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Photos 1651 - 1675 of 1,687
Coventry Machinists' Co.'s Cycles

Coventry Machinists' Co.'s Cycles
Transport - Cycles

Coventry Machinists' Co.'s 'Club' and 'Swift' Cycles. 'Swift' safeties from £12 each, or £1 per month. 'Marlboro' Club Tricycles from £18 each, or 30s. per month.

Views: 9,086    Year: 1890

Nubian Blacking

Nubian Blacking
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

Delight to Maid and Master. No brushing required for boots and shoes. Nubian Blacking softens and preserves the leather, giving a Brilliant Waterproof Polish equal to patent leather to Boots, Shoes, and All Leather Articles.

Views: 7,753    Year: 1890

Sozodont for the Teeth

Sozodont for the Teeth
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Rack and Ruin will overtake the teeth if they are not cleansed every day. Therefore be wise in time, ere your teeth are irretrievably gone and the beauty of the mouth disfigured, and hasten to burnish and invigorate them with that delightful antiseptic dentifrice Sozodont...

Views: 7,026    Year: 1890     1 Comment

Sweet Lavender

Sweet Lavender
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume

Sweet Lavender (Maude Millett Brand, Registered) - The Favourite English Perfume. Always refreshing, sweet and lasting.

Views: 9,455    Year: 1890

Benger's Food

Benger's Food
Food - Childrens

Benger's Food for Infants, Children and Invalids. Extract from private letter: 'The infant was very delicate; our medical adviser ordered your food. The result in a short time was wonderful; the little fellow grew strong and fat, and is now in a thriving condition...'

Views: 11,837    Year: 1890

Umbrellas. S. Fox & Co. Limited

Umbrellas. S. Fox & Co. Limited
Fashion & Clothing - Umbrellas

S. Fox & Co. Limited - See this name is on every umbrella frame you buy. Patentees and sole manufacturers of all sterling improvements in umbrella frames.

Views: 9,702    Year: 1890

Mappin & Webb's Travelling Bags & Dressing Cases

Mappin & Webb's Travelling Bags & Dressing Cases
Holidays - Luggage

Mappin & Webb's Travelling Bags & Dressing Cases with all their latest improvements. Illustrated bag catalogue (No. 2) Post Free.

Views: 9,176    Year: 1890

The International Fur Store

The International Fur Store
Fashion & Clothing - Furs

'Fashions in Fur seem to grow every year more tasteful and more artistic, and it is a certain fact that the fur garments of the present day are cut with a passion and accuracy and fitted with an artistic skill which were totally unknown some ten or fifteen years ago...

Views: 8,680    Year: 1890

Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills

Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills
Medicines & Health - Dieting

Too Fat!! Dr. Gordon's Elegant Pills. Cure Stoutness rapidly and certainly.

Views: 9,394    Year: 1890

Swanbill Corsets

Swanbill Corsets
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets

Swanbill Corsets (Registered). Tenth type of figure. White or French Grey, 21s. A specially constructed Belt Corset for Ladies inclined to embonpoint.

Views: 10,590    Year: 1890     1 Comment

Worth Et Cie., Artistes En Corsets

Worth Et Cie., Artistes En Corsets
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets

Under Royal Patronage. 'Art steps in when nature fails'. Corsets made from measurement, and specially fitted from 2¬? to 10 guineas.

Views: 9,837    Year: 1890

Coverings for Semi or Complete Baldness or Grey Hair

Coverings for Semi or Complete Baldness or Grey Hair
Hair Care - Wigs

Perfect imitations of Nature; invisible additions to thin partings, art blending with nature so completely as to defy the closest scrutiny. Half, Three-quarter, or Full Wigs on same Principle for Ladies or Gentlemen. C. Bond & Son.

Views: 7,441    Year: 1890

Nuda Veritas Hair Restorer

Nuda Veritas Hair Restorer
Hair Care - Hair Restorers

What will restore the Hair of Youth! Nuda Veritas - Naked Truth. For 22 years it has never failed to rapidly restore grey or faded hair, either in youth or age.

Views: 8,815    Year: 1890

Izod's Patent Corsets

Izod's Patent Corsets
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets

Izod's Patent Corsets are the best. Prepared by a New and Special Scientific Process. Medical opinion recommends them for the Health... Sold all over Europe, and everywhere in India and Colonies...

Views: 9,249    Year: 1890

The 'Merritt'.

The 'Merritt'.
Stationery etc - Typewriters

The people's Type-Writer. This is exact copy of the 'MERRITT'S' work. It is equal to that of any High Priced Type-writer. Releives fatigue from steady use of pen. Improves spelling and punctuation. Interests and instructs children...

Views: 7,337    Year: 1890

Delicious New Perfume, Crab Apple Blossoms

Delicious New Perfume, Crab Apple Blossoms
Make Up, Perfume etc - Perfume

The fragrant, delicious, and universally popular new perfume of the CROWN PERFUMERY CO.

Views: 11,399    Year: 1890

Rowland's Kalydor

Rowland's Kalydor
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Cooling and Refreshing - during the heat and dust of summer are the effects of Rowland's Kalydor on the face and hands of ladies and all exposed to the hot sun. It removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Redness, and Roughness...

Views: 10,799    Year: 1890

Torpid Liver Pills

Torpid Liver Pills
Medicines & Health - Cure All

Positively cured by these little pills. They also relieve stress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, etc. They regulate the Bowels and prevent Constipation and Piles.

Views: 7,998    Year: 1890

'Champion' Hand Ice Machine

'Champion' Hand Ice Machine
Manufacturing - Ice Machines

No freezing powders required, Commercial Sulphuric Acid being Sole Reagent. Will ice drinking water in 3 minutes.

Views: 9,730    Year: 1890

Westley Richards & Co. Ltd Patent Ejector Gun

Westley Richards & Co. Ltd Patent Ejector Gun
Sports & Equipment - Guns

The only English Gunmakers awarded the GRAND PRIX, PARIS EXHIBITION. Patent Ejector Gun. Over one thousand in use.

Views: 9,667    Year: 1890

Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, London

Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, London
Holidays - Hotels

This Magnificent Hotel is one of the Finest in the World; 500 Apartments, Public and Private Rooms and Baths, unsurpassed for comfort, convenience, and elegance. Completely lit by Electricity. Passenger Lifts to every Floor.

Views: 10,939    Year: 1890

Pears Soap

Pears Soap
Household - Soap

PEARS 'And a nice little boy - had a nice cake of soap - worthy of washing the hands of the Pope.'

Views: 10,263    Year: 1890

Powells Balsam of Aniseed

Powells Balsam of Aniseed
Medicines & Health - Throat

Powells Balsam of Aniseed. The surest cough medicine. TRY IT!

Views: 8,061    Year: 1890     1 Comment

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber
Medicines & Health - Creams & Lotions

Beethams Glycerine and Cucumber is the Most Perfect Preparation for Preserving and Beautifying THE SKIN ever produced. Roughness, Redness, Chaps, &c., is almost magical, and by its use THE SKIN is rendered SOFT, SMOOTH, AND WHITE, and preserved from all the ill effects of Frost, Cold Winds, and Hard Water...

Views: 14,044    Year: 1890     1 Comment

Hammond Type Writer

Hammond Type Writer
Stationery etc - Typewriters

Hammond Type Writer Latest Model. A good machine is known:- 1. By the ease and reliability of its working. 2. By the quantity, quality, and variety of its work. Awards over all competitors.

Views: 7,087    Year: 1890