Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,514,783
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Frank Chroston on 2nd April 2018 at 09:55

re Washing.In 1973 I was always one to avoid mud and dirt generally.but was asked to swap my Rugby shirt with another boy in my year,this was just to even out teams!The boy was less diligent and returned it in right old mess! I explained what happened and was O.K. about it.Luckily Ariel had been invented by then! I thought my mother would freak out when she saw the muddy shirt.Can see the funny side of it years later.

Comment by: Andrea on 1st April 2018 at 16:36

Hi Claire,
I wouldn't have minded if he had, but the polo shirts they wore were quick to wash and dry. The rugby shirts he had for outdoor games in the winter were more of a challenge though!

Comment by: Claire on 1st April 2018 at 10:22

Hi Andrea, would you prefer your son to strip to the waist for PE if there was a choice. It would save a little on the washing!

Comment by: Amy on 1st April 2018 at 00:02

Hi Andrea and Pete

The girls go to a mixed sex state school. They do PE all through school in just underpants/knickers. My oldest is in year 5 and is used to doing her lessons wearing pants and no top and she’s comfortable with it. I’m perfectly happy with it too; at that age there's little difference between boys and girls and what there is is not significant enough to cause difficulty orncausenmenworey.

Comment by: Pete on 31st March 2018 at 11:27

Hi Amy, is it a girls only school and is it a private or public school?

I also don't see anything wrong in young kids doing PE topless. Maybe by year 5 or 6 would be different if it is mixed.

Comment by: John on 30th March 2018 at 20:54

Mike L, I agree with you totally the girls at my school were more than happy to see boys shirtless. Most boys myself included were quite happy to strip to the waist for indoor PE and some outdoor games. It was completely normal for us.

Comment by: MikeL on 30th March 2018 at 11:15

Claire, I attended a mixed school and never heard a single complaint about us being made to strip down for PE/Games. They enjoyed seeing us topless and the majority of boys preferred exercising like that too. Good to read girls views about something that was such a regular thing.

Comment by: Amy on 30th March 2018 at 00:34

Andrea, my girls go to a mixed primary and pe is done in mixed sex classes. The girls continue to do PE in just their pants into year six (as do the boys) and bralettes and crop tops etc are not allowed to be worn. I know some of the girls’ friends are already developing a little, but I think as long as they don’t have full breasts there’s no harm in them having to go topless for PE.

Comment by: Andrea on 29th March 2018 at 14:12

Amy, do you girls go to an all girls school, or mixed boys and girls?

Also, do you know whether the topless PE carries on into Year 6? I would imagine some of the girls would have started to 'develop' by then.

If I remember correctly from my sons final sports day at Primary School, about half the girls wear wearing some sort of bralette or crop top under their PE tops.

Comment by: Amy on 28th March 2018 at 09:51

Pete, you asked if there are any schools left who make both boys and girls do PE in just underpants? Well I don't think there are many, but my girls' school does just this. My twin girls are in year 5 (penultimate year) and they have t remove their outer clothes and vests for PE. I'm quite happy with this to be honest, as it makes my life simpler and also means the children maximise their time actually doing PE rather than changing into complicated and un-necessary PE kit. It was also what I did at primary and early senior school.

Comment by: Oliver on 25th March 2018 at 19:05

To answer Toby's question - yes, some boys were definitely singled out to do PE shirtless more often than others. There was one friend of mine who almost always seemed to be picked for skins, I have no idea why. But at some stage every boy had to strip down and I think we mostly just accepted that.

Comment by: Andrea on 25th March 2018 at 13:48

In reply to Pete, there was some discussion about this on Mumsnet a few years ago. One mum was concerned that when her daughter started school (at 4.5 years old), both boys and girls were expected to do PE in vest and pants. Views were mixed as to whether this was appropriate or not even at that age.

When I was at Primary School we wore T shirts and shorts or skirts for PE, but boys and girls all had to change in the same classroom. By the time my son went to Primary School, the girls and boys went to different areas to change from the age of about 8 onwards.

Comment by: Claire on 25th March 2018 at 12:23

Hi Alf, The boys at school were aged from 9 to 18 but PE lessons were always single sex. The gym had large windows to let the light in so we could see everything. The classrooms overlooked the yard and field so we could easily see them strip. We had those horrible aetex tops and black pe knickers.

Comment by: Alf on 25th March 2018 at 10:39

Claire, what ages are you talking about and was it mixed PE for both boys and girls?
What did the girls wear for PE?

I went to a boys only secondary and no one was made to take off their vests except for showers afterwards which were voluntary. Did you or the boys have compulsary showers after PE?

Comment by: Claire on 24th March 2018 at 23:03

I enjoyed seeing boys being made to remove their vests at the start and it was common to see them coming out of the gym glistening with sweat. I know I had my favourites who I'd love to see bare top and more often than not they were. Interesting thread.

Comment by: Toby on 24th March 2018 at 22:52

Oliver, did you find some were picked to strip more often than others did. I was nearly always picked to to remove my vest. I wonder if others found this to be the norm?

Comment by: Pete on 24th March 2018 at 22:35

Are there any schools left who make both boys and girls do PE in just underpants?
Although not at my school this seems to have been common in many primary schools up to age 11 or so.

Comment by: Frank Chroston on 24th March 2018 at 17:53

It was of interest to hear of the the local authorities enforcing shirtless P.E.lessons.I attended an independent school and it was more late sixties to mid seventies,so safety issue weren't at the top of the agenda then, we didn't even have goggles for chemistry experiments!Exe

Comment by: John on 24th March 2018 at 06:59

Many Local Educatiom Authorities in the UK had shirtless for boys PE policies in the 1970s and 80s, these were adopted to keep boys safe; in response to serious accidents that had been attributed to boys tops falling over their heads whilst using wall bars, vaults etc.

Comment by: TimH on 23rd March 2018 at 19:27

The changing of the clocks this weekend reminds me that one Outdoor Centre in the N of England apparently insisted on shorts for all outdoor activities (fell walking, camping etc.) during the period of BST.

Other points - there was an accident at one school some years back caused by loose clothing getting caught in equipment - the school immediately went to shirtless for boys.

Swimming in the nude - I think this was simply a hangover from olden times - no more - no less.

Andrea - I was told recently of a mixed swimming class in a Jnior school where some of the boys introduced frogs into the pool & girls changing areas.

Happy Days!

Comment by: Frank Chroston on 21st March 2018 at 13:25

John raised an important point about safety in the gym environment.Particularly with ropes and the wooden equipment.

Comment by: Michael on 19th March 2018 at 13:05

My school gym was almost always freezing cold and I hated going in there wearing only white PE shorts and vest. But, the PE teacher made us work so hard that soon we were actually thankful that the temperature was so low.

Due to his relentless demands for ever more effort, I used to get so hot that whenever I had the opportunity, I positioned myself under the chilly down draughts from the huge glass windows.

Although we all entered the gym wearing vests, these were soon voluntarily discarded. By the end of the lesson the wall bars were draped with them.

Comment by: Oliver on 18th March 2018 at 21:29

Maybe I should be grateful I didn't go to your school Toby! One cold muddy barechested jog around the field was enough for me...

Comment by: Toby on 18th March 2018 at 16:06

Oliver, that's something I'd never thought of. I wasn't mischievous but for some reason was always picked to strip down all the time. Laps of the field were always done without a top regardless of the weather. I got to know the field pretty well over the years.

Comment by: Oliver on 18th March 2018 at 10:30

Toby, that does sound illogical but I imagine it was partly a means of emphasising discipline. It was similar at my school where you'd put your vest on, along with the rest of your PE kit, knowing there was a fair chance you'd have to remove it within minutes. More often than not the class would be divided into skins vs vests in the gym. But the PE teachers often used shirtlessness as a punitive measure too - I experienced that once when I had to take my top off and run laps of the playing field. No reason for it, other than to make a boy feel small and emphasise who was in charge.

Comment by: Toby on 17th March 2018 at 20:42

JP1, Our gym was deliberately kept cold so we'd have to work hard. When we stripped down you really felt the cold on your bare top. It was no worse than when we did gym/games lessons outdoors though. The part I didn't get was why we went in the gym in vests just to strip off when the lesson started, it was the same outdoors.

Comment by: Peter B on 17th March 2018 at 16:02

JP1 when having to do pe in your underpants was it the era when lads wore briefs. At least there would be more support then if wearing the modern boxers

Comment by: JP1 on 17th March 2018 at 13:41

Oh I don't think there was anything wrong with it, most of the boys probably preferred it or didn't care if their shirts were off, just that I was quite self conscious to have my top half bare as I was very skinny and shy. And cold! The gym was very chilly. So I didn't especially enjoy having to be stripped the waist, especially if only half of the class had to.

Comment by: John on 16th March 2018 at 21:14

What was wrong with boys being stripped to the waist anyway?, it was much safer when using wall bars and vaults etc. Our school gym was heated in winter and we always got hot and sweaty, so it was better not having to wear a top.

Comment by: Frank Chroston on 16th March 2018 at 21:06

Your description of P.E. lessons is very vivid and atmospheric JP1! I tried a backward roll and ended up in A & E when I was thirteen!Ouch!