Sobranie of London

Tobacco > Cigarettes


Sobranie of London
Sobranie of London
Year: 1963
Views: 20,237
Item #: 1801
Sobranie and Party Policy. Sobranie Cocktail are fine cigarettes, plain and filtered, fancy dressed and gold tipped for parties...
Source: Punch Magazine, 11 December 1963

Comment by: Marjorie Marr (nee Berriman) on 29th July 2015 at 13:49

A Christmas treat (no longer a smoker) but remember them well

Comment by: Annie Amos on 20th May 2014 at 19:58

I am a non smoker these days but how wonderful to see this old advert for the cigarettes I used to smoke every Christmas. I didn't actually like the taste but the colours were superb...