Stationery etc
Stationery etc - Paints
A picture with a Moral - "Never mind Bobbie. Mummy will buy you a beautiful box of 'REEVES' British-made water colours like ours"
Views: 7,942 Year: 1924
Swan Fountain Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Every day somebody's birthday. Remember it with a "SWAN" fountain pen...
Views: 9,819 Year: 1904
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
A "JEWEL" of a pen. It has no equal for perfect flow, being fitted with Duplex Feed and Gold Nib. Fine, Broad, or Medium...
Views: 7,497 Year: 1904
C. Brandauer Circular Pointed Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
These series of Pens neither scratch nor spurt. They glide over the roughest paper with the ease of a soft lead pencil. Assorted Sample Boxes, 6d., to be obtained from all Stationers.
Views: 7,557 Year: 1902
The No. 4 Yost
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The No. 4 Yost is unrivalled for Simplicity, Beauty of Work, Strength of Construction, Elegance of Appearance. Its Superiority has been Recognised by more than 30,000 Users...
Views: 7,432 Year: 1897
N. Taylor Type-Writers
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Type-Writers Remingtons, Yosts, Smith Premiers, Barlocks, Williams, Victors, etc. For sale or hire at half the usual prices. N. Taylor, Manager, 74, Chancery Lane, London.
Views: 6,500 Year: 1897
The Williams Typewriter
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The only machine combining strictly visible writing and direct inking. Prints like a Press. New 1897 Models...
Views: 6,727 Year: 1897
National Typewriter Exchange
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Typewriters - Tremendous Bargains in Remingtons, Barlocks, Hammonds, Yosts, Caligraphs &c. Use of Machine Taught Free...
Views: 6,301 Year: 1895
Neptune Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Here's a Point worth remembering. It is the latest improvement in fountain Pens, and is called the "Twin-Feed" Neptune Pen. Writes directly it touches the paper, and holds enough ink for 10,000 words.
Views: 7,108 Year: 1895
The 'Pelican' Self-Feeding Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Writes Instantly and Continuously. Has Extra Large reservoir of Ink. Is secure against Leakage. Flow of Ink to the pen can be regulated with the Greatest Nicety...
Views: 6,747 Year: 1895
Swan Fountain Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
How Mr. Hall Caine wrote the Manxman. - Yes, if the fact is of any consequence you are very welcome to say that I wrote the "Manxman" with the Swan Fountain Pen. It has become quite indespensable to me. I can use it with ease and certainty anywhere, and at any time, even in the dark, in bed, and on horseback.
Views: 6,679 Year: 1895
The 'Merritt'.
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The people's Type-Writer. This is exact copy of the 'MERRITT'S' work. It is equal to that of any High Priced Type-writer. Releives fatigue from steady use of pen. Improves spelling and punctuation. Interests and instructs children...
Views: 7,341 Year: 1890
Hammond Type Writer
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Hammond Type Writer Latest Model. A good machine is known:- 1. By the ease and reliability of its working. 2. By the quantity, quality, and variety of its work. Awards over all competitors.
Views: 7,093 Year: 1890
Perry & Co's Patent Planished Pointed Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Everybody should try these patent Perryian Planished Pointed Pens. They are simply perfection for those persons who write rapidly. It is almost impossible to make them stick in the paper...
Views: 7,311 Year: 1890
Macniven & Cameron Pens
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Sold everywhere. Sample box, of all kinds, by post, 1s. 1d. Macniven & Cameron, Waverley Works, Edinburgh.
Views: 11,690 Year: 1890
Joynson Superfine Writing Papers
Stationery etc - Paper
High Class Writing Papers. Reduced facsimile of water-mark on highly glazed paper suitable for those who prefer the smoothest possible surface.
Views: 9,445 Year: 1890 1 Comment