Dry Fly Sherry
Alcohol - Sherry
Dry Fly Sherry. A gracious welcome to your guests. 18/- bottle. 9/6 half-bottle. Also Magnums 36/-.
Views: 31,601 Year: 1959 13 Comments
Alcohol - Liqueurs
All over the world people say 'Drambuie' when they are asked what they would like to drink. Yet Drambuie was made in secret for over two hundred years and few people knew of it. Now everyone knows it and everyone enjoys it...
Views: 16,448 Year: 1959
Alcohol - Ales, Stouts etc
Do you know your Oysters..? It takes an expert to distinguish between different varieties of oyster. But there's nothing like a Guinness - as you will readily recognise - especially with shellfish of any kind...
Views: 13,133 Year: 1959
Burnett's White Satin Gin
Alcohol - Gin
If you like Gin you'll prefer Burnett's. There is a smooth-as-satin quality about 'White Satin' Gin that makes it distinctive and outstanding. People of taste have preferred it for over 200 years.
Views: 11,271 Year: 1959
Warrington Dry Gin
Alcohol - Gin
It takes time to make a masterpiece... it needs time to appreciate its delicate flavour. That is why a Warrington gin so amply repays the leisure brought to its enjoyment. Slow and unhurried distillation is the secret...
Views: 11,500 Year: 1959
Hawker's Gin
Alcohol - Gin
Hawker's "Pedlar" Sloe Gin - The heartwarming liqueur of Old England made only in Plymouth from a secret 16th Century recipe. 35/6 per bottle. 58/- in beautiful hand painted Spode China decanters...
Views: 11,705 Year: 1959 1 Comment
Grant's Cherry Brandy
Alcohol - Brandy
It's the Morella I like in Grant's. Welcome Always - Keep it Handy. Grant's Morella Cherry Brandy.
Views: 10,881 Year: 1958
Alcohol - Sherry
The sign of the cream of sherry. Bertola Cream, Bertola Milk and Bertola Seco...
Views: 11,199 Year: 1958
Alcohol - Whisky
For a warm-hearted Christmas get together with Haig ...the warm-hearted whisky. Don't be vague - Ask for Haig.
Views: 11,094 Year: 1958
Grant's Cherry Brandy
Alcohol - Brandy
Enchantment - Grant's Morella - Welcome Always - Keep it Handy. Grant's Morells Cherry Brandy.
Views: 10,405 Year: 1958
Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky
Alcohol - Whisky
The Chairman's Choice - Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky.
Views: 12,504 Year: 1958
Alcohol - Other
'The secret of my Martinis? Martini!' - 'Well it's obvious isn't it? Besides, I've noticed the adepts always use Martini Dry...
Views: 11,610 Year: 1958
Alcohol - Liqueurs
I don't take pills - I drink Bolskummel delightfully digestive for enjoyment and ease after dinner and of course after lunch. Bolskummel (extra dry) the kindest liqueur of all.
Views: 9,981 Year: 1958
Alcohol - Sherry
Bertola Cream and Bertola Milk. Smooth and Mellow Sherry - Bertola is the Cream of Sherry...
Views: 10,416 Year: 1958
Douro Wine Shops Ltd
Alcohol - Wine
Write for free booklet "Man and his Wine" - Douro Wine Shops Ltd, Walton-Le-Dale Winery, Preston.
Views: 10,027 Year: 1957
Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky
Alcohol - Whisky
To taste is to appreciate Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky.
Views: 11,944 Year: 1957
Henkell Trocken
Alcohol - Wine
Henkell Trocken - The finest sparkling Hock - Available from your usual wine merchants 23/6 per bottle.
Views: 13,308 Year: 1957
Imperial Bounty
Alcohol - Wine
Two's Company... Three's a Party! When one's a bottle of Imperial Bounty.
Views: 10,192 Year: 1956
Alcohol - Ales, Stouts etc
"More people drink Watney's than any other Brown Ale" - Have you tried it?
Views: 10,713 Year: 1956
Alcohol - Brandy
The famous l-o-n-g drink. Make friends with Martell Brandy with ginger ale or soda. Available in all popular sizes.
Views: 9,572 Year: 1955
Whiteway's Devon Cyder
Alcohol - Cider
Everyone's asking for Whiteway's - it's glorious Devon Cyder but it costs no more. Sparkling sweet or dry.
Views: 11,748 Year: 1954
Bulmer's Cider
Alcohol - Cider
Apples for health.. so Bulmer's for me - An apple a day is the first rule of good health. Bulmer's cider is made from the juice of ripe fresh apples; to drink it each day is a pleasant way of keeping fit...
Views: 11,512 Year: 1954 1 Comment
Alcohol - Wine
Tonight's the night for Rosayne - The exhilarating pink wine with the exciting champagne sparkle! Rosayne is pressed from Mediterranean grapes and its pink colour and sparkle come from them alone...
Views: 9,662 Year: 1954
Symons Devon Cyder
Alcohol - Cider
2 out of 3 preferred this cyder - This is Symons' Cyder, Devon Cyder. When a large number of men tasted it recently against other well-known cyders, 2 out of 3 said at once "That's the one for me"...
Views: 10,415 Year: 1954
VP Wine
Alcohol - Wine
Normal Service will be resumed as soon as possible - time for a glass of VP Wine. Why not have a bottle of VP Wine and some glasses alongside the T/V set, so that it is handy whenever there is a pause in the programme...
Views: 16,933 Year: 1954