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The 'Granville' Cycles
Transport - Cycles
Delightful Exercise is a Guarantee of Good Health, and Cycling is the most fashionable and invigorating form of recreation. The most pleasant and safest way to take it is by riding The 'Granville' Cycles...
Views: 7,013 Year: 1897
The Williams Typewriter
Stationery etc - Typewriters
The only machine combining strictly visible writing and direct inking. Prints like a Press. New 1897 Models...
Views: 6,727 Year: 1897
Cadbury's Cocoa
Food - Tea, Coffee etc
Absolutely pure, therefore best. As a sustaining, strength-giving Beverage, and a Nutritious Food, Cadbury's Cocoa fulfils every requirement.
Views: 13,700 Year: 1897
Osmond Cycles
Transport - Cycles
The "Osmond" Lady's Bicycle. Recommended as... The most rigid & easy running lady's bicycle.. Yet produced. The Osmond Cycle Co., Ltd., "The Tower", Birmingham.
Views: 8,193 Year: 1897
Shannon Desks
Household - Furniture
The largest selection in Great Britain. Some of the finest offices and libraries have been fitted and furnished by the Shannon, Limited...
Views: 7,903 Year: 1897
Vigor's Horse-Action Saddle
Sports & Equipment - Keep Fit, Gym etc
The readiest road to health is by means of Physical Exercise, and the easiest and readiest mode of exercise is by using Vigor's Horse-Action Saddle - Which not only provides, as Dr. George Fleming, C.C., writes, "A Perfect Substitute for the Live Horse"...
Views: 12,910 Year: 1897
Mellin's Food
Food - Childrens
Mellin's Food for Infants & Invalids. Dear Sirs, - I have much pleasure in forwarding you my child's photograph. At the age of 5 months she was a mere skeleton, and could take nothing - we tried everything, until at last we gave her Mellin's Food, the result of which you can judge by the photograph...
Views: 10,201 Year: 1897
National Typewriter Exchange
Stationery etc - Typewriters
Typewriters - Tremendous Bargains in Remingtons, Barlocks, Hammonds, Yosts, Caligraphs &c. Use of Machine Taught Free...
Views: 6,301 Year: 1895
Frame Food Diet
Food - Health Food
Best & Cheapest Cooked Food for Infants, Invalids, & Everybody. "Frame Food Diet" Contains Extracted Wheat Phosphates. Wheat Phosphates (not chemical phosphates) are vitally necessary for the development and vigour of the Human Frame...
Views: 8,855 Year: 1895 1 Comment
Neptune Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Here's a Point worth remembering. It is the latest improvement in fountain Pens, and is called the "Twin-Feed" Neptune Pen. Writes directly it touches the paper, and holds enough ink for 10,000 words.
Views: 7,108 Year: 1895
Campbell's Melodeons
Music - Musical Instruments
Music in the house makes cheerful, happy homes. Campbell's Patend Broad Reed Melodeons - With Organ and Celestial Tone and Charming Bell Accompaniments. No home should be without one...
Views: 8,748 Year: 1895
Home Turko-Russian Folding Bath Cabinet
Household - Furniture
The Improved Home Turko-Russian Folding Bath Cabinet - Enables everyone to enjoy in their own home all the luxuries and advantages of the Dry Steam, Vapour, Oxygen Medicated, and perfumed Baths.
Views: 9,219 Year: 1895 1 Comment
Steedman's Powders
Medicines & Health - Childrens
Steedman's Soothing Powders for Children cutting Teeth. Relieve Feverish Heat. Prevent Fits, Convulsions etc. Preserve a Healthy State of the Constitution during the period of Teething.
Views: 11,948 Year: 1895 4 Comments
Y & N Patent Diagonal Seam Corsets
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets
Exquisite Models, Perfect Fit, Guaranteed Wear. The Y & N Patent Diagonal Seam Corsets - "The most comfortable corset ever made" - Ladies' Pictorial.
Views: 10,010 Year: 1895 1 Comment
The 'Pelican' Self-Feeding Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
Writes Instantly and Continuously. Has Extra Large reservoir of Ink. Is secure against Leakage. Flow of Ink to the pen can be regulated with the Greatest Nicety...
Views: 6,747 Year: 1895
Transport - Cycles
"Sans chaine, sans gene." The Bantam - Quite safe, easily learned; no step needed, very fast, very light, upright position, no chain.
Views: 7,769 Year: 1895
Swan Fountain Pen
Stationery etc - Pens, Pencils
How Mr. Hall Caine wrote the Manxman. - Yes, if the fact is of any consequence you are very welcome to say that I wrote the "Manxman" with the Swan Fountain Pen. It has become quite indespensable to me. I can use it with ease and certainty anywhere, and at any time, even in the dark, in bed, and on horseback.
Views: 6,679 Year: 1895
Rowlands' Macassar Oil
Hair Care - Hair Restorers
Rowlands' Macassar Oil has been for 100 years unsurpassed as the best and safest preserver and beautifier of the hair, and is by far preferable to other hair restorers, which are really progressive dyes, and deposit a sediment on the scalp which fills up the pores; it preserves and Buatifies the Hair, arrests baldness, removes scurf, and is the best Brilliantine.
Views: 10,548 Year: 1895
Food - Health Food
A Changeable Climate Often Changes Healthy Persons into Invalids. To prevent colds, chills, and winter ailments, the vitality must be sustained by stimulative nourishment, of which the most perfect example is BOVRIL...
Views: 11,988 Year: 1895
Food - Bread
Highest Award at Food & Cookery Exhibition, London, May, 1895. Hovis - Supplied to the Queen and Royal Family.
Views: 10,620 Year: 1895
Harlene for the Hair
Hair Care - Hair Restorers
Edwards' Harlene for the Hair. World-Renowned Hair Producer and Restorer, the Best Dressing, Specially Prepared and Perfumed for Toilet Use, Is a Luxury Essential to Every Modern Toilet...
Views: 10,930 Year: 1895 1 Comment
Orchestral Organette
Music - Musical Instruments
The Wonderful Orchestral Organette. Direct from the Patentee and Sole Maker at Wholesale Prices. A Mere Child can play it. Plays Hymns, Popular Airs, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Polkas, Reels, Hornpipes &c. &c...
Views: 7,900 Year: 1895
Norris's Horse-Skin Boots
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear
Shine like Patent. Will not Crack. Every Pair Guaranteed. Waterproof - Stout Soles for Winter Wear.
Views: 7,333 Year: 1895
The Musical Box
Music - Musical Instruments
The Musical Box, 68, Market Street, Wigan. T. Bullock, dealer in all kinds of music and musical instruments. Hire and easy payment system for Pianos, Organs...
Views: 6,943 Year: 1894
James Henry Naylor, Brassfounder
Manufacturing - Mining Equipment
James Henry Naylor, 21, Wiend, Wigan, Brassfounder and manufacturer of safety lamps of all descriptions. Riddles, Sieves, Spark Guards, Picks, Hammers, Spades, and all kinds of Colliers' Tools.
Views: 10,515 Year: 1894