BMK - Blackwood Morton Kilmarnock

Household > Furniture

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BMK - Blackwood Morton Kilmarnock
BMK - Blackwood Morton Kilmarnock
Year: 1950
Views: 9,265
Item #: 466
'Where there's BMK there's life!' - There's extra-long life in the springy resilient Scotch Black-faced wool that goes into every BMK carpet and rug together with other selected springy wools...
Source: Punch. November 15, 1950.

Comment by: Stewart Roxburgh on 5th February 2008 at 21:20

Ah the springing lamb logo.....I was marketing manager for BMK in the early 90's and tried to modernise this device which was still being used 40 years later. There was a story that Guy Morton was visiting the Glasgow Ad agency one day and suggested that the company needed a new logo (the rug was the old one). One of the admen drew a quick, rough sketch of the lamb and Morton grabbed it and left. The lamb went on to be one of the most recognised British logos around the world. The lamb design was never paid for, but I suppose the agency did well out of it over the years that followed.