Player's Navy Cut
Tobacco - Tobacco
The Player's guide to Navy Cut. A leader among the great tobaccos of the world. Unchanging in quality, unique in flavour, slow-burning and very enconomical...
Views: 14,608 Year: 1957
Player's Medium Navy Cut
Tobacco - Tobacco
For the man who loves his pipe there's no prospect more pleasing than a pipe of "Player's Medium". It is tobacco as honest as the day - as immediately familiar as an old friend, the choice, in fact, for a lifetime.
Views: 12,480 Year: 1956
Phillips' Gold Cut
Tobacco - Tobacco
A NEW old-style pipe tobacco at 4/- an ounce. Issued by Godfrey Phillips Limited.
Views: 5,790 Year: 1952
Four Square Tobaccos
Tobacco - Tobacco
Better by a long stretch! No matter which comes first - your palate or your pocket - Four Square will please you most. No tobacco gives a pipe-lover so much pleasure, and a thrifty man so much economy...
Views: 6,759 Year: 1951
Murray's Mellow Mixture
Tobacco - Tobacco
"I believe he loves his Murray's more than her!" - And why not? Men who smoke Murray's Mellow Mixture wouldn't give it up for love or money! Its a grand tobacco of medium strength - the strength most men prefer. It's cool and fragrant, with a flavour all its own. Burns slowly and evenly, and therefore lasts longer. That is very important these days!
Views: 7,391 Year: 1950
Player's Airman
Tobacco - Tobacco
Are you a busy man? Whether you're a busy man or a lazy one... you'll be glad to hear that this popular Navy Cut is now on sale rubbed ready for the pipe...
Views: 572 Year: 1948
Four Square Tobaccos
Tobacco - Tobacco
There are six Four Square Tobaccos - Each a balanced blend of vintage leaf. The tobacco illustrated is Four Square "Purple" - a tobacco with a fine flavour and aroma, and as cool and slow-burning as only "curlies" can be. Ask for 'Four Square Purple.'
Views: 6,710 Year: 1947
Fryer's Special
Tobacco - Tobacco
"Not to develop a gift, Brother, is to be unworthy of it. We might have accepted tobacco as it was. Instead, by care and inspiration, men have produced this Mixture - a valuable work of Art, a hymn in praise of Providence."
Views: 7,096 Year: 1947
Wavy Navy
Tobacco - Tobacco
Smoke Wavy Navy. Pure navy cut of pre-war quality...
Views: 2,589 Year: 1947
Four Square Tobaccos
Tobacco - Tobacco
Enjoyable and economical - because it's pure tobacco. Four Square gives you long-lasting enjoyment because it's just pure tobacco, free from artificial scents and flavouring, matured and mellowed by ageing in the wood.
Views: 7,054 Year: 1946
Presbyterian Mixture
Tobacco - Tobacco
'My thoughts grow in the aroma of that particular tobacco.' (Earl Baldwin, Dundee, 1925) Few tobaccos could inspire such praise in a public speech, yet all the cool sweetness and pleasure of this slow burning tobacco may fill YOUR pipe at a cost of only 1/1¬? per oz. in Britain. Sold only sealed, in packets and tins.
Views: 8,757 Year: 1938
St. Bruno
Tobacco - Tobacco
Men of mettle smoke St. Bruno. It's a man's tobacco.
Views: 7,301 Year: 1937
Three Nuns
Tobacco - Tobacco
Coronation Peal - 'That was as proper a job of ringing, Vicar, as I can call to mind, these twenty years and longer.' - 'And I'm very pleased to signify approval in the invariable way. Take a fill of Three Nuns...
Views: 7,192 Year: 1937
Pioneer Tobacco
Tobacco - Tobacco
Pioneers at Klondike. Pioneer Tobacco manufactured by the Richmond Cavendish Co., Liverpool.
Views: 7,871 Year: 1898