Famel Syrup

Medicines & Health > Throat


Famel Syrup
Famel Syrup
Year: 1955
Views: 41,707
Item #: 991
Coughs? take Famel Syrup ...soothes sore throat - eases the chest. From all chemists.
Source: Picture Post. February 19, 1955

Comment by: Valerie Donlon on 21st March 2023 at 06:39

I remember this stuff from childhood. The threat if it was enough to scare the cough away! My mother's go to cough bottle was Benylin, but father had Famel syrup. The taste still haunts me. ???? It must have been the creosote!

Comment by: Gordon Currie on 19th February 2023 at 21:39

I used to buy Boots Bronchial Mix...stank of ammonia but did the trick after 2 - 3 swigs!
Withdrawn because of the ammonia content. I ask you, have you ever known a stable hand with a cough or a cold?

Comment by: Sharon Bond on 12th February 2023 at 06:35

My Uncle loved it. I am sure that he was featured in their magazine. I recall; early 60s.
Would love to see the photo again! Anyone know how?

Comment by: Sonja Sparrow on 3rd December 2022 at 15:09

Absolutely disgusting medicine

Comment by: BR KINSLOW on 3rd December 2022 at 03:48

Rennies, New skin, Milk of Magnesia, Ex-lax, Vimoltol, Iodine and Famel Cough syrup seventy years ago were my mothers medikit. My father however only had one remedy - as a firm believer in the doctrine if it doesn't taste bad it does no good would give me a tablespoon of Influenza Cold Cure. Used to be bitter as gall and came as a clear liquid in a clear bottle with a white label and black script. I don't see it advertised any more - probably discontinued for cruelty to children!!

Comment by: Peter James on 10th October 2022 at 13:15

My late mother was an SRN and when I was a child this was her go-to medication for me if I came down with a chesty cough.
It was worth catching a cough just for the taste of it...

Comment by: ROBERT SHAW on 25th May 2022 at 17:23

Sixty years ago, as a little cathedral chorister, Famel was easily the best throat clearer. I recall pastilles as well as syrup. Still singing nowadays!

Comment by: karen Zorn on 2nd April 2022 at 16:43

Is there anyone who collect different medicine from Famel Syrup
from ChemDrug Corp./ New York. With Dist. of E Fougera & Co.
My grandparents gave me a bottle that never been open. Would it still be good. I have had it for about 40 yr.
Thanks Karen

Comment by: Pat on 20th December 2021 at 09:24

Yes you are all right had a cough for about 6 YEARS cannot get Friday of it, had all test but just a cough wish we could buy it

Comment by: Jay on 23rd July 2021 at 02:18

I remember what this tastes like and I loved it and it really really worked there is nothing out there at all that works like this

Comment by: Janice Bartholomeusz on 22nd March 2020 at 02:01

The best thing in the world. I reckon it would help people with virus now

Comment by: Anne O’Leary on 18th January 2019 at 21:10

My Dad (a former industrial chameidt) swore by Famel.
Just googled it for my daughter who has a maddening cough but noticed it’s now banned!
I remember the taste of creosote but ... it worked.

Comment by: Pauline on 17th January 2019 at 18:39

I hated the taste of famel syrup, but it worked, it cleared the phlegm proper. I certainly could do with it right now, as nothing else works.

Comment by: Anne on 10th January 2019 at 20:02

I asked about Famel Syrup in Boots the chemist today as it was great at shifting the catarrah. It tasted foul but did the trick. Anyway the chemist said it ceased being sold as it contained morphine so was banned!! What a shame !

Comment by: Mark on 3rd January 2019 at 20:46

It got stopped like everything else that’s work. The corporation have interest in pharmaceuticals only. It’s there investment peoples lives don’t matter. Money does. Such a shame but that’s the way

Comment by: Ben Walsh on 11th October 2018 at 20:09

I was just talking to my sister about various childhood memories and Famels cough startup came up. It was dished out to us children at the slightest hint of a cough or cold and generally did the trick. I do have to say I loved the taste of it. About 10 years ago whilst suffering with a cough on holiday I went into a traditional chemist and asked if they sold it. The chemist looked at me in puzzlement and said she’d never heard of it. She went away and checked and told me that it isn’t produced anymore. A real shame as it actually worked. Cough syrups today just don’t work!

Comment by: Tim on 23rd January 2017 at 23:44

Anyone know where to get some today?

Comment by: Patricia on 28th March 2016 at 19:25

Famel syrup never failed to do the trick. I always had a tin of the pastilles in my bag. One of those stopped anything getting a hold. They tasted great and that smell of creosote was heaven. I suppose it was the knowledge of how effective it was. Why do all the really good products have to be replaced?

Comment by: Joan on 18th October 2015 at 09:52

My mother suffered with her chest most of her adult life but she always said Famel was the only liquid that would lift the phlegm off her chest. I have tried to purchase it but cannot fined it on the shelves anymore.

Any ideas please

Comment by: Ramona Giron on 6th April 2015 at 19:23

I recently came across a small full bottle of this at a give away. The family's grandfather had passed snd had many antique treasures. I picked it up on the off chance it would be worth something. If anyone knows please contact me.

Comment by: dusty bloo on 20th January 2015 at 20:53

there was nothing better than famel syrup have a spoon full in tea or coffee till u get used to the taste then sip it from the bottle but not a lot it can make u drousy bi for now

Comment by: Pearl Haycock on 30th November 2014 at 21:40

I am 62 years of age and I was talking to my Mum about when she used to force me to take 'Famel' linctus. I didn't know what was in it, I just used to know how HORRIBLE it tasted!!! I can still taste it now after all these years. I don't like Jaggers and I know why!!! They taste like FAMEL!!!

Comment by: Donald on 24th March 2014 at 15:46

Famels Syrup was the only thing,apart from warm sunshine, that would cure my cough. It contained medicinal creosote! Didn't they used to say that the guys who tarmaced the roads never got colds?

Comment by: Helen on 21st February 2014 at 12:42

I remember Famel Syrup , the cure for all !! Looking back I think we were probably all addicted to the stuff. Gone but never forgotten.

Comment by: Mike Mcdonnell on 18th February 2014 at 13:52

Just another part of life gone in the nanny state rollercoaster,where the hells my Famel syryp gone

Comment by: Dazla67 on 4th February 2014 at 22:58

OMG!!! Famel my childhood elixir helped me through alot of chesty problems. I wish I had a gallon of it now what's a little creasote among friends lol its probably why I love jagermeister so much! Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope we see a return from this delicious nectar but I won't hold my breath!!!

Comment by: Mike on 19th December 2013 at 11:01

It always worked for me and the pastels as well.They were like sweets.RIP

Comment by: James Hicken on 23rd January 2013 at 14:28

I remember Famel too. I worked for the Keldon Grouo of companies during the 60's namely Optrex Ltd which sold Famel to Pharmcies only, along with many other products. Famel was a cough mixture containing I believe creasote!! The stuff you put on fences!! but it seemed to do the trick when taken for the chest. Amazing! No!

Comment by: Suzy Jacobs on 29th August 2012 at 17:29

I was given this as a child ,and now in older age I have developed the same sort of cough,to which the doctors keep prescribing asthma pumps whcih do not work,I know if I was to have Famel Syrup again I would be cured,where can I get it from ?

Comment by: Trunky on 18th December 2011 at 20:46

I must have got through pints of that stuff as a boy. Apparently the indredients also included creosote, no wonder it was so effective at clearing chesty coughs!