All Adverts
Hair Care - Mens
If your hair stands on end try - Anzora. Won't soil hats, pillows, chairbacks. Don't forget there's also Anzora Viola and Nuzora.
Views: 6,831 Year: 1950
British National Electrics
Household - Appliances (large)
Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You tyrant! You slave-driver! You compel your tired, harassed wife to labour over an old-fashioned, erratic grease-trapping cooker, when for a few shillings a week... for the price of a couple of pints... she could enjoy the perfection of oven-temperature cooking...
Views: 6,270 Year: 1950
Shaving - Razors & Blades
Good mornings begin with Gillette. Buy the best - buy Blue Gillette. So durable - each blade gives you extra shaves. So sharp - they stroke your beard away. So dependable - each blade as perfect as the next. So keen - you stay well-groomed all day. So famous - they have made the world clean shaven.
Views: 8,634 Year: 1950
Household - Soap
The soap to sing about - Araby. She, too, has discovered that Araby is her ideal toilet soap - it leaves the skin so fragrant, so thoroughly refreshed. And because it's finely milled, it's long-lasting too. Wonderful value for sixpence.
Views: 8,086 Year: 1950
Food - Confectionery
The nut-filled soft nougat centre that takes a lot of beating.
Views: 7,177 Year: 1950
Phillips' Dental Magnesia Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste
Would you believe it! he's liable to lose half his teeth by the time he's 40 because of Mouth Acid. Why have most men lost half their teeth at the age of forty...? Dentists say that excess mouth acid is one of the main causes of such rapid decay...
Views: 6,287 Year: 1950
Kodak Film
Photography - Film
Don't miss your turn! Turn on the film as soon as you've snapped. Here's a good little habit for everyone with a camera. Always turn on the film to the next number immediately after you have taken a snap. Never leave it till later. Then there's no danger of two-on-one exposures and your camera is always ready for instant use.
Views: 7,446 Year: 1950
Alcohol - Ales, Stouts etc
Keep some Whitbread in your house. Whitbread's Pale Ale, Forest Brown Ale, Whitbread's Stout.
Views: 6,000 Year: 1950
Gilbey's Port
Alcohol - Port
Admire its rich ruby colour - Inhale its exquisite bouquet - Relish the really excellent flavour of Gilbey's Port. You'll be glad you got Gilbey's.
Views: 7,107 Year: 1950
Jantzen Knitting Mills Ltd
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
Shape Ahoy! You'll sight a Jantzen miles off - they're so sensational this summer. Woven with Lastex to give neater, slimmer lines Jantzens have dreamy colours, dashing designs, exciting new tricks with boned bras and removable straps...
Views: 6,889 Year: 1950
J.B. Foundations
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
that's what I call a lovely figure! ...there's better finish... and more ideas... in Gothic brassieres and... J.B. Foundations
Views: 5,950 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Holidays - Luggage
For the Christmas Gift, what could give such lasting pleasure and so well convey the sincerity of good wishes as a selected piece of Antler hand luggage?
Views: 7,809 Year: 1950
VP Wine
Alcohol - Wine
Take your pick from the pick of the vine. VP Wine - Point Brand.
Views: 7,892 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Food - Tea, Coffee etc
As puss' sleeps by the fire - lazy, comfortable, completely relaxed - do you envy his sound slumbers? Restless, fitful nights never restore your energy in the way you need. Have a beakerful of Bourn-vita before you go to bed - it's soothing influence helps to bring deep, unbroken sleep.
Views: 8,164 Year: 1950
Food - Baking
Green's famous 5 for the housewife. Because these are Products of Quality which ensure success... because they represent REAL value for money... GREEN'S "FAMOUS 5" are RELIED on by Housewives all over the country...
Views: 8,636 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Hoover Electric Washing Machine
Household - Appliances (large)
Housewives rescued from washing-day drudgery - The new Hoover Electric Washing Machine does the full weekly wash for a large family. The marvellous new Hoover Electric Washing Machine has already rescued thousands of housewives from hard washing-day drudgery. And it can do the same for you...
Views: 8,968 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Food - Confectionery
Music, Music, Music! "All I want is loving you, and music, music, music - except of course, I'd like a box of Carefree, Carefree, Carefree too." Naturally, she wanted delicious Carefree Chocolates - because Carefree are the best value in chocolates there's ever been...
Views: 7,805 Year: 1950
Food - Confectionery
Double attraction! Thrilling! Starring Orson Onepoint a crafty type who wants value for money - Winsome Wantmore a charmer who loves wisely and well...
Views: 7,487 Year: 1950
Shaving - Creams
Superwhipped Coroshave shaves you better... FASTER! Every day, more and more men are discovering Superwhipped Coroshave. The improved, finer texture works wonders on the toughest bristles. It lubricates right round each single hair...
Views: 7,982 Year: 1950
Williams Shaving Cream
Shaving - Creams
Williams Luxury Shaving Cream is back again in the shops - and its better than ever. Special substance soothes skin as you shave. It softens whiskers sooner than ever before...
Views: 9,696 Year: 1950
Mecca Cough Pastilles
Medicines & Health - Throat
Cough-Cough-Cough! Get him a tin of Mecca Cough Pastilles From Chemists.
Views: 5,996 Year: 1950
J.B. Foundations
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets
The corset with the same stretch as the human skin. Dual Stretch by J.B. ...and GOTHIC is still the best of all brassieres, too...
Views: 7,299 Year: 1950 1 Comment
Harden's Tea
Food - Tea, Coffee etc
Ask for Harden's Tea in the red packet and drink better tea... on the strength of it!
Views: 7,475 Year: 1950
Mackeson's Stout
Alcohol - Ales, Stouts etc
A stout that banishes tiredness - and it's not bitter! The taste of most stout is on the bitter side - this is why many people like it. But others prefer a smoother, softer drink, with never a bitter edge to it. They prefer Mackeson's. After a hard day's work, they find a fresh flow of life and energy in every glass.
Views: 8,495 Year: 1950