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Photos 151 - 175 of 1,687

Holidays - Airlines

More direct BEA flights from Manchester this summer. This summer direct flights from Manchester will serve more overseas cities than ever before. A fast BEA Viscount carries you to your destination in a few hours...

Views: 11,047    Year: 1957     1 Comment


Household - Furniture

Spring Look in the Home. That wonderful fresh look comes from more than the first spring sunshine - it is evidence of a great dealing of planning and forethought at Kendals to bring you a new range of fittings and devices for every room in the house.

Views: 10,445    Year: 1957

Thomas Motors Limited

Thomas Motors Limited
Transport - Cars

Now... more than ever its Ford! Ford and Thomas Motors... these are two names in which motorists can put complete dependence. The superb range of Ford...

Views: 8,646    Year: 1957

Gordon's Caravans

Gordon's Caravans
Transport - Caravans

Before you buy for 1957 you must not fail to see the new BLUEBIRD THUNDERBOLT. There's never been a caravan like this before! It's brilliantly spectacular, it's gloriously colourful, it's years ahead of its time!

Views: 9,169    Year: 1957

Forsyth Bros Ltd

Forsyth Bros Ltd
Music - Musical Instruments

Centenary - The very year that Sir Charles Halle began his famous series of concerts in Manchester Forsyths first opened their doors. Though methods and tastes have changed, Forsyths have served music lovers of every generation since with the same understanding, experience and courtesy as made certain their original success.

Views: 8,909    Year: 1957

Douro Wine Shops Ltd

Douro Wine Shops Ltd
Alcohol - Wine

Write for free booklet "Man and his Wine" - Douro Wine Shops Ltd, Walton-Le-Dale Winery, Preston.

Views: 10,027    Year: 1957

Mears the Furnishers

Mears the Furnishers
Household - Furniture

Brighter homes by Mears the Furnishers - You owe it to yourself, colourful, designed in the interest of good housekeeping. Our staff will help you with your combinations and advise you on fixing.

Views: 9,400    Year: 1957

Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky

Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky
Alcohol - Whisky

To taste is to appreciate Churtons V.O.B.G. Scotch Whisky.

Views: 11,944    Year: 1957


Household - Poisons

The enemy is in your home now! There's no such thing as a friendly moth! Carpets, curtains, woollens, furs - even upholstery - are staple food for the grubs that mother moth spends her lifetime producing...

Views: 9,430    Year: 1957

Euthymol Toothpaste

Euthymol Toothpaste
Medicines & Health - Teeth, Toothpaste

Toothpaste and the well-informed. Those who ask a lot of their toothpaste are naturally attracted by certain differences they find in Euthymol. It has a brisk, 'wide-awake' flavour...

Views: 12,785    Year: 1957     1 Comment

Player's Navy Cut

Player's Navy Cut
Tobacco - Tobacco

The Player's guide to Navy Cut. A leader among the great tobaccos of the world. Unchanging in quality, unique in flavour, slow-burning and very enconomical...

Views: 15,194    Year: 1957


Toys - Boys

Sturdy boys want sturdy toys! that will stand up to boisterous handling and come through smiling. Mobo toys do just that: they're made from steel and strong as a lorry...

Views: 11,899    Year: 1957     1 Comment

Peter Scott & Co Ltd.

Peter Scott & Co Ltd.
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

fashionable as a... warm as a... soft as a... colourful as a... light as a... flattering as a... luxurious as a... practical as a... Cashmere Sweater from the range of Peter Scott fully fashioned knitted sportswear...

Views: 8,219    Year: 1957

Kay & Thornton

Kay & Thornton
Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

"Bare-bac" fabulous family by Flexees. This "Bare-bac" strapless bra swoops low enough to fit perfectly under very back revealing dresses; and it gives a decisively moulded torso-line, too...

Views: 8,421    Year: 1957

Blakes Motors

Blakes Motors
Transport - Cars

Impeccable taste in every line... The Vauxhall Vistor. The long low-swept lines of the Victor are so graceful, yet they allow for generous headroom and legroom, whilst the clean aerodynamic styling combines splendour with road-hugging safety...

Views: 8,386    Year: 1957


Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Embossed jersey, skilfully cut by 'Saint Joseph' of Bordeaux, makes this superbly simple suit in graphite grey and white, bound with brilliant scarlet. Slender skirt has shallow side-vents...

Views: 8,385    Year: 1957

Oral Shoemakers

Oral Shoemakers
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear

styled for men... Here are two fine shoes from the Oral range - a Gibson (Style 4118) and a Brogue (Style 4119). Beautifully made from Golden Gorse calf with best leather soles...

Views: 9,092    Year: 1957


Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Caldaric model coats at Cripps specially made for the 5ft - 5ft 3in figure with hip measurements from 36" to 46"...

Views: 9,761    Year: 1957

Barton Motors

Barton Motors
Transport - Cars

The most effective motoring news for years. Vauxhall Victor! Reaching out into the future for their inspirational Vauxhall designers have created the most exciting car in a generation of British motoring...

Views: 7,931    Year: 1957

Hollingdrake Automobile Co Ltd

Hollingdrake Automobile Co Ltd
Transport - Cars

Standard 8...the lively family saloon with the new Gold Star 803 c.c. engine and these other Plus features: New - opening boot with 12 to 38 cu. feet of luggage space...

Views: 8,075    Year: 1957

Kings Road Garage

Kings Road Garage
Transport - Cars

We could tell you about the spectacular performance, styling and road ability of these new Vanguards, but you can get the full story right now at our showrooms, in a meeting with the greatest Vanguards yet...

Views: 7,838    Year: 1957

Henkell Trocken

Henkell Trocken
Alcohol - Wine

Henkell Trocken - The finest sparkling Hock - Available from your usual wine merchants 23/6 per bottle.

Views: 13,308    Year: 1957


Fashion & Clothing - Ladieswear

Handwoven tweeds from Donegal for town-to-country elegance and comforting warmth. High buttoning suit trimmed in matching velvet...

Views: 8,626    Year: 1957     1 Comment

J. Roussel

J. Roussel
Fashion & Clothing - Corsets

This new Roussel creation gives perfect shape and uplift to the bust... moulding the figure in smooth harmonious lines...

Views: 10,972    Year: 1957


Transport - Cars

Power-assisted steering is now offered on the Silver Cloud as an optional extra. The best car in the world.

Views: 8,598    Year: 1957