Manufacturing - Tools
Screw loose? It won't be loose for long if you use a Screwmaster from suppliers everywhere.
Views: 9,374 Year: 1956
Manufacturing - Tools
Get a Spearfast to do the donkey work! Tubular Frame Saw for log-sawing and rough cutting.
Views: 9,327 Year: 1956
Mole Self Grip Wrench
Manufacturing - Tools
A Free Hand! Both your hands are free to work when a Mole Wrench is used. Designed for the many domestic and workshop tasks where a really firm grip is necessary, it locks onto the job until released by a touch of the centre lever...
Views: 12,111 Year: 1956
Spear & Jackson
Manufacturing - Tools
...but there's no illusion about the quality of a Spear & Jackson - Made in Sheffield by the world's oldest sawmakers.
Views: 10,195 Year: 1956
Mole Self Grip Wrench
Manufacturing - Tools
Look - no hands. This multi-purpose Mole Wrench locks on to work with tremendous grip and stays there with hands off until the release lever is touched.
Views: 10,251 Year: 1955
Leytonstone Jig & Tool Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing - Tools
For a better grip on drilling jobs - See the Leytool Hand Drill at your local tool shop. Conveniently compact and beautifully engineered. Makes drilling an effortless pleasure. Requires no oiling - no exertion...
Views: 11,982 Year: 1953 2 Comments
Leytonstone Jig & Tool Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing - Tools
A Hack-Saw - with a Difference! Revolutionary in design, robust in construction. With it you can saw through an unlimited thickness of material without being restricted by the usual hacksaw frame...
Views: 10,471 Year: 1953 7 Comments
Black & Decker
Manufacturing - Tools
A versatile electric tool for Handyman and Housewife. 5" sander-polisher & kit £9.17.6 - Sanding and drilling in wood, metal and other materials... polishing and waxing cars, floors, furniture and all woodwork...
Views: 8,728 Year: 1952
Work-Bench Tool Cabinet
Manufacturing - Tools
Fitted Complete with our Famous TOOLS in Wainscote Oak, Polished. Best Workmanship, £17:14:0. Melhuish, Sons & Co., London.
Views: 11,473 Year: 1902