Toys - Modelling
Build the real way - with real bricks and mortar. You can build houses, garages, railway stations, or from your own imagination. Buildings can be permanent, or dismantled by merely soaking in water and the bricks used again and again...
Views: 13,383 Year: 1958 2 Comments
Toys - Modelling
But don't let Dad have all the fun! Revell model kits are terrific... fun to build, exciting to own. Fighters, bombers, battleships, Old Time cars, modern cars, trucks and coaches - all exact in every detail. Lead your dad to the nearest Revell stockist. But watch him - these kits are for you!
Views: 10,744 Year: 1958
Toys - Boys
Tri-ang Minic Electric Cars 1/20th Scale. More than just toys, these true scale models are precision built replicas of actual cars, taken from official drawings...
Views: 10,887 Year: 1958
Toys - Modelling
"The train now arriving at Bayko-loo-" One of the many advantages of Bayko is that from the wide variety of parts available any type of building can be modelled to your own design, including railway and lineside buildings...
Views: 11,098 Year: 1958 4 Comments
Toys - Boys
Model steam engines and working models. The perfect miniature power plant to drive your Meccano models.
Views: 10,807 Year: 1958 1 Comment
Abbey-Corinthian Games Co.
Toys - Modelling
Model Lorry - Scale Foden. You can dismantle it - just like the real thing! Made up from 65 standardised parts - all replaceable...
Views: 12,407 Year: 1958
Toys - Boys
Sturdy boys want sturdy toys! that will stand up to boisterous handling and come through smiling. Mobo toys do just that: they're made from steel and strong as a lorry...
Views: 11,899 Year: 1957 1 Comment
Hornby Dublo
Toys - Boys
Realistic... reliable... The fine model of a B.R. Standard 2-6-4 Tank Locomotive is the latest Hornby-Dublo introduction. It reproduces all the essential details of the prototype, down to the Walschaerts valve gear...
Views: 10,378 Year: 1954
Mettoy Playthings
Toys - Girls
Constructional Dolls House Fully Furnished. Self opening garage and car. One of many Mettoy Playthings. This superbly designed six roomed house, furnished and complete to the last detail will bring constant joy and endless amusement to any child...
Views: 10,268 Year: 1954
Toys - Boys
Aye, Aye, Cap'n! They're fast - They're Tri-ang. Every old or young salt worthy of being sprayed by the ocean brine has one desire - to be captain of a fast sailing craft. That's just what Tri-ang yachts are - Fast...
Views: 9,066 Year: 1954
Dan Dare Walkie-Talkie
Toys - Girls & Boys
You can have super fun with this Dan Dare Walkie-Talkie. New! Wonderful! NO Batteries! Talk with your pals at long range! Magnetically powered and using no batteries, the Dan Dare Walkie-Talkie is a thrilling yet simple application of a scientific principle and is ready for immediate use...
Views: 9,997 Year: 1954 1 Comment
Hornby Trains
Toys - Boys
Develop Your Hornby Railway. How east it is to convert a Hornby Clockwork Train Set into a fascinating railway by the addition, from time to time, of items from the wide range of Hornby track, rolling stock, and accessories...
Views: 10,179 Year: 1954
Dinky Toys
Toys - Boys
Look! a racer - What a fine little model it is - a perfect miniature of the Cooper-Bristol racing car. There are many others as realistic and fascinating in the wide range of Dinky toys...
Views: 9,498 Year: 1953
Hornby Dublo
Toys - Boys
Table-top scale with wonderful detail - Hornby Dublo offers unrivalled value in scale-model railways. The engineering precision and solid metal which go into every part ensure long life and accurate operation...
Views: 8,942 Year: 1953
Toys - Girls
Free with this gorgeous Pedigree Doll NEW P&B Knitting Book. Enabling you to provide a beautifully dressed doll as a delightful Xmas gift for a remarkable low outlay... Tri-ang Dolls Prams...
Views: 9,279 Year: 1953
Spear's Games
Toys - Family
Here's fun for everyone with Spear's Games. Rail Race. Travel over Britain's railways with miniature engines on large stout map...
Views: 8,643 Year: 1953
Toys - Modelling
Oh boy Bayko! This is a special message to fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, Father Christmas, fairy godmothers, and anyone who wishes to give a boy (or girl) a real thrill this Christmas. Give him a Bayko Building Set...
Views: 10,619 Year: 1953 1 Comment
Toys - Girls & Boys
Give them a treat. Clockwork Telephone - Rings and looks just like a real telephone. Football Game - Attractive box contains the marked field, and two opposing sides of 11 men...
Views: 8,446 Year: 1953
Toy Hoover
Toys - Girls
Look Daddy - just like Mummy's! When this beautifully finished toy is pushed along, a realistic hum is heard, dust bag is inflated and a small brush is operated that actually sucks up light dust! 24in. high! No springs or motor to go wrong...
Views: 10,968 Year: 1953
Mettoy Playthings Typewriter
Toys - Girls & Boys
LOOK! A strong working model - Ideal for boys or girls. Prints large clear capital letters and figures. Automatic carriage movement, also spacing and carriage return. Ideal for typing letters, scout notes, Mother's shopping lists etc...
Views: 9,664 Year: 1953
Mettoy Playthings Racing Car
Toys - Boys
Here's a Fine Racing Car with sparking engine. A push - and it races away with sparks flying from the engine...
Views: 9,435 Year: 1953
Toys - Modelling
Give Minibrix. You're sure to please if you give Minibrix! These realistic all-rubber bricks, with their simple self-locking device enable boys and girls to construct a never-ending variety of splendid models...
Views: 8,990 Year: 1952 1 Comment
Toys - Boys
Subbuteo Table Soccer - The replica of Association Football. Here is a football game where victory or defeat depends upon the skill of the player instead of by the shake of a dice or by the turn of a card...
Views: 9,498 Year: 1952
Die Casting Machine Tools Ltd.
Toys - Boys
Guns of the Stars - For a Happy Xmas and an Adventurous New Year - Here are the guns used by Steve Larrabee, The Lone Star Rider and Ace Hart, Space Squadron Commander in "The Lone...
Views: 23,887 Year: 1952 3 Comments