
Household > Painting, Decorating


Year: 1955
Views: 9,345
Item #: 995
The perfect paint for walls and ceilings. This is the paint that everyone is talking about - Pammastic. Goes on easily. Needs no undercoat. Dries in an hour or so with a velvet matt finish...
Source: Picture Post. February 12, 1955

Comment by: Wayne Williamson on 17th April 2024 at 07:12

Still have a empty 2 gallon can in my shed that my father retained from his days as a painter & decorator in South Australia in the 1950's.

Comment by: Philip Westwood on 11th August 2023 at 15:43

My first job was for a rural based builder in 1964.
I remember Blundell's pammastic paint very well and if I remember correctly it came in 1 gallon tins.
Quite frequently it was called "colourwash".My employer believed in getting value for money and would never use the paint without "watering it down."
I well remember on one occasion, him complaining that it took five coats of "Blundell's pammastic" to cover fresh plastered walls; even at the age of fifteen, I thought to myself " well, if you hadn't watered down so much, it wouldn't have taken five coats" but of course, I and everybody else would have never said so.
Happy memories (mostly)
Philip Westwood, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire.

Comment by: B J Howard on 24th January 2013 at 14:15

I worked for a hardware / ironmongers in the city of London. In the 50s I used to collect Pammel & Pammastic paint from a warehouse in Upper Thames st.I retired after 43yrs. With my my Position is a cylindrical tool pack,given by a Blundell Spence rep. In1957/8 .The paints were the best you could buy .are they still made? Yours B J H..