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Photos 1401 - 1425 of 1,687

Household - Painting, Decorating

From the 'decorative' patterns of 1865 to the pleasing simplicity of 1937, Sanderson Wallpapers have always been first choice in homes of good taste...

Views: 6,258    Year: 1937

Three Nuns

Three Nuns
Tobacco - Tobacco

Coronation Peal - 'That was as proper a job of ringing, Vicar, as I can call to mind, these twenty years and longer.' - 'And I'm very pleased to signify approval in the invariable way. Take a fill of Three Nuns...

Views: 7,692    Year: 1937

Austin Reed

Austin Reed
Fashion & Clothing - Menswear

Ready for anything in half an hour. Ten years ago if a man wanted an overcoat made of first-class materials by a tailor who knew his job it had to be made to measure and it took time...

Views: 6,596    Year: 1937

Austin Motor Co., Ltd.

Austin Motor Co., Ltd.
Transport - Cars

Be sure your car is made in the United Kingdom. Sound insulation simply explained. (Bottom left) This shows the thoroughness with which the body panels and roof of the new Austins are sound insulated for quiet travel...

Views: 8,235    Year: 1937     1 Comment

Compass Cameras, Ltd.

Compass Cameras, Ltd.
Photography - Cameras

These points form the basis of your perfect camera - it handles grey days or sunlight, it finds the range for you, it supplies an automatic exposure reading, it makes night scenes as easy as snaps...

Views: 8,131    Year: 1937

Ford Motor Company Limited

Ford Motor Company Limited
Transport - Cars

Worthy to serve the most exalted, upon occasions of the utmost circumstance, yet marked by a chaste restraint of line never suggestive of opulence, or arrogance, the Ford V-8 (£16, 10s. Tax) has performance...

Views: 6,882    Year: 1937

Dunlop 90 Fort Tyres

Dunlop 90 Fort Tyres
Transport - Tyres

Safety. The search for safety and self-protection, which produced the familiar safety-pin, achieved its supreme performance in Dunlop '90' - the World's Master Tyres. On your car, fit Dunlop and be safe.

Views: 7,221    Year: 1936

Easy Shaving Stick

Easy Shaving Stick
Shaving - Creams

Easy lathering, easy shaving, easy on the pocket. It needn't upset your weekly budget to be perfectly shaved every day! Easy Shaving Stick costs only sixpence, and one stick gives you a smooth, keen shave every day for over a hundred days!

Views: 6,945    Year: 1936

Co-op Tea

Co-op Tea
Food - Tea, Coffee etc

All the best people drink Co-op Tea. They do so enjoy it. Thats the 'best' of Tea.

Views: 8,200    Year: 1936

Neverill Old Salts

Neverill Old Salts
Medicines & Health - Cure All

A Spoonful a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. The best morning Saline for Biliousness, Constipation, Disordered Stomach, Sluggish Liver, Bladder and Kidney Troubles, Gout, Rheumatism, Feverishness, Obesity, etc...

Views: 8,037    Year: 1936     2 Comments

Stork Margarine

Stork Margarine
Food - Jams, Spreads etc

Stork keeps down the housekeeping bills. When you taste Stork's delicious flavour you'll want to spread it on generously, and you can well afford to do so when Stork costs only 7d per lb! Stork is one of the finest foods you can buy with its energy-giving fats and Sunshine Vitamins, both essential for keeping you fit and strong all the year round. Jot it down on your shopping list now!

Views: 11,483    Year: 1936


Shaving - Creams

Ah, Mr. Jones, I see you use Shavallo. Shavallo - For a swift smooth shave. 1/- stick.

Views: 7,976    Year: 1936     1 Comment

Tokalon Skin Food

Tokalon Skin Food
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

A Jealous Wife's Confession. I knew my husband's affection was cooling off. At 20 I had a pretty face and fresh clear skin. But housework and bringing up two children soon brought lines and wrinkles. At 30 I could easily have been taken for 40. Then I read about the amazing discovery...

Views: 7,909    Year: 1936

Purma Speed Camera

Purma Speed Camera
Photography - Cameras

Praise for the Purma Speed Camera. Dear Sirs, A few days ago I purchased a 'PURMA' Speed Camera from Messrs. Chandlers in this city and although a novice I have had such wonderful results that I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with my investment...

Views: 10,949    Year: 1936

Kellog's Corn Flakes

Kellog's Corn Flakes
Food - Cereals

Mother Knows What's Best - In every packet of Kellog's there are ten big platefuls of the finest Corn Flakes in the World. Ten helpings brimming with energy, delicious in flavour and kept crisp and crunchy down to the last spoonful, in the patent heat-sealed WAXTITE bag...

Views: 10,846    Year: 1936

Robertsons Golden Shred

Robertsons Golden Shred
Food - Jams, Spreads etc

There's a Grocer 'round the corner'... and he says that Robertson's Golden Shred Marmalade is the nicest you can buy and the best value as well. He ought to know. Anyway, you're probably missing a treat if you don't try it.

Views: 9,671    Year: 1936


Household - Soap

'Now.. I'm Schoolgirl Complexion All Over' - After all, she thought, it's bound to be a lovely bath soap. It's worked wonders for my complexion, so why shouldn't it do just as much for the skin on my arms and back and shoulders; She was right, too...

Views: 9,539    Year: 1936

Quaker Oats

Quaker Oats
Food - Cereals

2¬? years old now - and they've taken up housekeeping! Finding out what every woman knows - that washday's an awful business! Yvonne's ironing, and Marie's pegging her tongue out to dry: while Cecile suspects there's a leak in the washtub. Quaker Oats is sure to go on the 'Quins'' Shopping List! 40 vitalising breakfasts for 8¬?d.

Views: 11,693    Year: 1936

Eugene  Weaver

Eugene Weaver
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets

'Curls or Waves... eugene... is best' ...but be sure you go to a Registered Eugene Weaver who alone can give you a genuine Eugene Wave, using genuine Eugene Sachets. Specimen satchet and booklet FREE...

Views: 7,494    Year: 1936

Mazda Lamps

Mazda Lamps
Household - Heating & Light

Better light makes every task easier. Mazda coiled-coil lamps give up to 20% more light than ordinary gas-filled lamps.

Views: 6,018    Year: 1936

Easy Shaving Stick

Easy Shaving Stick
Shaving - Creams

Easy right enough! An Easy Shaving Stick gives you the smoothest, quickest shave you've ever had - helps the razor blade to cut better, stay keen longer.

Views: 6,165    Year: 1936

John Elkan Ltd

John Elkan Ltd
Jewellery - Watches

A Happy thought for Christmas - Send for the New John Elkan Catalogue - Buy most for my money - No Christmas crush - Gifts of permanent value and everybody satisfied!

Views: 9,438    Year: 1936

Co-op Tea

Co-op Tea
Food - Tea, Coffee etc

The Co-op Christmas Team - Give Co-op Tea in fancy canisters this X-mas obtainable from all Co-operative societies.

Views: 9,670    Year: 1936


Food - Bread

There is STRENGTH in every SLICE.

Views: 9,682    Year: 1936

Lowmoor Iron

Lowmoor Iron
Manufacturing - Iron, Steelwork

Use Lowmoor Iron. The best wrought iron in the world. Triple hammered for strength and security. Made only by: Lowmoor Best Yorkshire Iron Ltd., Iron Works, Lowmoor, Bradford.

Views: 7,555    Year: 1936