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Food - Biscuits
Baked in Britain from British Wheat Meal. Macfarlane Lang's 'Granola' - The finest of all digestive biscuits.
Views: 9,429 Year: 1935
Kutnow's Powder
Medicines & Health - Dieting
Her figure is the envy of all. She doesn't have to diet or go in for violent exercises in order to keep her figure. She's learnt that it's far better and safer to rely on a morning glass of Kutnow's Powder...
Views: 10,725 Year: 1935
Studd & Millington Ltd
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
the "Studington" Camel Coat. Write for patterns in various colours, and a copy of our new booklet.
Views: 8,612 Year: 1935
Player's Number 3
Tobacco - Cigarettes
Smoke one slowly... here you have a cigarette filled with the choicest and mildest Virginia leaf, subtly blended by true craftsmen to appeal to the most critical of smokers. Player's Number 3 - Plain or cork-tipped.
Views: 6,051 Year: 1935
Odol Tooth Paste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste
Odol Tooth Paste is one of the best I have ever prescribed to my patients.
Views: 5,825 Year: 1933
Clark's Glycola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions
Makes rough hands smooth. Beautifies the complexion. For Beautiful Hands use Clark's Glycola. Protect your skin by using Clark's Glycola - a little massaged well into the skin will keep your hands smooth, soft and youthful - used regularly before you go out, at night, and in the morning, it will prevent ugly chapped hands and chilblains...
Views: 5,965 Year: 1933
Holbourne (Fashions) Ltd.
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
Dress out of income... the generous Holbourne (Fashions), Ltd., Easy Payment Plan has brought beautiful clothes within the reach of thousands of women for a few shillings a month...
Views: 7,565 Year: 1933
Evan Williams Shampoo
Hair Care - Shampoo, Tonics
Supreme - The subtle influence of Evan Williams Shampoo gives refinement, charm and distinction to the hair - a degree of beauty unattainable in any other way. It must be Evan Williams Shampoo.
Views: 12,010 Year: 1933 9 Comments
Lady Diana Curler
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
The latest curls need the latest curler - Lady Diana Self-Heating Curler - Glossy, fashionable curls or waves are the result of a few minutes' work by yourself. The lady diana curler is self-heating, amazingly simple to use and can be carried in your handbag. You cannot afford to be without one...
Views: 6,923 Year: 1933 1 Comment
Lady Gay
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume
The chosen perfume of talented beauty, Lady Gay. The Perfume of Modernistic Smartness, The Ideal Gift. In the forefront of artistic achievement 'Lady Gay' by de Fleury is a gracious expression of personality, realistically natural in its appeal...
Views: 10,051 Year: 1933 2 Comments
Beethams Larola
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions
Your hair may be lovely... But is your complextion right and have you flawless hands? A perfect gown, lovely hair and exquisite complexion may all be marred if you have red or roughened hands. Be sure to give them the unfailing protection of Larola...
Views: 6,639 Year: 1933
Britannic Watch Bracelets
Jewellery - Watches
The smartest present time style... More and more smart women are becoming owners of a Britannic Watch Bracelet. They realise that its distinguished design and appearance is a welcome addition to their charm. Every Britannic Bracelet is Guaranteed For Five Years...
Views: 15,937 Year: 1933 1 Comment
My Secret Perfume
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume
Now a wonderful new 'My Secret' Perfume by Lesourd Pivert. Yes, a new perfume; really new. A perfume that will charm you with its alluring fragrance and subtle something never before attained in any perfume, however expensive...
Views: 9,919 Year: 1933
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
A Real Christmas Box. Give her a box of loveliness by Conlowe - exquisitely cut, lace-trimmed, silky undies - a tribute to her charm and to your own discretion. The loveliness will last: though Conlowe undies look so delicate, they survive constant wash and wear heroically...
Views: 6,841 Year: 1933 1 Comment
Euthymol Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste
The Man Who Counts. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. How many sound teeth have you? Your dentist will tell you. He will probably also tell you to use Euthymol Tooth Paste and so guard your teeth against dental decay germs. 1/3 from all Chemists.
Views: 7,579 Year: 1933 1 Comment
Players always please
Tobacco - Cigarettes
Players always please. Smokers find a World of satisfaction in PLAYER'S Quality and Quantity.
Views: 7,246 Year: 1931 1 Comment
Allenburys Diet - Sleep
Food - Health Food
Do you enjoy the luxurious pleasure of just jumping into bed and falling asleep almost immediately; sleeping seven or eight hours continuously and waking fresh, alert and ready for your day's work?
Views: 8,709 Year: 1931
Kiwi Show Polish
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear
Whatever the weather, Kiwi Black makes shoes shine like patent leather. What about yours?
Views: 6,748 Year: 1931
Capehart Record Changer
Music - Record Players, Radios etc
The most amazing radio development of the year! Plays ten records of your own selection automatically... The Capehart Record Changer is the very last word in modern radio. It plays 10in. or 12in. records of your own selection.
Views: 8,291 Year: 1931
Chesterfield Cigarettes
Tobacco - Cigarettes
The most efficient way of shutting off the blues since they first put switches on radios... Cigarettes that really Satisfy!
Views: 6,817 Year: 1931
Big Greys Cigarettes
Tobacco - Cigarettes
When a Big Greys Cigarette is between your lips you can enjoy to the full the delicate flavour of a rich, ripe Virginia tobacco. The extra size of Big Greys ensures extra satisfaction in the smoking. It is the ideal cigarette.
Views: 7,809 Year: 1931 1 Comment
National Benzole Mixture
Transport - Fuel
There's no charge for the extra mileage, sir! National Benzole Mixture. Same price as petrol - but more miles per gallon.
Views: 7,178 Year: 1931
Eccles Caravans
Transport - Caravans
Eccles Caravans - The Ideal Holiday. The Eccelite No. 10. The latest lightweight trailer caravan. 14 feet long, 6 feet wide, £165 complete. Accomodates 4, towed easily by 11.9 h.p. car...
Views: 9,170 Year: 1931
Car Cruiser Caravans, Ltd.
Transport - Caravans
Car Cruising. Tow your own hotel! With a Car Cruiser behind your car, you can stop where you like, for a day, or a week, or a year, in absolute comfort and at the minimum expense.
Views: 14,016 Year: 1931 2 Comments
Transport - Tyres
On short runs or on long tours - you will motor safely and confidently on Dunlop. Present day motoring conditions make "driver confidence" more necessary than ever...
Views: 6,878 Year: 1931