Gor-Ray Skirts

Fashion & Clothing > Ladieswear


Gor-Ray Skirts
Gor-Ray Skirts
Year: 1959
Views: 31,487
Item #: 1523
Gor-Ray reversible permanently pleated in 100% wool skirt. It's the smartest ever fashion idea by Gor-Ray! The only permanently-pleated pure wool skirt that's completely reversibe...
Source: Woman's Journal, April 1959

Comment by: Leamington History Group on 14th July 2024 at 12:10

We are writing an article about Gor-Ray in Clarendon Street, Leamington. Does anyone have any clear photos of any Gor-Ray Skirts which you could allow us to print in our new book? Thank you

Comment by: Phil Cook on 17th February 2024 at 00:54

My grandfather was the general manager at Gor-Ray for many years (would like to know how long probably 70s and early 80s), a Mr Harry Draper. I remember going for a few tours of the factory on a Saturday morning and also recall a tour of the staff buses in the late 70s. My grandmother seemingly wore nothing but Gor-Ray and there were multiple clothes rails of different designs.

Comment by: Andrew Brown on 26th August 2021 at 20:42

I work there 1979 straight from school had a good time for a few years I worked in the Cutting Room printing labels

Comment by: Stephen Jenkins on 19th February 2021 at 22:57

My parents met while working at Gor-Ray and got married in 1963. Dad was a tailor and mum a seamstress. Would love to hear from anyone who knew them back then! Norman & Pat

Comment by: Yvonne Ford (nee. Hogg ) on 14th February 2021 at 16:54

Can’t believe I’ve found this site. Looking up to see if they still exist. It was my very first job on leaving school about 1956. I was at Wellington Avenue school and because I was good at needle work they got me the job.. I had to report on the first morning with a pair of dress making scissors and an inch tape as I remembered. I was so scared I don’t think I turned up the next day.

Comment by: Jean on 29th January 2020 at 18:09

I bought a Gor-ray skirt recently in a second-hand shop. The skirt is made of 40% wool,50% polyester, 10% viscose. Does anyone know when this would have been made? All the skirts I see for sale online are 100% wool. It's well made and looks genuine. When did they cease trading?


Comment by: ann on 10th September 2019 at 10:05

These skirts were very popular among urbanised Zulu women in South Africa in the 70s and 80s. I am developing a theory that it was because the gored style echoes the traditional gored leather skirts worn by married women. Does anyone know anything about that?

Comment by: John Kamal on 20th March 2018 at 20:28

Did my work experience in the computer department in 1977, at the Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, office. I was at Kingsmead School, Enfield, Year 4. Giant computers, giant hard drives, filing cabinets of punched cards, giant typing pool (for punched cards). Remember being told not to push "the big red button" on the IBM computer because it would freeze the computer and then told that previous work experience student had! Still remember my experience, drove past the only remnant of the old building the other day while driving on the A10. Lovely Art Deco frontage. Bought back memories.

Comment by: Judith Bonner on 22nd January 2018 at 21:18

I too love Gor-ray. A keen wearer of second hand clothes for over 40 years (I'm 57 now) I still e=wear a skirt bought when such a thing was frowned upon.

I have a lovely camel wool pencil skirt way too big for me!

Id be really interested to find out more. I have great interest in GB clothes labels.

Does any one know anything about Aubrey Segal?

Comment by: Kay Hobday on 8th January 2018 at 10:57

I worked for Gor-Ray in 1967-68 as Public Relations Officer, I ran fashion shows and wrote press releases for them. I still have a Gor-Ray mini kilt. I knew the company well.

Comment by: Barbara Hay on 1st December 2017 at 11:55

My mother worked at Gor-Ray in the early 1950s.
She went there straight after she left school at 14yr.
Mum is now 82 & is hale & healthy
She would be happy to answer any questions.
Just send an email

Comment by: jenny fair on 18th July 2017 at 10:00

I am desperate to track down any previous employees from Gor-Ray Limited as I am conducting research into the history of the company. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

Comment by: Saila Routio on 27th March 2017 at 10:25

How nice to read these comments! I just found a Gor-Ray women's kilt at a flea market (in Finland!) in mint condition and of course leaped at it, it looks lovely and the colours are fantastic. Trying to find information on the manufacturer I came across this page. It seems I've found a gem and indeed I should think these skirts are in for a revival! Tartan is very much in fashion, and kilts are never out of it, come to think of it.
Thank you all for sharing lovely memories and information, this has been a great time-travel, even if my memories with these skirts only started yesterday.

Comment by: Mrs C schueler on 11th September 2016 at 20:50

I worked at forests for over 15 years when open at Enfield I have still got two skirts and one kilt I bought in the sale I enjoy working there but it was hard work as we were all on peace work it was a good working place to had god FRENDS there

Comment by: Patricia on 28th March 2016 at 19:45

They were fantastic skirts. I had several first bought in 1970 and they were worth every penny. You really could sit in them all day in the office and the pleats were perfect. Such quality and gorgeous colours.

Comment by: p franklin-baker on 17th September 2015 at 17:55

Just reading about the GOR-RAY kilt.

I have just listed a beautiful full length one on ebay in perfect condition if anyone is interested.



Comment by: Denise on 20th February 2014 at 19:57

Gor ray kilts, the Bain of my life. My mother used to work there in Enfield and she would bring home vast quantitys of these kilts and we would have to sit there and pull the threads out to make the fray down the front. Just seeing the name provokes those images of them kilts all round the dining room. My mother must have hundreds as they would have staff sales and sell them next to nothing, all our school skirts were gor ray. I even did my work experience in there computer dept. now I look back the computer was as big as a car in its own room and it had no keys you had to feed it hole punched cards. 1977 . Those were the days.

Comment by: josie on 26th September 2013 at 14:10

Loved my gorray skirts in the seventies and eighties. The pleats were so flattering and always looked perfect. I used to wear them to go out partying! Imagine wearing one now. I think its time for the revival of this line, they've revived Biba etc. Making the banner now bring back Gorray.

Comment by: Karin-Marita Steinhaus on 1st December 2012 at 12:50

I remember my first gor-ray kilt in 1964 - the price was DM 175,00 - very expensive. 10 Years later I send it in the former DDR, and it looked like brandnew. My last gor-ray I bought in 1988 and I wore it for 20 years. I hope that gor-ray will have a revival - I'm looking for a new kilt in this quality!

Comment by: Katie on 18th May 2012 at 08:34

This is fab idea, it makes you wonder why we don't have them today.


Comment by: cindy on 4th December 2011 at 09:38

Hello... Ah gor-ray.... what wonderfull skirts.... loved em... could sit in them all day and not a crease...The box pleat.... so flaterring.... live in hope that fastion will return....