Advert Museum
Advert Museum
Fashion & Clothing > Ladieswear
1 Comment
Year: 1957
Year: 1957
Views: 8,635
Item #: 1663
Item #: 1663
Handwoven tweeds from Donegal for town-to-country elegance and comforting warmth. High buttoning suit trimmed in matching velvet...
Source: Lancashire Life, October 1957
Source: Lancashire Life, October 1957
Comment by: Jane on 23rd October 2011 at 23:23
I worked at Kendals in 1964 in a great department; 'scarves, handkerchiefs, bridle headdresses and artificial flowers'.
Next I was on 'Budget Dresses'which was dull.I got really good at wrapping goods though, and running down to dispatch for a bit of light relief from the demands of the customer.I left after six months!
I love this advert!