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Rosebank Furnishing Fabrics
Household - Furniture
Famous for quality - Rosebank furnishing fabrics - Shown here is "Convolvulus" a 50" glazed chintz, No. 4168 EG in various colours. This is one of many outstanding designs in the Rosebank range which you can see at your local stores or furnishers...
Views: 8,788 Year: 1957
H. Mears (Furnishers) Ltd
Household - Furniture
The Concord Dining Set by Nathan - The new Concord Dining Set is yet another Nathan design to be accepted by the Council of Industrial Design for "Design Review". Finished in delicately contrasting biscuit elm and walnut colours or all-walnut colour...
Views: 8,975 Year: 1957
Fashion & Clothing - Footwear
Spring a colourful surprise. A strip-strapped sandal. Really light and romantic yet wonderfully comfortable too. With a choice of two heel heights available in White, Beige, multi-pastel...
Views: 14,032 Year: 1957
J.S. Ramsbottom
Garden - Mowers, Rollers etc
Make digging easy - Use the Howard Rotavator 'Bullfinch'. Attachments available to assist in all other gardening problems. Terms and demonstrations gladly arranged.
Views: 10,792 Year: 1957
Crown Wallpapers
Household - Painting, Decorating
Same design in two exciting colour ways; a daring duet for the colour conscious, papers for the modern minded. Crown Wallpapers...
Views: 9,343 Year: 1957
J. Hilliard & Sons
Household - Furniture
chairs with a touch of adventure in their conception - chairs designed for perfect comfort. Minerva by Ronald Long, MSIA who designs exclusively for R. S. Stevens Ltd.
Views: 9,539 Year: 1957
Music - Record Players, Radios etc
Perfection in sound by Dynatron. Call us and let us demonstrate to you these magnificent new hi-fi instruments by Dynatron. They have been specially developed to meet the needs of the enthusiastic listener in search of perfect sound reproduction...
Views: 9,435 Year: 1957
Timberlakes of Wigan
Transport - Cars
Timberlakes present this magnificent range of cars. Austin, Morris, Wolseley, M.G. ... in fact all B.M.C. products and those of many other leading makers can be seen at our showroom in a breathtaking display of the latest models.
Views: 9,356 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Mac Throat Sweets
Medicines & Health - Throat
"I know better!" says Joan Regan. Lovely Joan Regan does what many stars do. She keeps her throat free from infection with MAC Throat Sweets. She takes them always at the first suspicion of soreness...
Views: 12,528 Year: 1956 3 Comments
Food - Confectionery
Your Favourite Centre. Scrumptious caramels coated with delicious milk chocolate 14 times for 6d. Fry's Milk Chocolate Caramets.
Views: 13,304 Year: 1956
Bassett's Allsorts
Food - Confectionery
Better buy - Bassett's are better by far. Taste delicious... the highest quality... such terrific value. A wide variety in every box. The favourite for the whole family.
Views: 14,085 Year: 1956
Household - Heating & Light
It's plain to see this boy is bright - He's brought home Osram lamps all right. Osram The Wonderful Lamp.
Views: 9,357 Year: 1956
Cindrella Rugs
Household - Furniture
All good fireside rugs are not expensive! There is the Cindrella, famous for its hard wearing qualities as well as its low, reasonable price. A fine rug, and the finest valur for money...
Views: 8,716 Year: 1956
Imperial Bounty
Alcohol - Wine
Two's Company... Three's a Party! When one's a bottle of Imperial Bounty.
Views: 10,195 Year: 1956
Red Heart
Pets & Animals - Pet Foods
Open a tin - and ask your dog! - he will tell you that Red Heart is right. Red Heart Dog Food is a correctly balanced diet which includes fresh lean meat, liver and cod liver oil...
Views: 8,745 Year: 1956
Nestle's Chocolate
Food - Confectionery
Milk chocolate at its best. Here is the milk chocolate with the fresh taste. Your first bite tells you it's specially good - extra creamy and with a fullness of flavour found only in milk chocolate that is really fresh...
Views: 16,032 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Vaseline Hair Cream
Hair Care - Mens
New hair cream holds that healthy 'just-combed' look all day long! You won't be using your comb so often now... you'll find that new Vaseline Brand Hair Cream, prepared from vitamin-ised oils, gives you that healthy, natural "just-combed" look, hour after hour! Good for both scalp and hair, too!
Views: 14,739 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Pets & Animals - Pet Foods
What's the excitement? No need to ask it! There's Kit-E-Kat in Mummy's Basket! Remember - cats and kittens want more than just fish - more than just scraps! They need a completely balanced diet. That's why Kit-E-Kat is made not only with fresh white fish and herring, but also with meat - as well as extra vitamins and minerals! Yes, Kit-E-Kat is a complete food...
Views: 10,983 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Player's Medium Navy Cut
Tobacco - Tobacco
For the man who loves his pipe there's no prospect more pleasing than a pipe of "Player's Medium". It is tobacco as honest as the day - as immediately familiar as an old friend, the choice, in fact, for a lifetime.
Views: 13,062 Year: 1956
Household - Appliances (large)
Even the best washing machine can only do part of the job! However good the washing machine, final washing results still depend on the wringing. And only Acme wringing makes it certain that washday after washday your clothes will be as clean, crisp and sparkling as ever you can desire...
Views: 10,325 Year: 1956 1 Comment
Food - Cereals
Try the new Shreddies Cereal today. New tempting spoon-size. New delicious stay-crisp texture. New fascinating toasty-malty flavour.
Views: 14,150 Year: 1956
Manufacturing - Tools
Screw loose? It won't be loose for long if you use a Screwmaster from suppliers everywhere.
Views: 9,374 Year: 1956
Medicines & Health - Tonics, Vitamins etc
Buck up! Keep 100% fit this winter on the 11 Vital Vitamins in Rexall Plenamins. Now is the time of the year when it's essential you keep 100% fit. So start taking Plenamins and get the full benefits of the 11 vital vitamins that promote perfect bodily health, stamina and energy in the face of winter's ills...
Views: 8,765 Year: 1956
Household - Cleaning
Feel the difference! What a lovely feel the Persil-washed woolly has - so soft, so warm, so snug-fitting! And how scratchy and confortless the other one is. Less warmth. Less "give"...
Views: 13,511 Year: 1956