Mac Throat Sweets

Medicines & Health > Throat


Mac Throat Sweets
Mac Throat Sweets
Year: 1956
Views: 12,528
Item #: 848
"I know better!" says Joan Regan. Lovely Joan Regan does what many stars do. She keeps her throat free from infection with MAC Throat Sweets. She takes them always at the first suspicion of soreness...
Source: John Bull. January 7, 1956.

Comment by: Andre Ferrari on 14th February 2013 at 01:38

As kids, we grew rather partial to these, whether we had a sore throat or not. We just liked the taste. They were small, in a little twist of waxed paper. If someone could set up a museum where we could sample the tastes and smells of our past, I'm sure they would make a fortune.

Comment by: Joseramirez on 21st November 2011 at 22:02

Yes it's a pity they're no longer available. They're the only ones that ever really worked. I don't know what was in them but they were definitely effective.

Comment by: Terence Norton on 4th May 2011 at 10:06

why cant I still get MAC throat sweets ? they are the only cure for my sore throats