Nestle's Chocolate

Food > Confectionery

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Nestle's Chocolate
Nestle's Chocolate
Year: 1956
Views: 16,032
Item #: 856
Milk chocolate at its best. Here is the milk chocolate with the fresh taste. Your first bite tells you it's specially good - extra creamy and with a fullness of flavour found only in milk chocolate that is really fresh...
Source: John Bull. January 21, 1956.

Comment by: Michael on 3rd October 2020 at 02:30

As a boy the only time I ever saw Nestle's chocolate, (always in a red wrapper), was in coin-operated dispensing machines (which were also red) at railway stations. Nestlé must have made a sales arrangement with British Rail. For years, the price of a bar was 6d, and this 'tanner' bought a temporary diversion from the tedium of waiting for a train.

Being more accustomed to Cadbury's, for my taste Nestle's chocolate was always a tiny bit too sweet and creamy, but of course the opportunity to obtain a bar was never refused!