All Adverts
Sir John Bennett Ltd., Watch and Clock Manufacturers
Jewellery - Watches
Sir John Bennett Ltd., Watch and Clock Manufacturers. Jewellery of every description.
Views: 16,325 Year: 1898 1 Comment
The Gun of the Period
Sports & Equipment - Guns
The Gun of the Period as an ejector. The above is the latest development of 'The Gun of the Period,' fitted with the newest and best ejector, combined with G. E. Lewis's treble grip...
Views: 7,813 Year: 1898
Pears Soap
Household - Soap
Pears' Soap as recommended by Sir Erasmus Wilson, I have found matchless for the Hands and Complexion. 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'
Views: 14,314 Year: 1898
Oetzmann & Co.
Household - Furniture
Oetzmann & Co. Hampstead Road, also Dublin and Ryde - All carpets made up free. Carved antique oak hat and coat rail.
Views: 9,665 Year: 1898
Allan's Anti-Fat
Medicines & Health - Dieting
Purely Vegetable, perfectly harmless. Will reduce from two to five pounds per week; acts on the food in the stomach, preventing its conversion into fat.
Views: 9,585 Year: 1898
Hewetsons Furniture
Household - Furniture
Hewetsons, Tottenham Court Rd, London, have the largest stock of English carved oak furniture in the United Kingdom.
Views: 8,615 Year: 1898 1 Comment
Floriline for the Teeth and Breath
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste
Is the best Liquid Dentifrice in the World. Prevents the decay of the teeth. Renders the teeth pearly white. Is perfectly harmless and delicious to the taste.
Views: 6,611 Year: 1898
Butler's Musical Instruments
Music - Musical Instruments
Known all over the World. Mandolines, Guitars, Banjos, 20s. to £10. Violins with Bow, in Case, 20s., 30s., 40s., 50s. to £10. Brass Instruments, Drums, Flutes, Clarionets, in use in all parts of the world, giving universal satisfaction.
Views: 9,662 Year: 1898
Chocolat Suchard
Food - Tea, Coffee etc
Chocolat Suchard, Accurately prepared, contains all the delicious, soothing, and restorative properties known to exist in Cocoa. Cup for cup, 'Chocolat Suchard' is noted for its superiority of flavour and aroma over all other like preparations...
Views: 9,703 Year: 1898 1 Comment
Pattisons Whisky
Alcohol - Whisky
Forging Ahead. Pattisons' Whisky, like a British Ironclad, is at home in all 'Waters'.
Views: 13,048 Year: 1898
Carter's Little Liver Pills
Medicines & Health - Cure All
Cure all Liver ills. For Headache, Dizziness, Bilidusness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sallow Skin, Complexion.
Views: 8,951 Year: 1898
Drew's Inimitable 'A La Grecque' Corsets
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets
With Imperishable Elastic and Supporter combined. Annual sale over 90,000 pairs. The great advantage of this Corset is - a combination of elastic texture inserted at the waist over the hip and stomach...
Views: 8,764 Year: 1898 1 Comment
Negretti & Zambra's McLeod Telescope
Sports & Equipment - Binoculars, Telescopes
A perfect glass for deer-stalkers. Being specially constructed to suit their requirements. N. and Z.'s Binocular Telescopes are of the highest power combined with clearest definition.
Views: 9,474 Year: 1898
Ogden's 'Guinea-Gold' Cigarettes
Tobacco - Cigarettes
If I ken't hev no Di'mond Jubilees I guess I ken hev Ogden's 'Guinea-Gold' Cigarettes. 3d per packet of ten.
Views: 8,933 Year: 1897
Columbia Bicycles
Transport - Cycles
Standard of the World. 'A thousand pounds would not buy a better bicycle than the Columbia - nor 'just as good' - because none so good is made.' We control the entire production of 5 p.c. nickel steel tubing, and use it exclusively in 1897 Columbia Bicycles.
Views: 7,362 Year: 1897
Hinde's Hair Curlers
Hair Care - Curlers, Dryers, Nets
Used without heat. Nearly every woman finds She's prettier still by using Hinde's...
Views: 8,824 Year: 1897
The No. 4 Yost
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The No. 4 Yost is unrivalled for Simplicity, Beauty of Work, Strength of Construction, Elegance of Appearance. Its Superiority has been Recognised by more than 30,000 Users...
Views: 7,432 Year: 1897
Van Houten's Cocoa
Food - Tea, Coffee etc
Van Houten's Cocoa is accorded the preference by all connoisseurs on account of its High Quality, Economy, and Exquisite Flavour. On the breakfast tables of the World.
Views: 8,745 Year: 1897
N. Taylor Cycles
Transport - Cycles
CYCLES - Humbers, Swifts, And all Best Makes for Sale or Hire. N. Taylor, 74, Chancery Lane, London. Established 1884.
Views: 7,028 Year: 1897
N. Taylor Type-Writers
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Type-Writers Remingtons, Yosts, Smith Premiers, Barlocks, Williams, Victors, etc. For sale or hire at half the usual prices. N. Taylor, Manager, 74, Chancery Lane, London.
Views: 6,500 Year: 1897
Incandescent Fire-Mantel
Household - Heating & Light
"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer" by the use of the Incandescent Fire-Mantel. Makes brilliant, Smokeless Fires, costing in fuel only 2d. per day.
Views: 8,018 Year: 1897
Southall's Patent Boots
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear
No Laces, no Seams put on in a moment, greatly, support the ankles, and the grandest and most comfortable boots ever invented for Walking, Riding, Skating, Footballing, Cricketing, or indeed any occupation whatever. The engraving shows how the trousers may be worn in wet weather.
Views: 7,055 Year: 1897
Victorian Bouquet
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume
Grossmith's Tribute of Fragrance In commemoration of Her Majesty's Reign. Victorian Bouquet - "A rare collection of exotic odours culled from the flora of The British Empire."
Views: 20,089 Year: 1897
Patent Canvas Shoe Co.
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear
This is the shoe you want! For House, Coast and Country. Also for Boating, Cricket, Cycling, Golfing, and Lawn Tennis...
Views: 6,910 Year: 1897
John Noble Half-Guinea and Victorian Costumes
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear
Sent by Parcel Post direct from the Largest Firm of Costumiers in the World. Perfect Style, Cut, Make, and Finish.
Views: 10,855 Year: 1897