Household - Poisons
The enemy is in your home now! There's no such thing as a friendly moth! Carpets, curtains, woollens, furs - even upholstery - are staple food for the grubs that mother moth spends her lifetime producing...
Views: 9,433 Year: 1957
Household - Poisons
Rentokil Timber Fluid kills Woodworm. Rentokil Timber Fluid kills beetle, egg and grub and successfully prevents all future attack. Use the proven insecticide and be free of woodworm.
Views: 8,518 Year: 1954
Household - Poisons
Moths eat holes in family budgets! Moths ruin curtains, carpets, chair-covers, clothes - and all your valuable things. Protect your house and your budget against destructive moths with economical Flit...
Views: 7,866 Year: 1953
Household - Poisons
FLIT kills flies, moths, mosquitoes, wasps, 'woolly bears', carpet beetles and all other insect pests...
Views: 7,559 Year: 1953
Household - Poisons
Protect health and home. 5 seconds spraying kills every insect pest in the room.
Views: 7,013 Year: 1953
Household - Poisons
Moths used to be a regular nightmare until I put Mondines in every danger spot.
Views: 6,980 Year: 1953
Household - Poisons
Press for a fly-free summer. The long-lasting press-button fly-killer.
Views: 6,886 Year: 1953
Household - Poisons
One week of Squeak destroys all mice! Mice spread disease. Three years of scientific research produced Squeak the positive mouse killer. Painless to mice. Harmless to children and pets.
Views: 7,570 Year: 1952
Household - Poisons
Rats are a menace - Millions of pounds worth of goods are lost every year - eaten or destroyed by RATS. They are also great disease carriers. Kill them the quick and certain way, use Rodine.
Views: 7,742 Year: 1951
Household - Poisons
Flies are attacking! Shelltox kills them stone dead.. Protect health and home with Shelltox Double-Action Household Insecticide.
Views: 9,066 Year: 1951
Household - Poisons
Better than the best cat. Rodine Kills Mouse and Rat.
Views: 7,410 Year: 1951
Household - Poisons
Not one at a time. Rodine Phosphorous Beetle and Cockroach Poison gives Wholesale Destruction.
Views: 8,606 Year: 1946
Keating's Powder
Household - Poisons
Keating's Powder Kills Beetles.
Views: 17,275 Year: 1910 6 Comments