All Adverts

Photos 1526 - 1550 of 1,687

Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Woman's Most Valuable Possession. Every woman knows the fascination and charm exercised by a beautiful complexion; how men admire a skin soft and free from blemishes; how even the plainest features are forgotten when the possessor has cheeks like the damask rose and neck white as ivory.

Views: 6,674    Year: 1923

Price's Old English Lavendar Soap

Price's Old English Lavendar Soap
Household - Soap

The Most Refreshing of All Toilet Soaps. The refreshing fragrance of Lavendar that appeals to the most fastidious user is wonderfully embodied in Price's Old English Lavendar Soap - a soap delicate in its perfume and profuse in its lather. It will be found most economical in use and the fragrant to the last.

Views: 8,824    Year: 1923

Mackintosh's Dessert Chocolate

Mackintosh's Dessert Chocolate
Food - Confectionery

A new chocolate, made by Mackintosh's... and as good as the famous Toffee de Luxe... that's saying something. If you prefer a chocolate that is - not too sweet - not too milky - much more 'chocolate-y' and completely delicious ask for Mackintosh's Dessert Chocolate.

Views: 10,703    Year: 1923

Yardley & Co. Ltd

Yardley & Co. Ltd
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume

Yardley's Freesia Face Powder. There is no charm to rival the fascination of a beautiful complexion. Perfect the tint and texture of your skin with this face powder of exquisite fineness, luxuriously perfumed with the fascinating fragrance of the Freesia flower.

Views: 9,445    Year: 1923     1 Comment

Maison Lyons Chocolates

Maison Lyons Chocolates
Food - Confectionery

Wanda Hawley 'Starring' for The Gaumont Co. Ltd., in 'Fires of Fate' & 'Lights o' London' writes:- 'I must confess to a certain discrimination in my choice of chocolates, and Lyons' are among the most delicious I have ever tasted.'...

Views: 10,223    Year: 1923

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

Fit for a Queen. A golden tablet of Wright's Coal Tar Soap.

Views: 10,929    Year: 1923

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream

Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

The woman who wishes to make the most of her complexion should take a leaf out of the book of this well known British Film Star. The regular use of Pond's Cold Cream and Pond's Vanishing Cream ensures the highest degree of skin-beauty...

Views: 12,861    Year: 1923

Turf Cigarettes

Turf Cigarettes
Tobacco - Cigarettes

The Editor of 'The Picturegoer' says - 'You don't need to be a Film Star to appreciate the excellence of Turf Cigarettes. Give me '1919 Crop' every time.'

Views: 11,547    Year: 1923

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp

The 'Bella' Electric Lamp
Household - Heating & Light

Unique, Inexpensive, Serviceable. Beautifully nickel plated with large handsome fancy assorted colorued silk shades/ When the Lamp is raised by means of the handle, contact is made. If required to give continuous light, same can be obtained by turning the screw.

Views: 6,595    Year: 1923

Wright's Coal Tar Soap

Wright's Coal Tar Soap
Household - Soap

I feel so nice and clean and good I've just been bath'd with Wright's Coal Tar Soap.

Views: 9,570    Year: 1922

Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap

Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap
Household - Soap

Buttermilk Brings Beauty. The soothing, emollient lactic qualities of Buttermilk, scientifically combined in Price's Buttermilk Toilet Soap, counteract the harmful effect of 'hard' water, and enable the skin to be kept in perfect condition...

Views: 8,866    Year: 1922

Anzora Vanishing Cream

Anzora Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

My Choice because it is so delightfully refreshing and cooling to my skin. It is exquisitely perfumed and free from grease and keeps my complexion clear and smooth. Anzora Queen of Vanishing Cream.

Views: 7,247    Year: 1922

Erasmic Vanishing Cream

Erasmic Vanishing Cream
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Erasmic Vanishing Cream. Preserves the freshness and intensifies the beautiful natural colour of the skin.

Views: 7,842    Year: 1919

Liptons Margarine

Liptons Margarine
Food - Jams, Spreads etc

Liptons Margarine Overweight - Nutritious as butter and costs but half the price...

Views: 3,392    Year: 1914


Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Avoid torn stockings by wearing Kleinert's "Anona" Hose Supporters fitted with rubber grips. Made in the "Kleinert way" - that means perfection by manufacture, the highest possible excellence in every respect...

Views: 7,209    Year: 1911

Carters Invalid Carriages

Carters Invalid Carriages
Transport - Invalid Carriages

Carters Bath Chairs and Invalid Carriages of recognised superiority. From the simple wicker chair to the most sumptuous carriage.

Views: 9,556    Year: 1910

Triumph Bicycles

Triumph Bicycles
Transport - Cycles

A skilled workman is just as incapable of producing inferior work as an unskilled one is of producing good work. Here is the reason for the difference between Triumph Bicycles and others. Triumphs are built as no other bicycles - in a Model Factory by Skilled Male Mechanics Only. There is nothing cheap about a Triumph.

Views: 8,978    Year: 1910

Modern Heating Systems

Modern Heating Systems
Household - Heating & Light

We Specialise in Heating and Domestic Engineering for Public, Private, and Horticultural Buildings. Economy! Cleanliness! Boulton & Paul, Ltd, Norwich.

Views: 7,471    Year: 1910

Mellin's Food

Mellin's Food
Food - Childrens

Mellin's Food with cows milk is the equal of mother's milk. If every mother who cannot nurse her child would only bear this fact in mind, if she would only give baby Mellin's Food instead, her anxiety would soon be set at rest...

Views: 11,277    Year: 1910

Maple & Co Sideboards

Maple & Co Sideboards
Household - Furniture

This handsome Sideboard, Jacobean style, in carved oak, well fitted throughout, 6 ft. wide, and only £16.10.0, is an example of the calue offered.

Views: 9,327    Year: 1910

Hanan Shoes

Hanan Shoes
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

The World-Famed Hanan Shoes Are the Embodiment of Perfect Fit, Lasting Shape, Choice Material, and Fine Workmanship. Hanan Shoes are sold in London exclusively at their own store...

Views: 10,526    Year: 1910

Caffeta Coffee Maker

Caffeta Coffee Maker
Household - Appliances (small)

You can make a Cup of Coffee to Perfection with Less Trouble or Expense than anything hitherto known by using the Caffeta Coffee Maker - It whistles when your coffee is ready, and is so simple that a child can use it.

Views: 9,956    Year: 1910     2 Comments

Jeffery's Hammerless Guns

Jeffery's Hammerless Guns
Sports & Equipment - Guns

Jeffery's Hammerless Guns are the best obtainable. Thousands of the above guns are in use throughout the world, and they have acquired a wide-spread reputation for durability and good shooting.

Views: 7,532    Year: 1910

Dryad Furniture

Dryad Furniture
Household - Furniture

Comfort, Quality, Design. Dryad Furniture is quite different in style, construction and workmanship from any other cane work, and has that distinction only found where the artist and craftsman are combined...

Views: 9,093    Year: 1910

Chivers' Carpet Soap

Chivers' Carpet Soap
Household - Cleaning

Chivers' Carpet Soap. Best & Simplest Carpet Cleaner in the World. 6d. per ball, sold everywhere.

Views: 8,570    Year: 1910