Desmond Groves
Year: 1958
Item #: 1698
Source: Lancashire Life, September 1958
June 2021.
Sadly, I have been advised that Desmond Groves has passed away this week, at the wonderful age of 95 years. I worked for him at his studio in Harrods between 1978 and 1986, when he retired.
We combined his archive with that of Anthony Buckley & Constantine in Mayfair, London in 1988, and we still retain much of his beautiful work which is requested from time to time.
At the age of 1 year Desmond Groves took a set of photographs of me in the garden and on a swing in Adlington. I have most of the photos in the original packaging.
Really appreciate his artistic work.
Good morning, everyone,
As a French student in Master of History, I work on the royal photographs of Queen Elizabeth II and her children taken between 1949 and 1972 approximately (this is my subject of thesis).
Desmond Groves took some pictures that I am studying but found no information on his subject (neither at the British Library nor on the Internet). I would be particularly interested if you had any information on this subject.
Thank you in advance,
Michèle VILTART.
Des used to come in The New Inn wilmslow
My sister Jenny worked there part time when she was 17 in '68
UPDATE: Desmond Groves is alive and kicking, he lives in the Wilmslow, Cheshire area. If you require any negatives form portraits taken by Desmond Grves I suggest you contact:
My portrait was taken in 1973 and Grant @ Buckley Constantine was able to locate the negatives. All that was needed was the serial number which should be on the reverse of the portrait and approx date taken. I hope this info helps.
Sorry about this but is Desmond Groves still living. Havent been able to find out. When i workedfor him he was 34yrs and his ambition waa to photograph th Queen and tbe royal fanily. I see he achieved that. I remember his wife and his children. He was my first boss, 1960! Liz
Desmond Groves went on to open a fantastic portrait studio in Harrods Department store in London, I remember going there in the late 1970's....because of it's location the portraits tended to be of diplomats and overseas visiting heads of state....he probably earned more money in Wilmslow doing home portraiture.
When left school in 1960 i worked for desmond groves. I used to assist him in his studio for portraits and go out with him in his car to assist with photographs of familys etc in peoples homes. This was in Wilmslow. I think he paid me 10 shillings! I have lots of memories of him and that time.
I have a wonderful album of black and White photographs that Desmond Groves took of me as a young child. I guess I was around 2 or 3 years old at the time. I believe he came to our house to make the photographs although I have no memory of this. I was told later that he took off his watch and gave it to me to look at while he took my picture, my parents were terrified that I would break it.
The quality of the pictures is extraordinary, he was clearly as master at his craft.
I have recently been given a demons groves family portrait to restore. The colours are faded quite badly. On the rear of the print it states that the negatives are kept to reprint from. Does anybody know if desmond groves negatives are still available.
When I was 8 years old (1974), my Grandpa took me to Desmond Groves in Wilmslow for my photographic portrait. I now have this portrait and it's in fabulous condition. I love this photograph. I also remember the whole experience, my new hair cut, a number of new dresses and poses. Lovely man and a talented and creative photographer. Incidently on the back of the frame is a sticker from Desmond Groves explaining that the inks used are organic and thus the colours will last indefinately if not subjected to direct sunlight. He was ahead of his time in this area. I consider myself privilaged to have been photographed by him.
I remember well Desmond Groves when his studio was in Wilmslow- top class photographer and top class man.