Advert Museum
Advert Museum
Year: 1938
Year: 1938
Views: 11,854
Item #: 63
Item #: 63
The World's Best Value In Dual Purpose Furniture. 'Put-U-Up' is the supreme settee bed value - only the 'Put-U-Up' guaranteed mechanism can give the same smooth opening and trouble-free service. The hidden full length bed, with rigid steel framed wire mesh mattress and loose overlay, is as comfortable as as ordinary bed...
Source: Picture Post. November 12, 1938
Source: Picture Post. November 12, 1938
Comment by: George on 23rd November 2015 at 13:28
Thanks for posting this and David's comment - brought back so many memories!
Comment by: David on 18th July 2015 at 15:15
Rachel, you start by lifting the back all the way up. Then lift the back of the seat up, till the seat is vertical. Behind it there should be a horizontal bar. The trick is to lift this as high as you can at this point. The mechanism is heavy and this may need a fair amount of force. Once it is high enough, the whole thing should then pivot out towards you, and the foot part can be opened out.