it compulsary?

Comment by: Jason on 16th October 2018 at 22:24

Hi, Roy. Yes, maybe. But it happened a lot of years ago. Anyway you accepted it at the beginning of the school, so it was normal for us this kind of punishment. It was quite normal that someone broke the rules in some way and was punished. You were a target for 15 minutes and the teacher wasn’t there during the punishment. So, after taking off your shirt and being tied, you were alone with other 20 boys who did whatever they wanted. It means everything ahah, but we accepted it, it was like a challenge, sometimes our chest became red for punches but we showed that we could resist to this

Comment by: Roy on 16th October 2018 at 06:28

If what Jason describes happened today it would quite rightly be regarded as a form of child abuse and probably a criminal offence as well!

Comment by: Jason on 15th October 2018 at 22:59

Hi guys, just to talk about Pe punishment at school. I read a message of a boy who was tied to a bar and punched, and I suddenly remembered hat happened to me at school. I went to a military school where rules were very strict and punishment very tough. One time I forgot my kit and my teacher got so angry he decided to apply what he called “worst punishment”. It consisted in taking off shirt and in being placed with arms tied with a rope behind the head. At that point the other boys could do whatever they want on you for 10/15 minutes. In my case, the other boy tortured me, not only kicking and punching on my chest like I read in the other post, but they also put on my bare chest whatever they found, like dirty water, mud and dirt. At the end of the punishment I was very tired and dirty, and due to the fact they have also ripped my shirt, I stayed the entire day with my bare dirty chest. That’s military school

Comment by: Paul on 15th October 2018 at 14:35

Hello Tony, When we went swimming this like you was down the local council pool which was a 10 minute walk away from my school. Once a week all the boys from my year walked in a line down to the pool. I think it was Tuesday afternoon and the girls did the same on a Thursday.

For us it seemed quite normal to remove our clothes and swim naked. So all we really needed was a towel.

Comment by: Tony H on 13th October 2018 at 16:04

Paul, you refer to swimming naked at the local pool. Was it one class or age group at a time or a mix of age groups? At least when we went to our council pool we wore swimming trunks which in our era were the briefs type.

Comment by: Paul on 11th October 2018 at 05:55

Reading all these comments really did bring back memories for me. Our indoor kit was like so many white nylon shorts only with no underwear, shirts, socks or plimsolls despite the “official” PE kit listing white tee, ankle socks and plimsolls for indoor lessons we all learned in the first lesson that was obviously a misprint and we were all told to remove our shirts, underpants, socks and shoes. Some of us didn’t care and got on with it some of us grumbled but we knew if we didn’t do as we were told we’d get a size 12 plimsoll across our backside.
Anyone who forgot their shorts simply had to go without, yes that meant run around the sports hall naked which wasn’t a huge deal as we were all accustomed to swimming nude for our practice lessons at the local pool.

Outdoor PE during the summer pretty much mirrored the indoor kit shirtless, shorts and bare feet. Which was great if the sun was out!

Outdoor PE in winter saw us wearing a rugby shirt!!! With our white shorts and barefoot which wasn’t all that bad except was cold underfoot especially if we were sent out on a snowy field.

If you forgot your kit then it was underpants only but these couldn’t then be worn for the rest of the school day because of hygiene.

Comment by: Stuart on 9th October 2018 at 23:11

Hi John, yes bare chested was fine for indoors PE. The only one negative time i can recall was a fire alarm practice when we all had to assemble outside in the school playground and it wasnt a particularly nice day....cold brr.
It was also a good job that no boys that lesson had forgotten their kit a couple of the PE teachers made boys do it naked if they forgot - it was boys only school i should add.

Comment by: John on 7th October 2018 at 19:58

We also played the game you described and yes it did hurt slightly being barechested whilst being hit by a ball. Given the choice between being stripped to the waist or being made to wear vests or shirts I’d choose to do PE shirtless every time. After being in a hot classroom it was great to be able to get shirtless and put on a pair of shorts and pumps, it was a sensible rule for lads and I don’t understand why schools have made lads wear shirts for indoor PE.

Comment by: Stuart on 7th October 2018 at 08:36

TonyH yes th same at my prep school in Surrey and Grammar school in Hampshire, the plimsoll was definitely the weapon of choice by PE masters. That stung through thin shorts and nothing else. Any boy caught with pants on underneath was told to take them off there and then and before putting shorts back on the plimsoll was applied to the bare bottom. I can recall the sound it made as it echoed round the gym.
The worse thing about pe without shirts was the game where it started with one boy with a ball and all the others had to run around until hit and then joined his side, a different take on british bulldog. A ball thrown fast hitting bare skin hurt.

Comment by: Tony H on 5th October 2018 at 16:13

With regards to being caned on the backside in thin shorts and no pants would have been very painful. Our PE teacher was not quite so bad. He used a large Plimsoll. It was vary rarely used. Mainly it was used on lads who came out of the changing rooms still wearing pants.

However, there was one occasion when I saw the whole class waked with the slipper. I was on prefect duty in the corridor keeping another class in order and the PE teacher had left a class to sit in the Gym and were waiting for him to return. In his absence some of the class became very noisy. So on his return (irrespective of who had misbehaved and who had not) he lined up the whole class and made them bend over and touch their toes and he went along the line and gave every single lad a whack on the behind. An injustice for those who had not misbehaved, but in those days that was hard luck.

Comment by: John on 4th October 2018 at 08:48

Alan, I enjoyed doing PE shirtless and think that was a completely sensible rule for boys but I think that footwear should have been allowed especially outside. Lads could have ended up with pieces of glass or other sharp objects embedded in the soles of their feet whilst on cross country runs.

Comment by: Alan on 3rd October 2018 at 12:37

Hi John and Ross.
Yes, stripped to the waist, too.
As far as I can remember (it was a very, very, long time ago...)shoes just weren't mentioned in the kit list for PE and cross country, and when we asked about it we were told the rule was no footwear.

Comment by: John on 3rd October 2018 at 07:23

Steve, I don’t think that there was anything wrong with your PE kit rule, but it was completely wrong that the cane was used at all. That was an abusive environment.

Comment by: Steve on 2nd October 2018 at 13:40

I went to a English boys only grammar school in the 70's.

First PE lesson, and first cross country run, we all had to line up before we changed, and were told what kit was allowed. This was just shorts inside, plus plimsolls outside, always stripped to the waist.

We were also shown the cane, and told it would be used to "encourage" us in cross country - and it was. Boys who finished in the last 5 or so (from around 60 lads), got warned once, then if they finished in the same position again they were into the gym to be caned. 6 hard strokes, stripped to only a thin pair of shorts hurt !

Comment by: Ross on 30th September 2018 at 07:50


Interesting that you had a barefoot rule for all indoor and outdoor PE. How was this told to you? Was it written in the school handbook or was it just a PE teachers ruling?

I was in school in the 00s and we did indoor PE barefoot and went barefoot outside if we didn’t have our trainers.

Comment by: Andrea on 28th September 2018 at 17:18

My Ex told me that when their PE teacher talked to them about jockstraps in the early 1970s he advised them to ask for a 'litesome supporter' at the local sports shop.

Comment by: Sam C on 28th September 2018 at 06:22

Chris G and Gavin A, I really only think there were Litesome jockstraps in the 60s and 70s

Comment by: John on 27th September 2018 at 23:59

Hi Alan, as well as having to go barefooted, did you do PE stripped to the waist like the lads in the photo?

Comment by: Alan on 27th September 2018 at 11:31

Seeing the latest posts on this thread takes me back to my time at a mixed English Grammar School in the late 1960s and early 70s.
There was a no footwear rule for both indoor and outdoor PE, for boys and girls. This included all track and field events, and cross country. The only exceptions were for rugby and cricket.

Comment by: Nick on 25th September 2018 at 21:53

Hi Bernard, I’m my opinion, being bare chested could be also a way to save shirts ahah. I mean, for example when I had to fix the car, my chest was greasy but if I had had a short, I would have thrown it. I think that in all the situations where you can dirty your shirt, it is better to go without it. One time we went to an abandoned house to do softair, and in order to hide myself, I went inside a sewage tunnel which was terribly muddy and full of a dirty liquid. I had a new shirt which I had paid £ 90 so it was a pity to destroy it. I thought “ok nick, take it off” and so I did. I was barechested and my chest and abs became dirty due to liquid inside tunnel, but I managed to save my shirt. At the end i played for another hour with my dirty chest but personally I didn’t care ahah. Do you agree?

Comment by: Bernard on 24th September 2018 at 22:53

Nick - it sounds as though the only sensible option was to run home without a shirt. It might have been better if you had started the original run without it.
Running in the hailstorm wasn't too bad as it didn't last long - a wet shirt would have made it more miserable.
As others have pointed out being sent out on a cross country run shirtless in rain is very practical and more comfortable than with a shirt. Similarly, running barefoot was practical and sensible as the alternative would have been wearing plimsolls which would have got stuck in the mud and probably come off our feet.

Comment by: Richard on 23rd September 2018 at 22:15

Hi John, yes it is. Rules were very strict and if you misbehaved or forgot your PE kit, you would take off your shirt without caring about weather (it could be sunny, it could be cold, it could rain, snow or even hail, it doesn’t matter) . Then you went outside and waited to be tied to the bar. At that point you were punched at least for 5 minutes, but it depends on what you’ve done (one time a guy was punched for 30 minutes). It was the rule and you could only accept it. I admit that something I felt excited for being punched shirtless by girls of my class but I was scared when some strong guys punched me, because I cannot move so I could only toughen my abs.

Comment by: John on 23rd September 2018 at 14:17

Did you go to a boarding school?, I have heard of some unpleasant disciplinary regimes from guys who attended them. At my school the PE teacher made you do 50 press ups if you forgot your PE kit. The Head of PE kept a supply of old white shorts and old pumps, you were made to wear these for PE and it was too bad if they didn’t fit. So there was no way of getting out of PE if you forgot your kit. I’m glad that I didn’t go to your school mate.

Comment by: Richard on 23rd September 2018 at 11:36

Ho Roy, I’m talking about 40/50 years ago

Comment by: Roy on 23rd September 2018 at 07:31

I agree with Paul and it certainly would not happen today.

Comment by: Richard on 22nd September 2018 at 23:45

Hi Paul, the teacher wasn’t the problem, she only executed the orders of PE policy which was written by the headmaster. There are very strict rules for those who misbehave or forget pe kit (like me). Punishment is “gut punching” and there is written that teacher could apply this punishment according to his/her opinion. Sometimes it happens that guys are free, other times they are blocked by another guy or tied to a bar. It depends on the the teacher, but I can assure that teacher is only executing orders. Believe me, I cannot forget such an incredible experience. But I think I deserved it, I forgot the kit for the 5th time in a row. Do you or other guy have experienced shirtless gut punching ? Maybe at school?l

Comment by: Paul on 22nd September 2018 at 10:03

I very much doubt the veracity of Richard's "punishment". Such a teacher would have a very short career.

Comment by: Tom G on 22nd September 2018 at 07:43

Sam C, Chris G and Gavin A - I sure remember Litesome jockstraps but I think they've vanished now

Comment by: Richard on 21st September 2018 at 22:17

Ho guys, I want to talk with you about pe punishment. A lot of you talked about running shirtless in many weather conditions, but nobody has talked about what is called “gut punching” which was our punishment during PE. It consists in taking off our shirt and in receiving punches in abs by each member of our class. In order to make it more difficult, it often took place outside, even with rain! During my career at school I was punished several times for forgetting PE kit. Just to talk about one of this time, it was a rainy and cold day and I forgot PE shirt for the 5th time in a row. My teacher got angry and punished me with “gut punching”. I was obliged to go outside and to take off my shirt. Then my wrists were tied at a bar, so that I cannot escape. At that point, she went back to the gym and wait for 4/5 minutes before coming back with everyone of my class. It was very cold ant it was raining, but I cannot get warm because I was tied, so I was getting frozen. When they went back to me, the punishment could start. Everyone in my class started punching in my bare abs, firstly girls than boys. It was very difficult to resist due to weather condition but I cannot move so I could only wait and try to resist. After 10 minutes and hundreds of punch, punishment ended so that I could go back to the locker room. My abs were destroyed, they became red ahah but I managed not to scream. I think shirtless gut punching is worse than shirtless run, because you’re tied so you cannot move. It means that you feel very cold! Have you ever tried gut punching a school for a punishment or at home with your friends?