Advert Museum
Advert Museum
Swallow Raincoats
Swallow Raincoats
Year: 1946
Year: 1946
Views: 12,832
Item #: 164
Item #: 164
'Fine in the Rain' - Swallow Raincoats for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls are limited owing to service and demobilisation needs, but if in difficulty, write to Swallow Raincoats Ltd., Dept. P., Birmingham 19.
Source: Picture Post. February 9, 1946
Source: Picture Post. February 9, 1946
I have just purchased a beautiful “Fine in the Rain” Swallow Trench Coat in a Charity Shop. Really interested to know more about the Swallow brand and perhaps how old this coat might be?
Comment by: Jem Allaway on 29th September 2023 at 15:55
My great aunties (5) worked at Swallows sewing the buttons on to cards.
Comment by: Patric on 24th January 2023 at 15:53
I own one!
I still had one swallow raincoat that is still uses all the time.