Burnley Grammar School

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Burnley Grammar School
Burnley Grammar School
Year: 1959
Views: 1,433,286
Item #: 1607
There's pleny of room in the modern-styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. R. Parry, the physical education instruction.
Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1959

Comment by: Paul G on 13th May 2024 at 22:38

Comment by: Stewart on 12th May 2024 at 22:37

Whilst I can quite easily understand bare chest for cross country running that took place with some here in various circumstances in their schooldays I find it less easy to understand the reasoning for barefoot cross country running, unless you were running around for 3 miles in circles around the gym floor.

What was the thinking for this exactly and when was it. What kind of ground were you running along here, just some soft grass or something similar?

Was it something boys readily accepted then? Running the cross country is hardly the same as doing PE in the school gym after all.

A lot of people talk on here about their bare chest shyness or anxiety from school if they had to do it that way but I remember one or two barefoot worriers too, one of my friends hated doing PE in his bare feet for some reason and I thought his feet looked pretty decent compared to some. I also knew a girl who told me she hated her feet, they were big and bony I think, or something like that.

It's funny, so often boys (and girls) worry about parts of their body, their chests or feet or whatever else and don't want to show these things off when they actually look perfectly nice and possibly better than most.

I also went to school with a chap who was very handsome but could never accept how nice he looked and was always looking for reassurance.

The wrong PE teacher saying the wrong thing in a throwaway line can crash someone's self esteem if they are already brittle when it comes to their self perception.

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Comment by: Sean on 13th May 2024 at 22:06

Alan, 13th May 2024.
It would be easier to say how many I took part in, and the answer was not many - only on rainy days when there were fewer people about. I could face them the rest of the time.

This comment of yours, you certainly threw a curve ball with that. So you were prepared to go running barechested school PE cross country in the wet weather rather than the better weather just because of fewer people likely to be out seeing you, and were most likely to truant a sunny day's run rather than a rainy day's. I can't help but chuckle a bit at that Alan. So he sent you out bare chested running in the rain then, as well as through the suburban shops. Fascinating take you have there I must say.

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Comment by: Alan on 13th May 2024 at 17:18

Comment by: Tony on 13th May 2024 at 14:31

Yes it was late to start. I suspect that the headmaster did not approve of the idea of the runs in the high street, which was why he would not allow them to take place in the autumn and winter months - he wasn't a bad old chap, but age and illness had led him to delegate many matters, but he was prepared to make exceptions if he had strong feelings on a subject (I remember he also refused to allow an English teachers class to see a schools TV programme - God knows what it was called - I don't remember what it was called, except it was a drama series about social problems, I don't know why, and it is too late to discover why now as he has been gone many years.

The shirtless runs only began when I was 13, so yes, I had a year to decide what I did (you'd be surprised the number of "dental appointments" I had on Wednesdays), when that stopped being feasible I just used to stay for registration and then bunk off. I'd just ride the buses till it was time to get home. It would be easier to say how many I took part in, and the answer was not many - only on rainy days when there were fewer people about. I could face them the rest of the time.

As I have said many times virtually all the boys were suspicious of Robert's proclivities and the older we got the more obvious we found therm. Some of the other lads also dropped out like I did and didn't attend. You might be right that he had the "legal" right to institute such . a grotesque lesson in public, but it begs the question, what "rights" does a homosexual paedophile have morally, when - had his behaviour become known to the police he would have lost his liberty (hopefully).

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Comment by: Tony on 13th May 2024 at 14:31

So you had plenty of time to mentally prepare for that then if it started later on. That seems quite unusual in itself to me. Normally schools start as they mean to go on don't they. Obviously you didn't truant every single time, how many such cross country's do you think you skipped off, and were you the only one who acted like this or did you notice other truants avoiding doing the shirtless cross country season quite regularly?

The thing about teachers such as the one you describe here is that he was actually doing nothing wrong at all was he, he was perfectly allowed to tell you to remove your shirts in his lesson at that time, even outdoors on the school cross country in full public view, do you acknowledge that basic fact even if you don't agree with it? Clearly you can get feelings and hunches about motive and may well be right, but so much of this type of thing was considered absolutely legit. It's the kind of thing pupils in school would be talking about isn't it, did your lot behind his back?

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Comment by: Stewart on 13th May 2024 at 07:50

Noticed an important typo on my post last night. The last line should say “shorts” not “shirts.”
The whole thing should read:
I’ve commented on this site a couple of years ago, but I’ll say it again now, as the debate’s picked up again.
At my Grammar school in the 1960s and 70s we not only had to be bare chested for PE and cross country, but we had to be barefoot, too.
Shirts and plimsolls were not allowed. All we could wear were shorts.

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Comment by: Alan on 13th May 2024 at 04:27

Comment by: Tony on 12th May 2024 at 22:32

Our twisted teacher didn't even start it till you were 14. Tony (he was more interested in older lads - he didn't even take much interest in your showers when you were 11/12). As I said I used to play truant during the shirtless running season - persistently, I might add. Sure, I got into trouble for it, but that was less degrading because at least the public couldn't see the punishment or gawp at it. Just imagine if there had been a "Barney" (remember him?) taking notes in the high street. I frankly didn't see why any of us should give our teacher or any other paedos a cheap thrill.

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Comment by: Andy Ellis on 12th May 2024 at 22:44

Why did no PE teachers that taught PE to bare chested classes infact do the teaching bare chested themselves?

I never saw a PE teacher without a shirt on in my secondary school from the age of 11 until I was 18. But from the age of 11 to 16 all boys took gym lessons bare chested in my school.

Or did some teachers actually do so? Is there anyone on here who can say they had a PE teacher who took their own PE lesson bare chested, if not regularly, at least a few times, any at all?

If not, why not? Any PE teacher like to come on here and state why they could not, or would not remove their own tops and go bare chested like they told their boys such as me to do.

At least we were allowed to keep vests on to run the school cross country! I think that would have been a step too far otherwise. I was at secondary school from 1975 until 1982.

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Comment by: Stewart on 12th May 2024 at 22:37

I’ve commented on this site a couple of years ago, but I’ll say it again now, as the debate’s picked up again.
At my Grammar school in the 1960s and 70s we not only had to be bare chested for PE and cross country, but we had to be barefoot, too.
Shirts and plimsolls were not allowed. All we could wear were shirts.

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Comment by: Tony on 12th May 2024 at 22:32

I'm just trying to imagine the look that must have been on your face Alan as you ran past Boots down town with your skinny white shirtless body on display and the looks back that you must have got from all those old dears coming out with their prescriptions and clocking you. It's a bit unfair to do that to you all. Was there any choice or none when older?

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Comment by: Alan on 12th May 2024 at 04:45

Comment by: Sean on 11th May 2024 at 17:23

Yes Sean - but only the older lads - the runs started when you got to 14 - younger lads didn't experience them. As I have said before, not only was he as bent as a nine bob note, he was quite sadistic as well, because it would have been just as easy to have used side roads (had such runs in that state of undress been really necessary, which, of course, they wasn't). He just enjoyed the humiliation and discomfort he caused. He would accompany us in his red Ford Fiesta, sometimes shouting out at anyone he thought was straggling. To give him credit, the headmaster would not allow these ridiculous runs between November and April, so I very frequently bunked off between May and October.

Comment by: Trina Moore on 10th May 2024 at 16:41

......"I should think overweight boys who were made to do PE without tops would see it as a big incentive to get properly into shape. Many of the boys in school were actually rather good looking and when we got to see them in the school gym sometimes without their tops on there were a couple of them that seemed to attract the attention of a lot of the girls. I won't lie here and I know it seems a sensitive subject but honesty is the best policy - I did enjoy looking at boys (you especially Owen Sweet!) in those school days and having the opportunity to look at so many at once without tops on. I think a lot of them looked nicer without tops than wearing the rather ugly school tee-shirts with diagonal stripes from the school supplier."

What can I say, Ms. Moore, except, for once I am glad I went to a single sex school if girls like yourself, regarded mixed P.E.lessons as a sort of dating agency or peep show.

We have few women on this site, but I wonder how you - and they - would feel if a male said what you have written about girls?. No doubt the cries of sexism would reach a crescendo.

While I admire your honesty, this post demonstrates yet again the double standards in state education. I hope the likes of Nathan Hind reads your post. I wonder if he would encourage your juvenile fantasies, or if he would do the decent thing, and allow boys to have the same degree of modesty and consideration shown to females. Over to you, Nathan.....

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Comment by: A on 11th May 2024 at 18:28

Trina, yours is one of the few insightful comments that specifies precisely what girls said to boys when they were shirtless in school.

Another recent comment described an incident wherein a girl told a boy his "nipples look weird." Was anything similar said to the boys in your school?

If not, could you elaborate if the girls teased the shirtless boys in any other ways?

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Comment by: Sean on 11th May 2024 at 17:23

Comment by: Alan on 11th May 2024 at 04:28
Yes - our sadistic bar steward often did on Wednesday afternoons, in a fairly busy high street, passing Boots, W.H. Smith and such to the local park. That explains why you would often find me playing truant on Wednesday afternoons. I might add I wasn't the only one.

Your PE teacher sent you and your group down past the shops like that on your cross country run with bare chests Alan? That sounds like quite a busy area with all those big names. Was there an alternative better route then?

We ran cross country in some nice areas fortunately. I wouldn't have fancied going down the shops to do it, either in a shirt or not, just based on poor location for doing so on hard pavements rather than soft ground.

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Comment by: Alan on 11th May 2024 at 04:28

Comment by: Neil on 10th May 2024 at 13:2

......"Has anyone here actually run through the middle of their main town or city area while shirtless on the cross country? I know we had the recent one in Dunstable but that wasn't actually someone who writes here that did it."

Yes - our sadistic bar steward often did on Wednesday afternoons, in a fairly busy high street, passing Boots, W.H. Smith and such to the local park. That explains why you would often find me playing truant on Wednesday afternoons. I might add I wasn't the only one.

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Comment by: Roger on 10th May 2024 at 20:56

I'm not sure why there's so much fuss about what seem quite reasonable rules for boys' PE. If the school policy is that boys wear white shorts and no top, that's up to them and you can either abide by the rules or send your son to a different school.
Yes, I'm sure many teenage boys are reluctant to bare their chests, whether it's because they're pale-skinned, lacking in muscle or overweight for that matter. But another way of looking at it is that there's less incentive for a boy to work harder at keeping his body in shape when he can just hide under a T shirt or vest.
In a situation where it's compulsory for every boy to take off his top, surely that can encourage them to put in more effort at building up biceps or a six-pack, or losing weight - and long-term that must boost both their fitness and self-confidence.
In any case, presumably the school also requires boys to be bare chested in swimming lessons, so why should it be so different when they're running around in the gym?
Just like it's good to get out in the fresh air, it's also good for boys to bare their chests once and the school gym is the best place to start and it shouldn't need a conference to discuss it.

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Comment by: Trina Moore on 10th May 2024 at 16:41

I've stumbled across this section this afternoon and been drawn into reading back ever more comments and feel I must now apologise to a boy I was in school with when we were thirteen years old in 1981. James Melly, or 'Melly Belly' as we used to call him on account of his sizable tummy that wobbled about in PE when he had to do it without his top to cover him up. We used to make a lot of fun at his expense and I dread to think what he must be thinking now if some of these comments on here are anything to go by. Sorry James if you read this, remember me Trina Moore if you see this. I haven't set eyes on him since leaving school in the 80s but stranger things have happened.

I should think overweight boys who were made to do PE without tops would see it as a big incentive to get properly into shape. Many of the boys in school were actually rather good looking and when we got to see them in the school gym sometimes without their tops on there were a couple of them that seemed to attract the attention of a lot of the girls. I won't lie here and I know it seems a sensitive subject but honesty is the best policy - I did enjoy looking at boys (you especially Owen Sweet!) in those school days and having the opportunity to look at so many at once without tops on. I think a lot of them looked nicer without tops than wearing the rather ugly school tee-shirts with diagonal stripes from the school supplier.

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Comment by: Neil on 10th May 2024 at 13:26

Comment by Dave Gander on 10th May 2024.

"Shirtless is fine by me in normal PE situations and I think teachers are fully entitled to demand it without pushback in those normal circumstances and in mostly all male surroundings but when it starts to stray into other things and around other people I do think we as young males were entitled to feel less enthusiastic about it. I don't mind removing my top in certain situations and exposing my upper body but within reason."

The general post was quite thoughtful and different I thought and this part is worth highlighting out of it. Because so many times people come on here and treat the issues as just black and white, either you like it or you don't without the nuances in between which you've set out.

I agree, it's okay to be bare chested in the school gym, which I did loads, but if my PE teacher had suddenly turned around and told us we were going running down the middle of our busy high street that would have been a different matter altogether. He didn't by the way. It mkaes me wonder how I would have actually reacted to that if it had happpened to me, because I didn't think too much about gym bare chests. I could probably have managed a school sports day alright I suppose with my mum watching me, but that never happened either. On reflection thinking back to those videos from a few weeks ago of such days in the school calendar I think it's best to leave it to the individual on such occasions. I may well have gone skins by choice anyway but others obviously found it less enjoyable even if they didn't mind shirtless in the gym.

Has anyone here actually run through the middle of their main town or city area while shirtless on the cross country? I know we had the recent one in Dunstable but that wasn't actually someone who writes here that did it.

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Comment by: Greg2 on 10th May 2024 at 08:37

Does anyone remember a selection process for any of the school teams?

I think it was around this time of the year as the weather was quite warm and the school’s winter teams’ sports were changing over to athletics in preparation for the end of year school annual event. But also at that time trials took place for my second year’s football team in readiness for the next school year and the start of the season.

I only joined this school towards the end of the second term of the starting year, so I hadn’t been there long, but an unusual games lesson had been scheduled in that would bring all the boys together in that year. Our two gym/games teachers were involved plus a couple of others who usually taught different subjects as there were so many of us. Our usual maths teacher was the school football team coach for some reason.

We were all divided into several groups. I was crazy about football around the age of 12 and had been captain of my previous junior school team. With the intake of secondary school bringing several junior schools together, I discovered that some of the boys from other junior schools remembered me, so I found myself placed in the team called, ‘Probables’ who played a team called, ‘Possibles’. We were given red or blue bibs to wear over our different coloured kits.

I do remember some of the other groups of kids removing their shirts for their team games, so that was an unusual moment I remember in my school where we did have a skins team. I wonder how those boys felt when this was sprung on them unexpectedly, as I don’t remember it ever happening before in my school as we always had coloured bibs to differentiate teams. On that occasion all the bibs must have been in use.

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Comment by: Alan on 10th May 2024 at 04:20

Just as an antidote to all the recent bare chested running: last evening, just before 6 p.m. As you will know, if you live in London, it was a very warm day, and it remained warm in the evening. Near the Royal Mail sorting office there is the "Five Star Boxing Club" and a group of lads, aged between 11/12 and 16/17 (at a rough guess) were doing their exercises, including running, out of doors on the green beside their club. Every one of them wore shorts and yellow and white polo shirts. They all seemed committed and serious about their activities.

I suppose all that tells you is that their trainers are not P.E. teachers!

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Comment by: Dave Gander on 10th May 2024 at 02:21

'PE and country dancing lessons were always mixed but we were only allowed to wear one item of clothing, thin cotton shorts for the boys' - Martin on 6th May 2024.

How I hated doing country dancing at middle school. Our class of boys did middle school PE by themselves while the girls went their separate ways with one of the ladies, leaving us with one of the male teachers. He made the boys strip to shorts and no more for PE lessons, which hardly raised an issue and quite rightly so.

But when we had to do country dancing this took place with our entire class as one, the boys with the girls and was taken by a female teacher who I almost thought of as elderly at the time but probably wasn't much past 40 in truth. She got all the boys in country dancing to do this without any shirts on too and that just didn't feel right to me, and what was worse was the only reason it happened was down to a stupid boy answering her question about how our boys PE teacher took us in PE with him and one over enthusiastic boy in our class piped up we didn't wear shirts and she thought it was a good idea then.

Shirtless is fine by me in normal PE situations and I think teachers are fully entitled to demand it without pushback in those normal circumstances and in mostly all male surroundings but when it starts to stray into other things and around other people I do think we as young males were entitled to feel less enthusiastic about it. I don't mind removing my top in certain situations and exposing my upper body but within reason.

I think if you are completely clammed up about showing your upper body as a male at any time at all, either as a boy in school or later on in adulthood then that's irrational and you should challenge yourself about that.

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Comment by: Greg2 on 9th May 2024 at 11:27

Comment by: Marcus on 7th May 2024 at 22:33
I was really only meaning my reaction to some of the fuss made on here about being shirtless. They were opinions I hadn’t really encountered before, even though I was a little bodily shy during most of my school years, which I managed to conceal. By the time I’d reached my 20s, I’d more or less sorted myself out in that regard, becoming more confident, but, had I realised some would feel really self-conscious to run in public that way, while others might interpret it as showing off, both those extremes might have been enough to put me off. I did choose to run along quieter areas, but also received the usual remarks from teenage girls etc. Another moment I remember was when I had to pause to negotiate a stile. Just at that moment an older friend turned up on the other side on his bike. We chatted briefly, then his leaving remark was that I was only running shirtless to attract girls, which was just a bit of fun I suppose, but different people do interpret your bare-skin running in different ways. My actual reasons were just to be cooler during the warmer weather; to absorb some vitamin D; and to maybe get a bit of colour on my usually pale skin.

I think I always looked okay, being naturally slim and well proportioned, though I was never ‘ripped’ or with a six-pack etc. The shorts were just the usual athletic track running shorts really, and as you’ll know, no one wore today’s USA import of shorts down to your knees back then, which would have been thought silly.

I hadn’t seen Craig’s link to the runner, so I’ve just watched that. It was interesting to hear this runner's comments, and I can imagine it being great running along with your dog. But what I often found was that when you run through quieter areas, they were often the routes chosen by dog walkers as well. Frequently I’d see them ahead with their dog off the lead. I think dogs interpret running towards them and their owners as a threat, so they'd often start barking, and sometime even a bit of snapping around your ankles, which you could really do without when you’ve already covered a few miles. That used to get on my nerves a bit in the quieter areas!

Comment by: Stephen on 7th May 2024 at 23:13 referencing, comment by: Allen Williams on 21st December 2022.
I just find it hard to believe that any young boy of primary school age would choose to jump around naked in a PE lesson with his mixed gendered classmates, while they were all wearing underwear. I just find it unlikely. Children like to be the same, they wouldn't choose to be humiliated.
With Martin’s 6th May 2024 at 22:31 comment, I’ve heard of this school’s swimming somewhere before. This doesn’t bother me really, as all the kids were treated equally, and as it seemed to start with single gendered naked swimming days for them both, if they were then offered this as a mixed session, I can imagine some probably taking it, just for the dare. I expect the numbers would then increase when they all chatted with one another. Also, with them already be used to it, with it then being offered with the opposite gender would have been thought even more permitted naughtiness, together with additional intrigue for all. I doubt I would have joined them at those ages though. I was a ‘pretty kid’ who was never really keen on the attention I sometimes got, and was never really a naturally extrovert type. So to then turn up naked at the first opportunity, and in front of all my boy and girl classmates, and teachers too; I doubt there'd be any chance of that...I always hated swimming anyway.

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Comment by: Paul J on 8th May 2024 at 18:10

Samuel, how does it take three quarters of an hour to tell a group of boys how to wash their willy properly, goodness me. There's a case for a chat about general hygiene I suppose if you are new to the shower regime your new school has, fair enough to a point. That's the kind of thing you'd do in the shower or bath at home to yourself. The school showers are meant as a means to quickly rinse a bit of sweat off the general body and knock a bit of mud off that you might have collected outside. You wouldn't expect to see boys at school handling their tackle about too much would you. I could just imagine my own teacher right now telling us to stop playing with ourselves and hurry up. He didn't tell you to wash behind your ears, between your toes and use a nail brush too did he! I agree on the rogue teacher comment. Your parents are supposed to teach you how to wash properly and if you can't do that by the age of twelve then that's a bit poor.

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Comment by: Alan on 8th May 2024 at 15:49

Comment by: Samuel on 8th May 2024 at 05:33

That teacher sounds like an obvious perv - I wonder how he would have got his jollies had he worked in a Kosher school?, or if he had another strange fetish to occupy 45 minutes of his valuable time.

I can understand advice being given in passing, especially if there were lads from one parent families where the father was missing, but he really did take his fetish to the limit. I wonder not one boy went home and told their dad, if not their mum, about his bizarre "lesson".

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Comment by: Nigel on 8th May 2024 at 10:54

Further to the comment posted by Marcus, and the response to it by Alan here, I was one of those teenage schoolboys of the late 70s and just into the 80s who our teachers took out on the school cross country 'stripped down to the waist', a favourite turn of phrase I recall hearing a lot from those days. I've never heard anyone other than my old PE teachers use that term about getting shirtless.

The older boys did this, the third to fifth forms. Generally once a fortnight but could be weekly sometimes. I think we did somewhere in the region of 12 to 15 runs like this each year. Not in the winter although if you chose to you could, roughly speaking this went on from March to October, but we had later days than that if it was exceptionally mild. I can remember one of my teachers dithering one time over what we should do and standing outside deciding if we were running shirts or skins that day, while wearing his own trackie top. He popped back in and gave his answer - 'stripped to the waist', we duly obliged and out we went. It was very late in the year well past October I know that. But like the previous comment said, did he go stripped to the waist, like hell did he. So you had the 'spectacle', good word that, of the PE teacher testing the temperature in his trackie top and saying it was okay to run shirtless cross country as a 14 year old. These teachers, mostly fit, fairly young men, NEVER did what they told us to, you would never see them run the school cross country 'stripped to the waist'. One of life's great mysteries maybe.

As you state Marcus, and that's true in my case, these cross country runs in school make you think of pleasant jogging along lush green fields somewhere by yourself don't they. That was not entirely true. Yes, we found some decent running areas that's fair enough but we still had to reach them first and that meant pounding the streets first to get there. Whether anyone who saw us thought we were a 'spectacle' only they could answer, but we and other classes doing the PE cross country must have been a familiar sight to the locals. I never thought like that. A few of the seriously decent runners in school did take to this quite well, no denying it but the rest of us just sucked it up for what it was. There was no pint being a cry baby over it. I adapted quite well but then I had no option other than to do so. That was the way it was. End of.

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Comment by: Samuel on 8th May 2024 at 05:33

At secondary school in Wiltshire, with not a hint of embellishment, this sits long in the memory bank.

My most disturbing experience in secondary school (there were many) was also one of the first, the initial double-P.E. on a Friday morning, in my first week of Y7. This was in the late 1990s, and we were told to kit up for rugby. However the first 45 minutes turned out to be a lecture by the Head of PE on the importance of personal hygiene and how to shower properly. And very very specifically, how to wash ourselves beneath the foreskin. And then after a shortened PE session, we had to strip naked all at the same time with each other (28 young lads) and shower with him watching, and demonstrate that we had listened to the instruction, half heartedly peeling back our foreskins, which everyone I think had. (Yes, really!)

He left a couple of years later to coach a national hockey team, god knows what else he got up to in his career. It left me with a permanent fear of communal showering and I have difficulty using urinals in public loos which I put down to this and more.

I don't know whether some like him just went rogue or not or just did it for a laugh back in the staff room.

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Comment by: Alan on 8th May 2024 at 04:02

Comment by: Marcus on 7th May 2024 at 22:33

"....Some of the people on here I read going back fifty pages actually said they went out on shirtless cross country runs with school through the residential roads in quite public areas, so the schools felt no shame or sense of spectacle about making the teenage schoolboys do that a few years ago did they......"

I bet the teachers wouldn't have liked to do it themselves. Just another example of the truism that "those who can do - those can't teach"

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Comment by: Stephen on 7th May 2024 at 23:13

I was dubious about your post Martin but it appears to check out quite remarkably. But it reminded me of another a few months ago. Just leaving this here from what I found out to my surprise about the person who wrote it.

This person with these credentials;

Allen Williams
M.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, University of Oxford (Graduated 1974)

Appears to have been the same person who wrote this here;

Comment by: Allen Williams on 21st December 2022.

From 1960 to 1963 I was at a (mixed) state-maintained primary school in north-west Surrey. PE was done in the school hall. off which the classrooms led. The process was that the class would strip down to underpants/knickers in the classroom, then go to the hall for the lesson, then trot back and get dressed again. Some children came from very poor families, and, while the girls got underwear, boys did not, two boys in my class falling into this category. They had the choice of sitting out the lesson, or doing it in the nude, and they both chose the latter. So did boys whose underwear would not stay up during exercise without the support of the waistband of their shorts (including me). When I did get replacement pants, they were of the “string” variety, which concealed nothing, and were restrictive, so I stuck to not wearing anything. Some of the girls said they had the same problem, so went naked as well. I suspect it was more that they were more embarrassed to display their old-fashioned baggy knickers than what was underneath them. We also had swimming (at another school's pool). Neither of the two boys without pants had swimsuits either, and both wanted to swim, so they were permitted to do so in the nude. Boys who had not brought swimming costumes for any reason were given the same choice, and, then, of course, some of the girls claimed the same privilege. Effectively, either a boy or a girl had the same option to sit out a PE or swimming lesson or do it in the nude if they wanted to. At any lesson, about 20% to 30% of the participants were naked.

At my (boys) private secondary school in Croydon, from 1963 to 1970, the official PE kit was white cotton T-shirt, brief, but loose-fitting elasticated white cotton shorts, white cotton socks and white gym shoes, and absolutely nothing else. However, turning up wearing nothing but the shorts was acceptable. No kit meant you got punished. There came one occasion on which one boy did this, but he had borrowed the shorts, and the elastic was gone. Once he took away his hand holding them up, they fell down, so he took them off and did the rest of the lesson in the gym naked, without sustained objection from the teacher once the circumstances had been explained. Having established the precedent, boys who had forgotten their kit asked permission to do the lesson in the nude rather than get punished, and this was usually granted. Nobody objected or was offended by this. We all saw, and were seen by, each other naked most days anyway (in showers and changing rooms); we were in and out of changing rooms and showers six or seven times per week, so this sort of social nudity was entirely normal in any event. It was part of the curriculum almost. As far as swimming (in the school's own pool) was concerned, the rule was simple: “boys may swim in the nude, but if a costume is worn, it must be of the approved school pattern”. That is, the uniform trunks, of the right style, colour, size, and intact (not damaged or deficient in any way). It did not matter if it was your fault or not, if you did not comply with this when directed to go swimming, you had to swim in the nude. Swimming was compulsory, wearing a costume wasn't. Again, nobody objected or was offended. Embarrassed initially, yes. Anxious beforehand, yes. As the result of the rule, almost everybody did swim in the nude sometimes, often because the school arranged swimming at the last minute when some other thing was unexpectedly cancelled. They could always do this, because a boy could always go swimming: he could do it naked and did not need any kit. I got caught out like this when I was 12 and discovered that I thought I had hated swimming, but in fact it was wearing the costume that I hated: swimming in the nude felt wonderful! Everybody actually agreed with me. I know, I made a point of asking everybody subsequently whom I knew had done so, whether they preferred going naked or wearing trunks, Not one person expressed a preference for clothing, although they continued to use it, solely because a large majority did so. I continued to do so frequently, and, a year later, when I grew out of my costume, I decided this was a silly reason, and did not replace it.

As to how frequent the practice of nude swimming for boys was in other schools, there are two points: one, when we had our first swimming lesson at the school, half the boys turned up with trunks, the other half walked into the pool area naked. The nudists had all gone to private preparatory schools, at every one of which boys were obliged to swim in the nude. The other half had gone to state-maintained primary schools where either no swimming was done, or where the wearing of a suit was compulsory, or expected. Each half had simply done what they thought was normal. I conclude that at private “prep” schools, at least in the north-west Surrey area, boys always swam in the nude, at least to the 1960s. The second point is that, when visiting other private schools in London, Surrey, and Sussex, as part of our fencing team for away matches, I asked them about the policy there on swimming. Nowhere was it banned, and at some it was either compulsory or de rigueur. We were once shown to the side of a small training pool at Dulwich College and were told there were no showers, but we could use the pool to freshen up afterwards. On being told we obviously had no swimming costumes, the senior boy guiding us said “We never wear them, and I don't see why you should have to, either.”, and left us to it. We all used the pool in the nude. It was bloody cold, though. I conclude that, well into the 1970s, most boys-only private schools in the region either allowed or generally adopted nude swimming, too.

I don't think boys have evolved into different creatures in the past 50 years. I learned at school that social nudity is actually not an imposition, it is genuine, and entirely non-sexual fun, giving a feeling of freedom, confidence, and empowerment. That these days it is drummed into them that it is a terrible perversion, and they should be ashamed of revealing their naked bodies to anyone, is a monstrous disservice to them, and to the truth.

While I'm at it, don't call this a reversion to Victorian standards. They were certainly guilty of dual standards for boys and girls, but they never objected to boys being naked together, or, indeed, in public places where male nudity was known to occur. Ladies' modesty could be protected quite sufficiently by their not frequenting such places. No: the “New Prudery” is far, far, worse than that, and it ought to be stamped out vigorously.

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Comment by: Marcus on 7th May 2024 at 22:33

Greg2 said;
"I went through a jogging phase, starting in my early 20s. I actually ran without a shirt a few times during those younger years when it was particularly warm. I always looked younger than my years even though I would have been over 6 feet tall at the time, and would have been wearing those short adidas nylon (?) running shorts of the time, as I remember having two pairs, one white with blue trim; the other pair red with white. It makes me cringe a little thinking back how incredibly naive I still was when just out of my teens, as it didn’t enter my head that I might have been making a spectacle of myself."

Do you really think you were making a spectacle of yourself by running while shirtless in public Greg, or was it the style of the shorts of that time? If like I think you do, you meant the shirtless running then I'm surprised you would think of it as being a spectacle because that suggests you think running in your bare chest was making you look like a fool. I think that's a bit hard on yourself don't you. Presumably you were in reasonable shape and condition at the time as well. I wouldn't look on anyone at any age running shirtless in that way.

Wasn't it interesting in Craig's associated video of the bareskin runner on YT that even he was doing it in a very quiet location and seemed less than keen to be seen by too many people doing it, almost like there is a secret shame in wanting to run like that.

Some of the people on here I read going back fifty pages actually said they went out on shirtless cross country runs with school through the residential roads in quite public areas, so the schools felt no shame or sense of spectacle about making the teenage schoolboys do that a few years ago did they.

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Comment by: Tony on 7th May 2024 at 22:14

Comment by: Sean on 6th May 2024 at 16:01
Comment by: Colin Johnson on 6th May 2024 at 13:05
'On any given weekday in the 1970's or 1980's, a common timeframe for many posters on here, there would have been hundreds of thousands of schoolkids like me and many of you here going through this kind of thing at the same time each day and when you think about that it seems quite bizarre doesn't it.'

It conjures up quite the image when you put it like that. I see what you mean. Half ten in the morning, a few minutes to noon, about quarter past two and then half three would seem to be the times in the school day for this if you think about it. Most schools structured the day the same way and hours.

Your timings are impeccable.

On the school timetable I hated the period when I had to have a PE lesson begin mid morning and run up to lunchtime. The PE teacher would run the class quite close to midday, just about 11.50am or a few moments later than that which meant we felt rushed to get out and done and off to the canteen to choose our dinner before what we wanted had gone. Often we were late.

I know a lot of people might have liked end of the day PE but I didn't. Once again our PE teachers often ran the lesson right up to the clock, even worse than before lunch, often ending the PE lesson right on 3.40pm which was final buzzer for home. If in the school gym we could hear the buzzer easily enough, if outside we didn't at all. Sometimes the school day had actually ended five minutes ago and we were still out doing PE. The teacher would become quite annoyed if you tried to tell him when to end his lesson.

After the school buzzer had gone it was techncally our own time but the water went on and in the showers we had to go. This 'own time' was a common mention at the time only for us to be told not to get smart. Sometimes we left school at the end of the day 15 minutes late.

I've never quite known if we were smart and the teacher was wrong or what on that. If the buzzer had ended school for the day surely the teacher no longer had juristiction over us to do things, or did he because we were still on school premises. Probably the latter so we were not so smart after all. Any technicality to skip the showers was welcome. None worked though.

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Comment by: Neil on 7th May 2024 at 21:53

At first read I thought Martin was on a wind up but at closer inspection it's actually all quite true. If they all came out of a school like that with a healthy body image then I suppose it must have worked.

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Comment by: Martin on 6th May 2024 at 22:31

I was at Shears Green Primary School in Kent (southern UK) from 1979. Our school was a normal local primary school with just over 400 children from 7 to 11½ years old. PE and country dancing lessons were always mixed but we were only allowed to wear one item of clothing, thin cotton shorts for the boys and knickers for the girls, we ALL had to do the lessons barefoot and topless (even the girls!) although girls who had started to 'develop' could request permission to wear a t-shirt. However the school was MOST famous (infamous?) for it's dinnertime nude swimming lessons in the schools indoor pool, this went on from the late 1960's to the mid 1980's and was girls nude swimming on mondays, boys on fridays and MIXED on wednesdays, I seem to remember there was mixed nude swimming on saturday mornings as well. Normal swimming lessons were done in swimwear, these nude sessions were voluntary and you needed your parents to sign a permission slip, but astonishingly a very large number of kids took part, I always went to the boys nude swimming and MOST of the boys and girls in my class also went on wednesdays to the mixed nude sessions when the pool was crowded with naked 7 to 11 year olds! This would NEVER be allowed today, and frankly sound pretty unbelievable, but it DID happen and we didn't think anything of it and even more amazing was that most parents were quite happy to give us written permission to run around naked at school with other boys and girls! see these facebook or Friends Reunited links. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2232710443/ http://www.friendsreunited.com/shears-green-county-junior-school/Discuss/9b5c582f-4f9b-40f0-9be8-8695265ccc0c
Further to the above, I have found another facebook site dedicated to Shears Green Junior School, again there are many, many memories of the mixed nude swimming that many of us from 7 to 11½ took part in, most people comment (looking back as adults) that it was rather dodgy and a little bit 'strange' but I think this is looking at it from the perspective of 2024, at the time all of us who took part every week thoroughly enjoyed it. From memory I think we only needed our parents permission for the 'mixed' nude swimming on Wednesdays and Saturdays and judging by the numbers that used to take part, most parents were surprisingly unconcerned about the idea of naked boys and girls playing together at school! I'm pretty sure we didn't need our parents permission to swim nude when it was the 'just boys' or 'just girls' swimming lessons, and while it was never compulsory, everyone was strongly encouraged to take part in nude swimming. https://www.facebook.com/groups/445297598902917/
Shears Green Junior School in Kent is still going strong and STILL has the same indoor swimming pool! (I saw the photo, how many memories it brings back!) They have a very nice website for the school these days, however boys and girls doing swimming lessons completely naked and everyone doing PE and country dancing 'topless' with none of us (including the girls) allowed to wear anything except a single very thin pair of shorts, is unfortunately very much a thing of the past having died out in the late 1980's or the early 90's when Mr Hale retired as Headteacher! Bit sad really!

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